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How were the days in the Genesis account to be understood?

There is nothing impossible for God (Matthew 19:26). However, God revels through his Word, Bible, that for him one day is 1000 years- "However, let this one fact not be escaping YOUR notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day."(2 Peter 3:8)
Our planet and the universe are created so good, that it seems logical that it took much longer time than regular 24 hrs day.


Well-Known Member
OK 1 day = 1000 years, so 6 days of creation took 6000 years. its been app. 6000 years since adam (created on 6th day). so thats 12,000 years. SO THATS IT?


Well-Known Member
OK 1 day = 1000 years, so 6 days of creation took 6000 years. its been app. 6000 years since adam (created on 6th day). so thats 12,000 years. SO THATS IT?

Bowman and I had a lengthy and quite lively conversation about this earlier in this thread.
I think it is deeply counterproductive to take Genesis too literally. There is an ancient maxim of textual interpretation in Judaism: dibrah Torah ki'l'shon b'nai adam meaning "The Torah speaks in the ways people use language." In other words, scripture uses metaphor, narrative compression, idioms, symbolism, allegory, allusion, imagery, hyperbole, simile...all the tools and devices we would expect from literature.

There is another old teaching, given by Rambam (Rabbi Moses Maimonides, 12th century), which I will paraphrase into English: If you're studying Torah, and something in Torah appears to contradict what science and common sense tell you is the way the world works, then you are misunderstanding Torah.

how do you know genesis is counterproductive?
i honestly dont know how the days are to be understood, i think it doesnt matter, and i think ego drives endless arguments about it.


genesis is fiction

you can read it however you want as its not literally.

most of genesis is stolen from the sumarians including adam and eve. The sumarians predate hebrews by thousands of years and worshipped another god. Imagine that! adamu was there first man. Noah was also stolen from the pagan religion.

it was explained in the beginning of this thread how to read the OT properly. somehow many of you missed it.

I think it is deeply counterproductive to take Genesis too literally. There is an ancient maxim of textual interpretation in Judaism: dibrah Torah ki'l'shon b'nai adam meaning "The Torah speaks in the ways people use language." In other words, scripture uses metaphor, narrative compression, idioms, symbolism, allegory, allusion, imagery, hyperbole, simile...all the tools and devices we would expect from literature.

There is another old teaching, given by Rambam (Rabbi Moses Maimonides, 12th century), which I will paraphrase into English: If you're studying Torah, and something in Torah appears to contradict what science and common sense tell you is the way the world works, then you are misunderstanding Torah.

its counterproductive because you are turning fiction into non fiction.

these fables never happened and they are simply guides for morality and spirituality and to create a fear base around the hebrew god.

in my opinion.


Veteran Member
OK 1 day = 1000 years, so 6 days of creation took 6000 years. its been app. 6000 years since adam (created on 6th day). so thats 12,000 years. SO THATS IT?

That's it? Then how do you explain:

Numbers 14v34 says: a day for a year.
That would make the six creative days = six 24-hour days

Or, as Genesis 2v4 says all of the creative days were created 'in the day' that God made heaven and earth.

So, would that mean God made the heavens and the earth in a day that was a year long or a day that was a 1000 years long?

If a thousand years = a day, then why is the '7th day' Not 1000 years long?
Wasn't the 7th day still on-going in the apostle Paul's day according to
Hebrews 4 vs 4-10 ?

So, as far as the creative days are concerned there is nothing in Scripture to indicate how long or even if each of the creative days are of equal length.

Do you think God created microwaves? [No, not the oven]
If you do, then the accuracy of the microwaves {CMBR} accurately shows earth's real age.


Well-Known Member
urav, dont misunderstand my post. i too, believe in 6- 24hr days of creation. my post was in reply to ones previous post claiming that 1 day = 1000 years. my point is that even if using those calculations, the numbers are way off from science's geological dating of the earth.


Veteran Member
If you believe in 'six literal 24 hour creative days' then how do you explain the length of the seventh day?

Or how do you explain microwaves?


Well-Known Member
its simple. as the bible says, "on the seventh day he rested. note the "ed" on "rested". a 24 hour day of rest, done and over with.


Veteran Member
its simple. as the bible says, "on the seventh day he rested. note the "ed" on "rested". a 24 hour day of rest, done and over with.

If the 7th day is done and over with, when did the 7th day close?
The 7th day was still on going in Paul's day according to Hebrews 4vs4-10.


hebrews or genisis has either been misinterpreted or the the two are contradicting. take your pick

they are both fictional accounts and not ment to be read literally ever.

they are ment to be read allegorically.

thise storys never happened and this is not opinion but fact.

you both are argueing over imganiation of ancient man.


Sorry outhouse, not fact, just your opinion. Weve been thru this before.

really, the hebrews wrote genesis and say not to read it literally that it should be read allegorically. Thats is because it is fiction.

Now we know it is fact that genesis is fiction.

the earth was not created in 6 days
there was no worldwide flood
man was not created in one day
woman was not created from a mans rib

these are facts not up for debate


more of that stuff from within the "out house" pppuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeee

insults are fine. outhouse is a parable for "i can take all your crap and more"

I know you have no proof to back your position, I also know you will never have any proof.

you make the common mistake of mistranslating for your own personaly needs nothing more.


Active Member
Gen 2:2. He [God] rested on the seventh day from all is work." Not "is resting" from all His work. Exodus 20:11: "The Lord....rested the seventh day." Again Gen 2:3. "In it [the seventh day] He had rested." He blessed the sabbath AFTER He had rested on it. Heb 4:4. "God did rest the seventh day from all His works." Not "is resting"!
It depends on the translation from which you are reading. For example, the New World Translation of the Scriptures rendered verse 3 as:

And God proceeded to bless the seventh day and make it sacred, because on it he has been resting from all his work that God has created for the purpose of making."
Online Bible: Genesis 2:1-25 - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site