I don't find you conceited for thinking that you understand scripture better than others. I feel that way myself. I believe I understand it better than any believer.
Unlike those who see a god in that book, I believe that it is the work of man and contains many errors of history and science. I think its prophecies are mundane and signify nothing of value. I think it frequently contradicts itself. I think it depicts the deity as immoral, unintelligent, and incompetent. I think that much of the advice is offers is bad.
I presume that most Abrahamists would disagree. I used to keep a list of the many ways in which I was told by believers that I don't understand scripture and was thus unqualified to critique it as I just did. They might consider me conceited, but I don't see them that way. I see them as gullible and willing to believe uncritically, and defensive to hostile when I offer my criticisms.
Have you heard of the courtier's reply, a type of informal fallacy, coined by American biologist PZ Myers, in which a respondent to criticism claims that the critic lacks sufficient knowledge, credentials, or training to offer any sort of criticism whatsoever? You're about to see a ton of it:
[34] You and others like you can't understand because you're not permitted to unless/until you repent and confess Christ as LORD.
[35] The power of the gospel is designed to frustrate the wisdom of the wise.
[36] It's so damn cute when atheists reach for their Bible to make their point. I love it!
[37] I would question the person who thinks that you understand even one page of any Bible. Without first learning the language how could you.
[38] It requires theological understanding. You don't have that. I do.
[39] I guess the issue here is, one of us has studied the original languages of the Bible, and has a degree in biblical studies and religion.
[40] the typical oblivious understanding of an atheist, in their incessant attempt to try and undermine the wisdom of the Bible.
[41] You get your biblical passages from Atheist web sites.
[43] Don't bother quoting Scripture to me, atheist. You don't even know what you're doing.
[44] Your lack of belief in God coupled with your lack of experience with God means you are not qualified to comment on God.
[45] The word of God can not be understood no matter how many times it is read without the help of the Holy Spirit.
[46] Out of context arguments are presented by narrow minds that refuse to take in the bigger perspectives and the greater all encompassing truths.
[47] You can't just read the Bible to understand it, you need to study the scriptures.
[48] Your ignorance of the Bible, its laws and customs and what applies to Christians today is embarrassing. You should be red faced for making this comment in public.
[49] You want to convince me you have knowledge of the Bible. 1) Provide 5 examples of slave liberation in the Old Testament. 2) King Saul was merciful to the merciless and subsequently merciless to the merciful. Explain.
[50] You are a heretic with little if any understanding of Scripture. If you did study the Bible it was in a Laurel and Hardy College in Tijuana
[51] You need Jehovah’s approval to understand His word.