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How many times can you repent until God decides not to forgive you anymore?

i'm not talking about doing a psychical sin now and asking for forgiveness tonight and doing the same sin again tomorrow. What i mean is i sometimes (one or twice a day) have uncontrollable bad thoughts about God and i ask for forgiveness every time, so when does God say I'm sick of your ********* and won't forgive me anymore?


Active Member
i'm not talking about doing a psychical sin now and asking for forgiveness tonight and doing the same sin again tomorrow. What i mean is i sometimes (one or twice a day) have uncontrollable bad thoughts about God and i ask for forgiveness every time, so when does God say I'm sick of your ********* and won't forgive me anymore?

we can actually repent 100000...... times, and if we commit that sin again, we can again repent.
but there is a great virtue of true repentance, there is a saying of prophet Muhammad(may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that when a believer repents and never repeats that sin, then God removes that bad deed from his book of records, and replaces that with good deeds.
repentance is not accepted if we do it while dying.
and God knows best.
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Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
There is no limit. God will forgive you as many times as you come back to Him, no exceptions. :)

Knight of Albion

Well-Known Member
Where there is Love, there is forgiveness ...

* Remember though that the Law of Cause and effect is a self-regulating law. There may be forgiveness, but you still have to reap what you have sown, otherwise the Law would be a mockery.

If 'you' were sincere in your repentance you would yearn to make amends anyhow.

Knight of Albion

Well-Known Member
i'm not talking about doing a psychical sin now and asking for forgiveness tonight and doing the same sin again tomorrow. What i mean is i sometimes (one or twice a day) have uncontrollable bad thoughts about God and i ask for forgiveness every time, so when does God say I'm sick of your ********* and won't forgive me anymore?

God has very broad shoulders ...


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
The Scriptures say everyone will be made clean. Righteousness originates with God, not men.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
i'm not talking about doing a psychical sin now and asking for forgiveness tonight and doing the same sin again tomorrow. What i mean is i sometimes (one or twice a day) have uncontrollable bad thoughts about God and i ask for forgiveness every time, so when does God say I'm sick of your ********* and won't forgive me anymore?

A person struggling to overcome some engrained habit may have setbacks. If we are trying hard to do God's will, and confess our sins to him, he will forgive us. I think it is important to realize that, despite our best efforts, we will sin from time to time. Regarding this, the Bible says: "If we make the statement, “We have no sin,” we are misleading ourselves and the truth is not in us.*If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we make the statement, “We have not sinned,” we are making him a liar, and his word is not in us."(1 John 1:8-10) Sins due to imperfection are far different from deliberately sinning, then asking God to forgive us without truly repenting. And the true God knows the difference.


New Member
In our doctrine we teach that true repentance is a forsaking of sin. A study of the greek repentance in the New Testament suggests that true repentance involves a change of heart and mind. The hebrew form in the Old Testament suggests turning from sin. In the Book of Mormon repentance entails both of these things and suggests that God can only forgive us "from" our sins, not "in" our sins. I believe that is very important. It is imperative to remember grace as we truly seek to repent. Christ has suffered justice for our sins and therefore can extend mercy once we truly change (repent), but what about the bad habits we don't like about ourselves. I'd suggest that is what grace is all about. A phone company may extend a grace period to pay a late bill. The service has been used and therefore must be paid. They won't condemn but they surely must be paid. So, once the bill is paid then the service can stay in use. Justice cannot be robbed by mercy without payment. Same with sin. Christ suffers the justice of the sin. Grace is given as we struggle to truly overcome our sins and weaknesses. Once we change, then the debt can be forgiven through Jesus Christ. Grace is crucial to us having time to overcome any part of our character that is not saintly or godly. Eventually we root out all the evil through the grace extending to us by God. This grace is also an enabling power that God extends to us to overcome. He makes us stronger than we can possibly be without Him in our lives. Repentance takes time usually. It is a beautiful gift from Jesus Christ to us.

Also, He never turns His back on us in this process. Isaiah and the Book of Mormon teach that His hands are outstretched still. In my opinion, this means that not matter how far we've gone or how much sin has stained our lives, we can still turn to Him and repent and His grace and mercy are sufficient as we go through this repentance process. Also, we can instantly feel His grace filling our lives. He rewards all steps toward complete repentance. He is right there with us encouraging us when we fall. He is like a father helping a toddler learn to walk, helping him along but never condemning. As the Book of Mormon teaches, "his grace is sufficient."
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Higher and Higher
i'm not talking about doing a psychical sin now and asking for forgiveness tonight and doing the same sin again tomorrow. What i mean is i sometimes (one or twice a day) have uncontrollable bad thoughts about God and i ask for forgiveness every time, so when does God say I'm sick of your ********* and won't forgive me anymore?

At least in Jewish thought, we don't hold that thoughts are actions, and only actions can be sins.

And even if there were some element of wrongness to thinking bad thoughts about God, the only injured party is God Himself, and He is endlessly willing to forgive. God always forgives those who seek His forgiveness.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
How many times can you repent until God decides not to forgive you anymore?

I don't think we need to think in terms of black/white, sin/not sin, forgiveness/non-forgiveness. A sin is a thought or behavior that will take you further from the goal of peace and well-being. So, if there's a particular sin you keep committing you should sit down and rationally think out was is going on in your mind. And once you can rationally understand what is going on with you, come up with a plan and use determination to improve yourself.


Outstanding Member
i'm not talking about doing a psychical sin now and asking for forgiveness tonight and doing the same sin again tomorrow. What i mean is i sometimes (one or twice a day) have uncontrollable bad thoughts about God and i ask for forgiveness every time, so when does God say I'm sick of your ********* and won't forgive me anymore?

It sounds like you are having conflicting thoughts and mixed feelings towards god. I think it would be better if you sorted this out before asking for forgiveness again.


Premium Member
i'm not talking about doing a psychical sin now and asking for forgiveness tonight and doing the same sin again tomorrow. What i mean is i sometimes (one or twice a day) have uncontrollable bad thoughts about God and i ask for forgiveness every time, so when does God say I'm sick of your ********* and won't forgive me anymore?

Well, in the Gospels, Jesus told Peter to forgive his brother 7 times 70 times, per this verse:

Matthew 18:22 Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven!

I am sure that God would forgive many more times than even that, in my opinion and in my faith.

Edited to add: It is not a good thing to sin deliberately, according to Christianity, however.


New Member
I would add that I believe we are commanded to forgive but for God to forgive requires real repentance. If we don't forgive then we are saying that we are God and we decide who has truly repented and who hasn't. He knows us perfectly and He will be perfectly just and merciful in how he deals with us. He will judge us according to His omniscience. God is love so we don't need to worry that He won't know us perfectly. I think who we are before Him, at the day of judgement, will testify to who we have become through this mortal experience.
i'm not talking about doing a psychical sin now and asking for forgiveness tonight and doing the same sin again tomorrow. What i mean is i sometimes (one or twice a day) have uncontrollable bad thoughts about God and i ask for forgiveness every time, so when does God say I'm sick of your ********* and won't forgive me anymore?

Do you fear him as much as you love him? it's normal for negative thoughts to pop up, whispers are always there. When you develop a strong sense of fear in him, you won't want to disappoint and also a strong sense of love. The reason i wrote fear first is because as humans we need to be put in line, hence the laws of the country that you have to follow. I feared him so much when i first started practicing but as you pray you feel his presence change a bit from angry to neutral to this overwhelming sense of love...now complete adoration..don't get me wrong i still struggle with things that i go through and i get frustrated with him but you have to make sure to repent right after as he is the most wisest, he does everything for the betterment of his servants..it's just hard to comprehend this especially when your in complete emotional pain..but that's the test.

When a thought comes into your mind that is negative but you know you don't agree with but want to entertain quickly say "these are not thoughts of my soul God, please forgive me" do this every time and you will see the thoughts start to go away. Ask him to help you...dialogue with God is important..for Muslims it's called Duwah, you don't just pray and get up..you pray and give thanks..God loves those who are grateful for what he has given them.

May God continue to strengthen you, the believer and submitters and increase us in faith.:)
Do you fear him as much as you love him? it's normal for negative thoughts to pop up, whispers are always there. When you develop a strong sense of fear in him, you won't want to disappoint and also a strong sense of love. The reason i wrote fear first is because as humans we need to be put in line, hence the laws of the country that you have to follow. I feared him so much when i first started practicing but as you pray you feel his presence change a bit from angry to neutral to this overwhelming sense of love...now complete adoration..don't get me wrong i still struggle with things that i go through and i get frustrated with him but you have to make sure to repent right after as he is the most wisest, he does everything for the betterment of his servants..it's just hard to comprehend this especially when your in complete emotional pain..but that's the test.

When a thought comes into your mind that is negative but you know you don't agree with but want to entertain quickly say "these are not thoughts of my soul God, please forgive me" do this every time and you will see the thoughts start to go away. Ask him to help you...dialogue with God is important..for Muslims it's called Duwah, you don't just pray and get up..you pray and give thanks..God loves those who are grateful for what he has given them.

May God continue to strengthen you, the believer and submitters and increase us in faith.:)

InshaAllah...God willing from the beginning to the end:)
So, if god is not "willing" isn't action virtually pointless?

Well God makes it quite clear that he is willing. The reason a Muslim says God willing all the time is because there is a part in the Quran where God says that you shouldn't say your going to do something without saying God willing, so when we say we are going to do something and when we are making a point with such confidence it's always very important to say God willing, it keeps the ego in check and reminds you that ultimately God is in control at all times. Humans tend to quite cocky at times, so that is what a Muslim is trying to avoid at all times. :)

There is a short story in the Quran where a man has plenty of good fruit trees and vegetables and he starts having a convo with his friend saying look what i have, i have more then you and begins to get cocky, pretty much saying if God has given me this much in this life imagine the hereafter for me, there's nothing he wont give me.
Well that was the wrong thing to say and his character became the opposite of humble and all of it was destroyed by Morning. :(