Sure, I'll start with the Godhead... the Atom, or as I like to call it, "God's Three Dimensional Pixel"...
As you can see, each Sub-Atomic Particle is associated with part of the Trinity.
The Holy Ghost is where we get "Power", or Electrons.
Jesus is the Word or Proton. Why the Proton? Because the Protons are what determine what type of Atom it is. One Word = Hydrogen. Two Words = Helium and so on.
The Father is the Neutral Party.
So for example...
Mark 13:26
"And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory"
The Son of Man (Proton) comes in the Clouds (Electrons). The two combined would be Hydrogen, the Chief Cornerstone of the Periodic Table. Numero Uno.
Electron "Clouds" look like this...
Put it all together and you get the Glory, or the Rainbow...
Question. Where is the Father in the Hydrogen atom?
- viole