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How is the crime where you live?

  • Thread starter angellous_evangellous
  • Start date


I think my town is fairly typical of towns of its size (120,000). Me personally, I wouldn't have a concern walking late at night , but I wouldn't advise it to young lone females. Thankfully, firearms are not a common personal item one carries, although knives are bad enough. We have a significant problem with hoon drivers, senseless damage and graffiti, which is disappointing.


doppelgänger;1043473 said:
It's worse in some areas than others, if that's what you mean, though even that varies depending on the type of crime.

Can you guess which areas are higher for violent crimes?

If it's anything like Ft Worth, it would be the nicer side of town.

Six months ago, almost every store within 1/4 mile of my home was robbed by an armed person. That was 14 armed robberies at stores that I shop at (a video place, gas station, grocery store, local taco place) and know the workers. A son of the owner of the grocery store was shot in the neck. He's paralyzed. They caught the scumbag, but the mom and pop place had no video and he was not charged with attempted murder. He'll be out in seven years or less.


doppelgänger;1043692 said:
Why do you think that is?

Lots of reasons. This list is not in any order.

1) They have stuff to steal

2) Folks in gated communities are arrogant and are not defensive (eg., locking doors, keeping stuff out of sight, having recognizable patterns like jogging at the same time every day)

3) They trust too much in their security systems, even when they are off

4) Their neighborhoods are not patrolled like others (eg., less police presence)

5) They are more likely to report violent crime and therefore we know more about their info for stats.


Well-Known Member
Pick-pocketing, purse-snatching, and burglary of hotels rooms are the worst crime we have it is aimed more at tourists however; a large amount of this crime is not committed by Thai nationals it is transient labor and "backpacker" tourists that see a crime of opportunity because everyone really lets down their guard here. We have a very low rate of violent crime and again the violent crime seems to fall into the tourist crowed according to the latest census and it is primarily due to intoxication and bar fights. As far as the Thai population goes the biggest crime committed is drunk driving during the holidays. Before anyone starts to say I'm being bias I would like to tell you we have a separate police force here in the city called "the tourist police" it consists of officers from 27 different nations including the USA, UK, Australia, Germany, etc. they deal with the above crime I mentioned and they have police cars and trucks while the Thai regular police drive motorcycles.

Political violence directed at the current Thai government in southern Thailand (mostly Islamic radicals) is a continuing problem. Violence associated with drug traffickers is also a continuing problem along the Burmese border region.

In Bangkok our capital city the crime rate is relatively low overall when compared to its urban counterparts in the U.S. and Europe. Generally speaking, it is a safe place to conduct business and tourist activities. Most criminal activity is limited to non-confrontational street crimes such as pick-pocketing, purse snatching, jewelry and tourist fraud (gems, ivory, souvenir shopping, or taxi scams) and credit card theft.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Its been on the news here all week about 3 youths who kicked a man to death,he nly asked them to stop making a noise and smashing wing mirrors.
The thing is they will be out in ten years ready to do it again,there are times when things like this happen and especially when paedophiles are involved i would like to see the death penalty or they have to throw away the key and they should never get out.


Harvey Wallbanger
Where I actually live, there is no crime. I am on the outskirts of town and all of the people where I live are good to each other. We know each other at this apartment complex and look out for each other. Being on the outskirts is good, as there aren't many criminals who would care to drive up here.

Where I work on the other hand is downtown. When I am on the early **** and go into work at about 1AM..... I see prostitues, drug dealers, pimps, bums, drunks, drug addicts, etc...

In Spokane, we have some crime. Mostly it is drugs and car theives. Where I live I don't think about it and leave my door unlocked often. Where I work.... well, I keep my doors locked! ha haha. I have never had a problem personally with crime here. We have had cars at work broken into. I find that all I have to do is keep all my trash in my car! Then I don't litter and theives don't want to break into it when they see the mess inside. Cleaner cars are better to rob I guess.

I grew up in Albuquerque, gang-town USA! It sounds much more like Ft Worth. Our neighborhood was a good neighborhood with good neighbors. Yet, we had: car theft, break-ins, drugs, graffitti, fights, and even a murder..... that was just in the two block radius I lived in.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I live in the Orlando area and the crime here is AMPLIFIED because of our touristas. They make easy marks and then they seem to scream the loudest because they are visiting!

I have had to endure crime here including an assault at night in the local Winn Dixie parking lot (18 stitches). But, I don't feel the need to protect myself or to punish these perps. Money is replaceable and most wounds heal. I was more afraid the last time I was in Columbia and I think I felt the safest when I was in Cuba or Bonaire.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
My hometown of Belleville, IL isn't that bad in some places, but it can be terrible in others. And to boot, we are right next door to East St. Louis, IL.......which I remember is even worse than places like Gary, IN. I think only Compton rivals the violent crime that is a norm in these parts.

St. Louis also rates up there quite a bit as having one of the highest crime rates from year to year.

Wait, so does this mean that I've some street cred here at RF? I drive through East St. Louis at least once a week in order to cut drive time to get to highway 64/40......so does that count? Am I at least a little ghetto? :flirt:



My hometown of Belleville, IL isn't that bad in some places, but it can be terrible in others. And to boot, we are right next door to East St. Louis, IL.......which I remember is even worse than places like Gary, IN. I think only Compton rivals the violent crime that is a norm in these parts.

St. Louis also rates up there quite a bit as having one of the highest crime rates from year to year.

Wait, so does this mean that I've some street cred here at RF? I drive through East St. Louis at least once a week in order to cut drive time to get to highway 64/40......so does that count? Am I at least a little ghetto? :flirt:


I'm trading in my 9mm for a .38 or a .357 for more stopping power. Plus I like the safety features of a revolver - just pull the hammer back and fire - no need to **** the 9mm and click the safety off. Unlike some, I have no desire to put 5 slugs into someone repeatedly (with the semi-auto clip). I'd rather fire once and be done with it.

Dr. Nosophoros

Active Member
just pull the hammer back and fire -

I thought you just pulled the trigger and don't have to pick up the brass then go on your way.
Just a thought:
Most criminals who commit personal crimes have graduated to them, personal crimes usually aren't their first gig as crooks so they will probably have a long arrest log (and a long list of potential enemies). Utilizing that knowledge and not leaving brass(evidence) laying around usually ensures you will get away with the killing of an idiot that would have killed you if you hadn't shot and injured or killed them first.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Overall, it's not too bad. If your in the black part of town though, it can be very hostile at times, especially if you are white.
One of the biggest problems though is scrap theft. It's fairly high right now, and getting higher.