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How old is man?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
See that's an assumption -- that the meteorites formed the same time as the solar system. You couldn't answer who it was -- Clair Patterson. Those were the answers I was looking for.

As for the rest, it would be better if you provided a link. Let's just say with your extraneous wrong commentary and idiotic criticism of real science that you are not credible at all.
No, that's a deduction. There is a big difference. And no, since you appear to be a science denier and do not know the difference between a deduction and an assumption you are the one without credibility

By the way, when you claim "assumption" you put the burden of proof upon yourself. It is not a wise debating strategy if one does not understand the science involved.

Your only complaint at this time, even if you were correct, is that they can only show the Earth to be 4.1 billion years old and not 4.55 billion years old. In the big picture that is not that big of a difference.

And I will cover any requests for links. Though only one at a time. Odds are we will need to discuss the concepts that you are having trouble with.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
That's not what the RATE group found -- Radiocarbon in Diamonds Confirmed.

#7 Carbon-14 in Fossils, Coal, and Diamonds

Dinosaur fossils were radiocarbon dated to 40 K years. Now, that isn't 6,000 years, but it is much closer to 6,000 than 200 million. Moreover, the radiometric dating isn't going to give us precise dating. That's just the nature of radiometric dating. It really is about old Earth vs young Earth.
This is well debunked religious propaganda, though. Why do you buy it?

Dinosaur fossils radiocarbon dated? ROFL! Seriously? Who would even attempt that?
We believe that planets have a sort of onion ring of elements/minerals.
So Uranium for instance sinks to the bottom, and further up you get a
layer of gold and so on until at the top you get the lighter silicates.
Interestingly, it's possible that a lot of our minerals come from another
planet which has been broken up. Imagine finding a pure gold asteroid
out there!!
Chicxulub crater I think is underwater, and that's why people couldn't
any "smoking gun" for a 66 million year old event that could have
wiped out the dinosaurs. Scarily, the six mile wide rock isn't that big
compared to many "out there."
Very imaginative, but don't we have a pretty good handle on the composition of Earth's core? https://www.reference.com/science/composition-earth-s-core-99a9e131e2bbd2c8
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rational experiences

Veteran Member
Earth does not own a time span.

Earth is stated in male science to be a stone body that once was consuming its own mass in space, as a sun like body rebelling against self existence.

How it was philosophically taught.

STone never owned any age....for stone was a result of that self consuming status to be converted into a stone with an internal destructive mass.

Humans however a bio life own consciousness in a gas massed alight atmosphere.

Looking back into the past, science says that the gases on Earth were different and only supported that life form. Dinosaur life.

Looking into biblical DATA they say, but humans have lived on Earth for a very long time...….studying archaeological evidence, human artefacts found inside of the coal.

Knowledge of which males claimed in AI recording speaking voice history that they carbonized the body of stone to a wood Ark product by copying God history, of UFO metallic radiation ark conversion....and told you so.

All life was destroyed in that attack.....Earth went under water in that history as it plummeted deeper into space cooling...why water still exists on Earth after Earth was carbon attacked, as above ground Nature also proved. So why argue.

Life as a bio life form own light information relative to gas light history....which once did not exist to support our bio life form. However as you try to identify information, you would be a truly idiotic scientist to not have reasoned that if you once lived as the same bio life billions of years ago...it does not make the natural bio life that old....but it would prove that our memory is that old.

james bond

Well-Known Member
We believe that planets have a sort of onion ring of elements/minerals.
So Uranium for instance sinks to the bottom, and further up you get a
layer of gold and so on until at the top you get the lighter silicates.
Interestingly, it's possible that a lot of our minerals come from another
planet which has been broken up. Imagine finding a pure gold asteroid
out there!!
Chicxulub crater I think is underwater, and that's why people couldn't
any "smoking gun" for a 66 million year old event that could have
wiped out the dinosaurs. Scarily, the six mile wide rock isn't that big
compared to many "out there."

No. Any large meteor or small asteroid will be destroyed upon impact. With Chicxulub, this is what happened. Thus, one has to put together the data from the physical evidence about the meteorite and study it to make sure. But wait...

There may be some new findings coming out about Chicxulub and that maybe it wasn't a meteor at all. Thus, it didn't cause an extinction as hypothesized. I can't reveal anything as there just isn't enough information on it out there. Here's some news from 2019 that may back me up in that some scientists are going back to the Deccan Traps volcanoes as that which wiped out the dinosaurs. Atheist scientists are usually wrong.

Did volcanoes kill the dinosaurs? New evidence points to 'maybe.'


Well-Known Member
No. Any large meteor or small asteroid will be destroyed upon impact. With Chicxulub, this is what happened. Thus, one has to put together the data from the physical evidence about the meteorite and study it to make sure. But wait...

There may be some new findings coming out about Chicxulub and that maybe it wasn't a meteor at all. Thus, it didn't cause an extinction as hypothesized. I can't reveal anything as there just isn't enough information on it out there. Here's some news from 2019 that may back me up in that some scientists are going back to the Deccan Traps volcanoes as that which wiped out the dinosaurs. Atheist scientists are usually wrong.

Did volcanoes kill the dinosaurs? New evidence points to 'maybe.'

The onion ring effect is more suitable in describing metal stars, actually.
But for sure, there is a layering with planets.
Sometimes you will see copper deposits, for instance, in the midst of
non-copper geology - it's possible a meteorite deposited that copper.
We do know of nickel and iron meteors - they were most likely part of
the core of a larger body.

james bond

Well-Known Member
What's objectively wrong?
Göbekli Tepe - Wikipedia

The old Earth. One has to assume the meteors were formed long time ago when the solar system was formed. Everything in evolution is assumed to take long time. If God created it as told by the only witness, then it didn't take long -- a week!

As for the Gobekli Tepe, it's part of the Antediluvian world according to creation scientists. So again, we disagree on the time period.

Antediluvian world - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
No. Any large meteor or small asteroid will be destroyed upon impact. With Chicxulub, this is what happened. Thus, one has to put together the data from the physical evidence about the meteorite and study it to make sure. But wait...

There may be some new findings coming out about Chicxulub and that maybe it wasn't a meteor at all. Thus, it didn't cause an extinction as hypothesized. I can't reveal anything as there just isn't enough information on it out there. Here's some news from 2019 that may back me up in that some scientists are going back to the Deccan Traps volcanoes as that which wiped out the dinosaurs. Atheist scientists are usually wrong.

Did volcanoes kill the dinosaurs? New evidence points to 'maybe.'
You have that so backwards.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The old Earth. One has to assume the meteors were formed long time ago when the solar system was formed. Everything in evolution is assumed to take long time. If God created it as told by the only witness, then it didn't take long -- a week!

As for the Gobekli Tepe, it's part of the Antediluvian world according to creation scientists. So again, we disagree on the time period.

Antediluvian world - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
I love your occasional use of comedic resources. Don't let anyone tell you that you do not have a sense of humor.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
@james bond , the Deccan Traps probably had a hand in the dinosaur extinction, but there is little doubt that the asteroid impact finished them off. The end of dinosaurs was immediate, where extinctions caused by massive volcanic eruptions do take some time. There is not that much in the way of fossils at that time since fossils of land animals is very hit and miss. But there would is one recent find of mostly lake sediments that also has a single weathered dinosaur bone that appears to be a result of the Chixuclub strike:

Fossil Site May Capture the Dinosaur-Killing Impact, but It’s Only the Beginning of the Story | Science | Smithsonian Magazine

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
And one question for @james bond , why do you conflate evolution and atheism? There are countless Christians that accept the theory of evolution. Worldwide the majority of Christians seem to accept it. One does not have to believe the myths of Genesis to be a Christian.


Veteran Member
And one question for @james bond , why do you conflate evolution and atheism? There are countless Christians that accept the theory of evolution. Worldwide the majority of Christians seem to accept it. One does not have to believe the myths of Genesis to be a Christian.
Cue the "No True Scotsman" fallacy, perhaps? I bet this person will maintain that the only "true" Christians are the mugs that go in for this YEC nonsense. :D

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Cue the "No True Scotsman" fallacy, perhaps? I bet this person will maintain that the only "true" Christians are the mugs that go in for this YEC nonsense. :D
And yet they are also the sort that try to "prove" Christianity with the fact that it is the world's most popular religion.


Veteran Member
And yet they are also the sort that try to "prove" Christianity with the fact that it is the world's most popular religion.
Consistency has never been their strong suit, certainly.

By the way, just to do the maths on the proportion of C14 left in an object that stopped taking it in 48,000yrs earlier, if we say the half life is approx 6,000yrs (actually 5,700), 48,000yrs is 8 half lives.

So the proportion of the original C14 remaining will be reduced by a factor of (1/2)⁸, which is 1/256 i.e. ~0.4%. By 56,000yrs it will be 0.2%.

Given that the proportion of C14 in the carbon in organisms is only 1 in 10¹² to start with, you would be trying to detect 2-4 parts in 10¹⁵!

So a bit of "whoops careless" contamination could come in jolly handy, if one happens to have an agenda of making out things are younger than they are........... :D

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Consistency has never been their strong suit, certainly.

By the way, just to do the maths on the proportion of C14 left in an object that stopped taking it in 48,000yrs earlier, if we say the half life is approx 6,000yrs (actually 5,700), 48,000yrs is 8 half lives.

So the proportion of the original C14 remaining will be reduced by a factor of (1/2)⁸, which is 1/256 i.e. ~0.4%. By 56,000yrs it will be 0.2%.

Given that the proportion of C14 in the carbon in organisms is only 1 in 10¹² to start with, you would be trying to detect 2-4 parts in 10¹⁵!

So a bit of "whoops careless" contamination could come in jolly handy, if one happens to have an agenda of making out things are younger than they are........... :D

And you should see some of the photos of creationist sampling techniques. I might have to see if I can dig up the creationist article on how they prepared the dinosaur bones they sent in for dating.


Veteran Member
And you should see some of the photos of creationist sampling techniques. I might have to see if I can dig up the creationist article on how they prepared the dinosaur bones they sent in for dating.
Yes if you can do so without too much trouble I'd be interested. The question in my mind is whether they just did it badly in good faith, or whether there was indeed an element of "whoops, careless", in order to manufacture a younger age.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Yes if you can do so without too much trouble I'd be interested. The question in my mind is whether they just did it badly in good faith, or whether there was indeed an element of "whoops, careless", in order to manufacture a younger age.
So far I found this:

Carbon-14 dating dinosaur bones

Please note, relatively high ages for C14, but all over the place. If these were from the Flood, as so often claimed, they would all have the same age. Small amounts of contamination would give those sorts of ages.

They tried to present this at a Singapore geophysical convention, but were kicked out when it was found that their presentation did not match their abstract.


Veteran Member
So far I found this:

Carbon-14 dating dinosaur bones

Please note, relatively high ages for C14, but all over the place. If these were from the Flood, as so often claimed, they would all have the same age. Small amounts of contamination would give those sorts of ages.

They tried to present this at a Singapore geophysical convention, but were kicked out when it was found that their presentation did not match their abstract.
I suppose there may be one other factor at work in some of this. I wonder if the same issue of generation of C14 from decay of U and Th in the surrounding rocks can affect fossils, just as it does in the case of coal and diamond.

I don't imagine a huge amount of work will have been done on this, as only a lunatic - or a creationist - would be interested in analysing the C14 in fossils in rocks >50,000yrs old.


Well-Known Member
However, the 6000 human had a new domesticated temperament, that started to lose natural instinct.

Seriously? There are people today who were born in the stone
Their kids could be taken and educated as anything anyone
anywhere else in the world can be.

FTM, the acquired skills and body of knowledge it takes
to live in a tropical rain forest would tax the intellect of
anyone anywhere to learn.

Domesticated dogs and wolves both have canine DNA, but there is a large difference between them in terms of temperament and instinct. For example, some dog breeders have tried to incorporate the wolves to make their domesticated breeds, bigger and tougher. Wolves and domesticated dogs can breed, but the puppies of this union develop differently and are harder to train than say pure German Shepherd puppy. Canine DNA does not tell the entire story. Wolf and wolf hybrids have a different sensory development very early in life that sets the stage for later development.

Modern humans do not even know what natural human instinct is, or else the idea of 100 genders would not even exist. Like domesticated dogs, modern humans follow the commands of culture, and will often accept unnatural behavior, as natural, since they lack natural instinct. Reading and Writing speed this affect; nonfiction, fiction, opinion and sales pitch.

A good example of this affect are nerds ,who spend lots of time in books or internet. They tend to have less natural athletic skills. The Jocks are not typically bookworms. Their brains develop differently, more based on direct sensory input; hand-eye coordination. Adam was the original nerd. Tradition has it he was skilled in math and science.

If you read Genesis 4-14, at the section where Cain kills Abel. and Cain is banished by God, Cain complains;

Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me."

The question becomes, who were these whomever that Cain is afraid of, if Adam and Eve only had two sons and one son was dead? Cain was speaking of the pre-humans who had human DNA, but who were not yet domesticated psychologically, as were Adam, Eve and Cain. God gives Cain a talisman or symbol for protection. As legion has it, Cain goes on to have children with prehuman wives. His children prosper since they had the benefit of their father for early education.