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How many Creators exist?


Organic, kinetic learner
Every time I ask a question about God, the Creator, I get hundreds of different answers mostly in constant disagreement no matter whether the respondents are of the "same" faith or not.

That leads me to ask. If a person's God is a product of each person's own desires for a God with specific attributes, why bother citing religious texts that every contributor appears to interpret differently?

If I ask, "what is the capital of France?" every intelligent person would respond, "Paris". If I ask, "is God male or female", I get as many opinions as contributors.

Are you all telling me that each of you make up each or your Gods to your own liking and to your ability to imagine, or that there are many Gods, one for each believer?


Are you all telling me that each of you make up each or your Gods to your own liking and to your ability to imagine, or that there are many Gods, one for each believer?
There are many perceptions of gods, and since there is no substantial evidence to prove the existence of gods outside the human mind, there are as many gods as you think there are.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
There are many Gods, each for the believer, but the secret is none of them exist :D (as far as we know -saying that so people do not get angry :D-)

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Are you all telling me that each of you make up each or your Gods to your own liking and to your ability to imagine, or that there are many Gods, one for each believer?

Yes, for me anyway. :yes: I can't speak for others though. :no: I don't suppose that helps very much. :sorry1: But I got to use lots of Smiles and that makes me smile. :D


Active Member
Every time I ask a question about God, the Creator, I get hundreds of different answers mostly in constant disagreement no matter whether the respondents are of the "same" faith or not.

That leads me to ask. If a person's God is a product of each person's own desires for a God with specific attributes, why bother citing religious texts that every contributor appears to interpret differently?

If I ask, "what is the capital of France?" every intelligent person would respond, "Paris". If I ask, "is God male or female", I get as many opinions as contributors.

Are you all telling me that each of you make up each or your Gods to your own liking and to your ability to imagine, or that there are many Gods, one for each believer?

Yes, people create ideas so you must search for the truth. If 100 people see a scene , everyone will describe it in a different pattern but this doesn't cancel the presence of an original truth that you must search for and doesn't mean the scene didn't happen.


Active Member
There are many Gods, each for the believer, but the secret is none of them exist :D (as far as we know -saying that so people do not get angry :D-)
Every industrial design in the world must have had a designer and you say that the whole universe came by chance. I don't get angry, I just feel pity.


Active Member
Every creator has a creator.
So there could be zero or an infinite number of'm.

So there's a creator who started the ceation initially. Humans and the universe must have a creator. Humans modify the raw material that was previously created so they ain't creators, they are just modifiers so don't get so proud.


Rogue Theologian
Every time I ask a question about God, the Creator, I get hundreds of different answers mostly in constant disagreement no matter whether the respondents are of the "same" faith or not.

That leads me to ask. If a person's God is a product of each person's own desires for a God with specific attributes, why bother citing religious texts that every contributor appears to interpret differently?

If I ask, "what is the capital of France?" every intelligent person would respond, "Paris". If I ask, "is God male or female", I get as many opinions as contributors.

Are you all telling me that each of you make up each or your Gods to your own liking and to your ability to imagine, or that there are many Gods, one for each believer?

I like the question.

My Creator is easy to describe....Almighty.
Top of the line in always...His will cannot be set aside.

Now you might ask.....His will....

In regards to creation...the ability to say...."let there be (...)...."
And that item becomes reality.

There may be lesser beings allowed to manipulate.
But there can be only one Creator.

I say this much as the next life leans to will...rather than works of the hand.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
So there's a creator who started the ceation initially. Humans and the universe must have a creator. Humans modify the raw material that was previously created so they ain't creators, they are just modifiers so don't get so proud.
Tis not pride, but rather sarcasm about claiming to know the unverifiable.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Are you all telling me that each of you make up each or your Gods to your own liking and to your ability to imagine, or that there are many Gods, one for each believer?

Do you actually think that people think they make up those gods?

Only a few people believe that it takes belief in a god for that god to exist. What a pathetic kind of god that is...

There exists a certain reality, and everyone perceives it differently. We can't help it, our individuality causes us to experience life uniquely. So even if there is only one truth, we experience it differently and therefore have a huge array of beliefs.

Now it is up to you to decide if it is meant to be this way or if our inability to know the absolute truth objectively is completely spiritually devastating. Personally, I do not see the logic in a God creating us as subjective and ignorant beings and expecting us to all have the exact same perspectives and convictions.


Hostis humani generis
If I ask, "is God male or female", I get as many opinions as contributors.
Not really, you got four answers:

  • Male
  • Female
  • Ttranscendental ("Both or neither")
  • Doesn't exist

Usually the genders seemed to refer not to physical gender, either. Only a few, from my experience, said physically male.

Are you all telling me that each of you make up each or your Gods to your own liking and to your ability to imagine, or that there are many Gods, one for each believer?
No, that's not what people have been saying.

See what Madhuri said. She said it better than I.

"Five blind people and an elephant". That metaphor fits quite well.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
IMO it should be obvious that if you must consider the universe is created by a conscious effort [I do], then the evidence you would consider as proof, shows rather incontrovertibly [as far as it goes] that there are multiple creators.

The basic properties of the universe itself result in no single event or object which is unique and has no other like it. All objects and phenomena occur in multiples. Therefore, the number of creators must also be multiple, and possibly, legion.