This is almost enitrely false.
Nobody in the 60s thought oil would be gone in 10 years. If you contend othewise, show us your source.
Nobody serious in the 70s predicted an ice age in 10 years. If you contend otherwise, show us your source.
Regarding acid rain, the reason why it has not had the impact we were warned about is because legislation came in to control NOx and SOx,
as a result of the warnings.
Regarding the ozone layer, the reason why it has not been destroyed is because of an unprecedented international effort to save it, via the Montreal Protocol, which resulted in legislation banning the worst ozone-damaging substances,
as a result of the warnings.
Nobody in 2000 said the ice caps would be gone in ten years. However they are going, fast, as predicted.
It is pretty stupid to suggest that a prediction of potential disaster was wrong, when the prediction was in fact the cause of the remedial action that prevented it.