A great thread Comprehend. This is a serious problem and it would be the height of stupidity to ignore it. I believe the George W. and crew made a serious mistake by going into Iraq as he has burned all his political capital by doing so. The Iranian puppet masters who control President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are FAR from stupid even if their thinking is stuck in a time warp. Keep in mind that Muslims themselves claim that they never lie. Due to that one small detail one is forced to pay attention to what they are saying.
Can you imagine what the world reaction would be if there were huge marches in ANY "western" country with crowds chanting "Death to Iran" or "Death to Islam". For some reason, we tell ourselves, "Oh... they don't really mean it." Um... what exactly is there TO misunderstand about signs that say, "Death to Israel"; "Death to America". And yet, we have grown to expect this sort of thing and just shrug it off. They don't REALLY mean it... some say. Others point at our less than above board dealing with these countries and say "Back at ya, eh". There is some validity to this viewpoint but even then, this is almost unprecedented. Those who are soundly beaten in bygone wars do not normally snivel and whine about how they were unfairly beaten. Victors of battles, by default, can treat the "loser" pretty much however they wish. If these things had happened even 1 or 2 hundred years ago Muslims around the world would be facing very serious problems and a real threat of genocide. Our forefathers were not quite so forgiving.
I don't hear Italian's screaming for the return of lands that used to be a part of the Roman Empire. I don't hear Spain screaming for the return of countries that she once ruled. I don't hear Mongol's screaming for the return of "their" lands. Sadly, the simple reality is that might is right, as that has been the way of things since the dawn of so-called "civilization". The rule of the game is "You keep what you kill". People have to keep in mind that diplomacy is a fairly recent invention. People also have to remember that "public opinion" is also a fairly recent invention and leaders in the past only paid lip service to the thoughts of those they ruled.
*Dons flame retardant RF forum suit*