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How is the crime where you live?

  • Thread starter angellous_evangellous
  • Start date


Just curious.

I'm in Fort Worth, and the crime in my neighborhood is almost completely out of control. There has been a rash of home invasions all over the Metroplex since the holidays, and there's no sign of it slowing down. On my block there have been six that I know of in the past six months, and a few weeks ago a house three houses down from me had an armed man kick down the door at 1pm on a Saturday and shot the homeowner.

I do my homework with a fully loaded 9mil on my desk and sleep next to a cell phone (they are cutting phone lines before they kick down doors), a very large flashlight that can be used as a club, and a fully loaded Mossberg home defense 12 gauge. I am also a black belt in Tae kwon do, but I hope to God never to fight someone hand to hand in my own house.

I've already talked to a real estate agent about leaving the area, and we have to wait six months to sell.


Veteran Member
Sometime I would love to visit the USA and see. It sounds like it came straight out of Mad Max. Fear, crime, guns.


unbelievable we dont have any appreciable crime at all compared to you, just one incident like that would shock the whole nation. i think i now understand your stance on killing scumbags


Sometime I would love to visit the USA and see. It sounds like it came straight out of Mad Max. Fear, crime, guns.

Pray you make it out alive.

It's no fun I assure you.

I wish that we were basically a gun-less society like the UK, but the gun culture here is so engrained that it would take decades to rid the population of guns. I would love for us to be like the UK in this regard, but that just won't happen for a long time.


why do you think its like that , really how has it come to the way you have to live , with guns ready in case they cut of your phone line and crash thruogh your door


why do you think its like that , really how has it come to the way you have to live , with guns ready in case they cut of your phone line and crash thruogh your door

Some people are scum. They are scum and I hope they all kill eachother over drugs or something before they break into someone else's house.

I think that they are lazy greedy scumbags who would rather rob someone at gun-point rather than earn an honest living.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Crime here is very localized. In some areas of the city you can expect to be victimised on a regular basis,in other areas there there is very little crime.

During the Summer I leave my windows wide open with only a screen dividing inside and outside. Anyone could enter with no trouble at all. This is obvious to anyone driving by, and I'm often not home, but in this particular section of town people seem pretty respectful of other's spaces.


Veteran Member
Some people are scum. They are scum and I hope they all kill eachother over drugs or something before they break into someone else's house.

I think that they are lazy greedy scumbags who would rather rob someone at gun-point rather than earn an honest living.

We have an irreconcileable view of people. I'm done.


Veteran Member
it may not be so irreconcilable if you lived in his neighbouhood

I had a colleague in town here who said the same to me about my disdain for the vigilante group he was involved with. We once lived in a rough part of a city. Our car was robbed several times our flat was cleaned out a few times. My neighbour used sit behind his door with an iron bar waiting for them. I don't live in a bubble. I have experienced crime, thankfully I live in a rural place now but my views were the same when we were living in rough parts of the city.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
You are welcome to move up here to Canaduh any time A_E. On my island paradise with 5000 inhabitants, there is very little crime to speak of. We have three RCMP constables for the entire island and they are bored witless, lol. I'll put some more shrimps on the barby, if you are coming for dinner. :)


Admiral Obvious
In the little community in which I live about the worse there is is a traffic ticket for speeding in a school zone.
Unless you consider being taken to the jail for 'public drunkedness' to sleep it off, worse.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I'm on the fringes of suburban Toronto.

There is crime out here, but violent crime tends to be the exception rather than the norm... though the exceptions can be severe sometimes: for example, a few years ago, there was a period of several months where one or more people would drive around my friend's parents' neighborhood randomly shooting at houses.

From what I gather from the local paper, most of the stuff that takes up the cops' time around here tends to be fairly minor: fights between drunk college kids when the bars let out and the like.

There seems to be quite a bit of activity around growing and supplying marijuana, but at least for the past several years, there hasn't been much violence associated with it. The violence that was there (and it was rather bad for several years,especially in Quebec, when two rival biker gangs were battling for control of the pot trade) tended to be between criminals, though sometimes with unintended innocent victims. It seems like a heavy police crackdown on the more violent aspects of the pot trade really did have an effect.

I think that around here, the odds of someone who isn't engaged in crime being the intentional target of violence are very low. I've known a few people who have been the victims of theft, but I can only think of one who was robbed at the point of a weapon - all the rest were cases of breaking or sneaking in when nobody was around.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Just curious.

I'm in Fort Worth, and the crime in my neighborhood is almost completely out of control. There has been a rash of home invasions all over the Metroplex since the holidays, and there's no sign of it slowing down. On my block there have been six that I know of in the past six months, and a few weeks ago a house three houses down from me had an armed man kick down the door at 1pm on a Saturday and shot the homeowner.

I do my homework with a fully loaded 9mil on my desk and sleep next to a cell phone (they are cutting phone lines before they kick down doors), a very large flashlight that can be used as a club, and a fully loaded Mossberg home defense 12 gauge. I am also a black belt in Tae kwon do, but I hope to God never to fight someone hand to hand in my own house.

I've already talked to a real estate agent about leaving the area, and we have to wait six months to sell.

My wifes cousin married a cherokee indian and she was studying to be a doctor in Fort
Worth and we were supposed to go and visit but her cousin told me not to as the level of violence was so bad that he ad to drive to the store which was in walking distance and he had a 9mm,now they live in California.
Where i live in the UK is quite safe but everybody in the neighbourhood watches out for each other but in London gun crime is increasing.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I live in a neighborhood that has one of the lowest crime rates in the city, and the city has a low crime rate.