I am bisexual... and I do not support the idea of creating a "LGBTI" subforum. The idea seems like it be unfair to heterosexual people who do not have their own subforum, for obvious reasons, reasons that should apply to everyone else as well. And that term- LGBT, or in this case, LGBTI- it groups together everyone who is homosexual, bisexual, and "transgender" (and in this case, intersexual or hermaphroditic as well, which has nothing to do with sexual orientation). I find the term LGBT ridiculous because it implies that I must have so much more in common with people who are not heterosexual, than those who are. It links me to stereotypes that I have nothing to do with. It connects me to people who have nothing to do with me, as if I must be somehow involved with some "community" because of who I find beautiful and because of who I enjoy f***ing.