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How Many Athiest if any Have "Moments of Doubt"

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Depends Upon My Mood..
Im just curious..I have moments of doubt..They are usually brief..But sometimes for days..Then I always go back to being convinced and 100% positive there is a God.

Do Athiest do this in reverse?..Wonder if they are wrong?..And if so does it frighten you?..Because it frightens me when I feel unsure..




Well-Known Member
Ofcourse if you see a magnificant piece of art/skill you are almost always like "No way a human could have done that without help"


Lord of the Badgers
It's difficult to tell for me, going from atheist to theist back to agnostic/atheist.

But I would say it's not so much about doubt, there's not a lot to doubt really, more like "what if?" which isn't really the same thing. But no, I don't really get a lot of doubt/what if going on, I'm fairly stable in what I believe now.


Active Member
Of course. I have doubt. I'm pregnant right now and feeling that little one move around is miraculous. My other son is a little miracle too.

I just think that if there is a God, it is far beyond anything any of us can comprehend and I am happy letting the mystery be. I think that if there is a supreme creator, it/he/she is nothing like what is described in traditional religious books and it's not reading my mind and monitoring my actions, determining my fate after death, you know what I mean?

But of course I have doubt. Doesn't everyone?


Active Member
I sometimes have doubts. I'm ashamed to say that a lot of them are to do with fear. I wasn't brought up in any religion but the only school in our area was a Christian one. My parents thought it was just a school with a church attached, they didn't realise that the religious ideas permeated all aspects of education there. I still have nightmares about the things I was told, about hell and such. I get cold sweats and wonder about whether or not I should become a Christian just incase. This usually lasts a few days and then fades. Indoctrination really is a powerful tool, I'm still amazed I escaped. My parents were shocked when they heard about the stuff I was being told and decided to move me to a school further away. Thank goodness!

- David


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Do Athiest do this in reverse?
I am sure most do.

Wonder if they are wrong?
I NEVER claim to be right. So this is a non-issue to me. Being "right" has little relevance in my reality... and because of that... I usually am.

And if so does it frighten you?
Quite the opposite, actually. I have no doubt whatsoever that the gods that are proclaimed by the various religions, do not, in fact, exist. At least, not how they are presented as being. For example, I do not think of myself as being so utterly important as to necessitate the intervention of "god" "himself" shortly after I die, physically. The idea seems a bit preposterous actually that "god" would trouble itself with little old me. I see these judgment scenario's as being like the ego's last stand and view the whole concept as being highly egocentric and egotistically motivated.

Because it frightens me when I feel unsure..
I don't frighten easily and it would take a lot more than a ticked off "god" to upset me, lol.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Thanks ya'll...

I figured most have doubt..But i was just curious what that felt like for an athiest.Oddly the way its been described by some of ya'll especially Hexaqua is almost identical to how I feel..It just further enhances my belief how very similar but at the same time unique all people are..No matter what we believe or dont believe.Its a comforting feeling.We are all just people trying to figure things out.:)



Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The question doesn't bother me. If there was a god I'd simply be a deist, and my ethics and morals would remain unchanged.

And please don't cite that tired "Pascal's Wager" fallacy. ;)


Deviled Hen
I was an atheist for years and didn't have any moments of doubt, no.

I didn't become an theist on account of any doubt either...just an infusion of new information really.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I was an atheist for years and didn't have any moments of doubt, no.

I didn't become an theist on account of any doubt either...just an infusion of new information really.

I think its so fascinating when an athiest aquires spirtual belief..Its seems its much more frequent for it to be the other way around..I dont know that to be a fact it just seems that way ...




I can't say that I have ever doubted the non-existence of any "god". Even when severely ill a couple of years ago (and nearly dying) I had no need to start believing in any deities. It was me who got myself through the illness, with the help of the highly trained medical staff.

If anything, as every day passes by, my belief in atheism is strengthened, especially by the awful, prejudice actions of many of the believers of the world!


I have moments when I desperately wish there was a benevolent god, moments when the idea of oblivion scares the living **** out of me, but it never makes me believe, as comforting as that would be.


A fool
Heya DallasApple
As others have said, it isn't a moment but constant. For me, atheism isn't about being 100% convinced that there is no God but simply being more than 50% sure that there is no God.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I can't say that I have ever doubted the non-existence of any "god". Even when severely ill a couple of years ago (and nearly dying) I had no need to start believing in any deities. It was me who got myself through the illness, with the help of the highly trained medical staff.

If anything, as every day passes by, my belief in atheism is strengthened, especially by the awful, prejudice actions of many of the believers of the world!

Your blessed then..

Sometimes Im tortured and confused and afraid.

And Im the opposite of you..It seems these times of "what ifs' or "doubt" are increasing in frequency and in lenght..I feel like the worst Christian in the world..Sometimes I feel like I dont even know what I believe anymore..The one consistant is I love Jesus..The rest goes around and around in my head swirling and tumbling...WAHHH!!




Depends Upon My Mood..
Heya DallasApple
As others have said, it isn't a moment but constant. For me, atheism isn't about being 100% convinced that there is no God but simply being more than 50% sure that there is no God.

So your stuck in the middle huh?...Does that suck?..Or do you just seek out answers?


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