The keys to properly understand the creation account in Genesis are found scattered throughout holy writ. They are open for all to find and enjoy. No metaphors need to be invented and imposed upon the text. They are explicitly manifest in the text itself and are not even veiled. What keeps them hidden is the false traditions and precepts of men that blind people from considering the simple truth of it all. Learning these keys enables a person to understand how it all relates to mankind in a practical way. People want it to be super-fantastic miraculous out-of-this-world cool and spurn the simplicity of it all.
Many people take the metaphor as the literal message and invent all kinds of painful logic and non-sense to hold to that perspective. I was steered into this as a youth and I found it to be painful and torturous and finally resolved that it was wrong.
Many people have various bits and pieces but so far as I can tell there are only a very small handful of individuals in all of time that seemed to have cracked it wide open and could freely drink the waters from this well of knowledge.
I know for certain Jesus drew from this well. Paul the apostle and some of the other apostles also show much evidence of doing so. The Mormon prophet Joseph Smith Jun. also tapped into this well but nobody else after him in this religion seemed to catch on and Mormonism has rapidly delapidated into a tangled mess of "just follow the profit", uh "prophet" who has the duty to "be like unto Moses" but is nothing of the sort. "Pharoah" is LDS Inc.'s "good ole boy" buddy pal.
Another natural deterrent from truly understanding the creation account is when you do know how to read it, what you read makes you utterly ill as it shatters so much of what you were taught as a child and want to be true but isn't. You also start to understand how God really views who is doing what down here and what direction people are heading themselves in for their future afterlife, including knowing what their afterlife shall be like. It contains VERY, VERY, VERY bad news for many people who are totally clueless about what is coming to them and think just the opposite for themselves. For people who view religion as simply an annoyance, they will go on much as they do here just doing what they can on their own. But, those who join religions and make covenants and then make a mockery of things, they are in deep trouble. Do NOT join a religion unless you are absolutely sincere and uphold your covenants with integrity. It would have been better for them if they had never been born than to be a person who corrupts, twists and uses religion in a way that is offensive to God. Thus, most people professing a covenantal religion with the God of Abraham right now are in serious trouble. They won't want to see the basis for this. It will just be too terribly painful for them to contemplate. They will lose spouses, families, jobs, friends, etc.
For example, current mainstream Mormons will quickly come to realize their church has become beguiled and fallen and that they are currently the manifestation of Cain who murdered his brother Abel. Therefore, in large part, most all mainstream Mormons are headed to what they call Perdition or "outer darkness" in their resurrection, which is the worst possible level of condemnation that God ordains people to. The only ones who won't be condemned in that manner are the ones who quietly keep to themselves the knowledge of how and where things have gone way off track and they avoid being a party to it. Otherwise, they will have the innocent blood of their brother Abel on their hands in the Day of Judgment.