Them changing in front of us would not be an example of evolution and is not an expectation based on the theory of evolution. It is the expectation of theory that a population viewed in real time will remain the species that they are during the time of observation. No scientist expects to be observing monkeys climbing in trees one minute only to see them fly away into the sky on newly evolved wings the next. You are looking at a snapshot and declaring it represents immutable change without considering the evidence that it is just a point in time and not the entire story.The question in my mind is this: scientists estimate that chimpanzees evolved so many years ago, same with hominids, yet chimpanzees remain chimpanzees, humans remain humans, platypuses remain platypuses. So where is any evidence of chimpanzees evolving, etc.?
Many people have presented and discussed a fair portion of the evidence on Religious Forums, including yourself, so I do wonder what you mean in asking a question like that about the evidence.