Hi Folks..
First Baseman;
Those were easily deemed as faked by the Church. Men filled with the Holy Spirit can determine whether a written work is a work inspired by the Spirit of God or not.
The clue and rather obvious answer is in your own statement - BY THE CHURCH - understand..??...THEY ALONE gave you(s) all this truth - didnt they..?..Yes - they tortured and murdered thousands,destroyed legitimate ORIGINAL knowledge and wisdom, and replaced it with ENFORCED catholic doctrine that they said is the ONLY PERMITTED form...yes..??...Check out the crusades - check out the inquissition - check out the many many "witch trials" etc etc...they have systematically closed off all spiritual knowldge except that which THEY deem as "authentic"..
They could then (and have) tell you anything they want you to believe - and you all would have no option but to swallow every word they said...They HAVE lied and manipulated the truth all ways around...
Your last part is CRUCIAL - HOLY GHOST - it ALL rests on that just as you say...A LEGITIMATE phenomena I can personally vouch for - also intimately related to Kundalini, let me tell you - when the Christian speaks of "being born again" to receive Christ, this is VERY TRUE, but poorly understood in the Bible (on purpose, they dont want you to know this at all)..It is a legitimate and primarily ENERGETIC change - literally - the mind begns to operate differently as this legitimate communion becomes firm, and so emotions and the body likewise follows in due course until eventually ht eperson is copletly re made with this new MIND - new Self Awareness AS a part of a unified Sovereign Spirit, Our Father..
That would be the Holy Ghost according to Christ directly - a PERSONAL COMMUNION that literally EVERYONE is capable of RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW....But look and understand clearly - Christ gave us that PERSONAL ACCESS - direct mortal mind here communing with the fully Divine Source of ALL creation....YES - He said this access - this KINGDOM - is to be found WITHIN US - each and every one of us RIGHT NOW, can invoke this INNER Divine Presence (the Holy Ghost).....See then - the implications ..??...
We DONT NEED A PRIEST - a religion - a pope - a guru or any middleman at all - NOBODY ELSE can take you to this inner communion EXCEPT your own Self....In modern plain English - Christ said QUIT following everyone else - especially the religion which He despised,and I can show you all clearly He truly DID despise it...Shun all that He said - seek always and only for this INNER communion and this legitimate Presence that WILL come forth He promised, and I vouch it really works...
So, the early church realised HE IS LEGITIMATE - HE REALLY CAN take this mortal mind here and teach us how to literally BECOME DIVINE just as He taught - to have DIRECT ACCESS to the Father at all times...See - this is SUPPOSED to be the job and the authority OF THE CHURCH - only THEY have this ability to "talk to god" and through that they dominate society and are the most powerful leaders OF that society...Let it sink in..
See next - that which Christ taught legitimately makes the church immediately OBSOLETE - not needed - in fact, its a hinderance and an obstacle He said - because if you follow religion, man dogma, doctrine - then of course, you will miss entirely the legitimate INNER PERSONAL COMMUNION - filled with truth from another external source always, you will miss that vital legitimate truth within....
Quit babbling like a pagan He said - yes..?..No more useless never ending begging prayers and fawning supplications - no more useless rituals either He said - SHUN the religion - when you seek the Father, avoid the temple entirely He said,but go alone and invoke this Presence within..
To follow ME - you all MUST come to HATE your parents He warned us - didnt He.?...He means - their TRUTHS and traditions - He came to dismantle and replace it, not to continue it..lol..
When the priests realised what He was about - they MURDERED Him to silence His direct threat to their authority...Same priesthood, with same god now in religious "christianity" yes..?...Through their manufactured bible - they have WITH HELD that crucial Holy Ghost from you all - and made you fully believe that you are "unworthy" to have such a precious gift..They say you (all) are a "lost and hopeless sinner" - and only church can "save you"...lol..(if you only knew His truth youd laugh to I assure you)....
They say and make you believe that THEY alone, the clergy have this Holy Ghost - but I can assure you this is simply not so at all - and uts realy easy to prove - your common vicar preaching sermons on Sunday has next to NO IDEA of Christ legitimate truth..How could he..?.. Just like all the lay people - the common priest has been lied to and duped by those who hold authority over you all..Round in a circle they lead you...
Easy to prove - as said HOLY GHOST...You say above - and I agree - that a TRUE follower of Christ would have this essential tool available, this Holy Ghot infallable guide...VERY TRUE I absolutely agree........So - question - how come - the man who teaches us "bible truth" - the vicar preacher we see face to face in church - how come to become a CATHOLIC priest, you MUST ATTEND PRIEST SCHOOL - to be taught,and first INDOCTRINATED your self BEFORE you then go on to teach and INDOCTRINATE others on behalf of church..>SEE..???....
IF they had the Holy Ghost as REQUIRED to be legitimate - then they would not need any priest school to teach them Divine truth - the HOLY GHOST is supposed to do that ALWAYS......isnt it..??...Yes - seek THAT and only that He said...I can show you if need..
The very fact that a priest MUST go to school and be taught what to say and think and how to act - tells us explicitly beyond any doubt that they do NOT have any such legitimate Divine connection themselves....The priest who taught the common masses was in turn taught by his own boss above - HEIRACHY of domination...Those at the top fully understand Christ, and have used His legitimate truth against you all, to with hold from you vital Self understanding and legitimate inner communion, and replaced it instead with a doctrine of "you are not worthy and always need church intermediary to save you"......They have stolen truth from you , gave you lies and half truths - then led you around in a self containing circle by telling you the bible is the ONLY source of truth and forbidding all other sources as "herasy".....
Do you begin to see..??....Take the religous blinkers off...