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How would you respond to seeing a same-sex couple kissing/ or holding hands ?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
The point is that Jesus loved and accepted people unconditionally, so he wasn't a bigot or a homophobe.

Shame on the hypocritical Christians who don't follow his example.
And you would know would you. I think the word I'm looking for is 'rubbish'.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Considering HIV is still prevalent in gay men, I think women and gay men would be beyond stupid to do such things.
Most people with HIV/AIDS are heterosexual sub-Saharan black Africans. So you can't use that argument. There's nothing intrinsic about homosexuality that it causes HIV/AIDS. A huge number of straight people have anal sex, too. If you aren't promiscuous, consistently use condoms and don't abuse injection drugs like heroin, you'll be fine.

If I recall correctly, lesbians have the lowest STD rates of all. So your argument fails even more.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Most people with HIV/AIDS are heterosexual sub-Saharan black Africans. So you can't use that argument. There's nothing intrinsic about homosexuality that it causes HIV/AIDS. A huge number of straight people have anal sex, too. If you aren't promiscuous, consistently use condoms and don't abuse injection drugs like heroin, you'll be fine.

If I recall correctly, lesbians have the lowest STD rates of all. So your argument fails even more.
Your comments are bordering on ridiculous.

Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behaviour is Changing Everything
By Robert R. Reilley
"A national survey of 'gay' men, reported by the Advocate (August 23, 1994:20), showed that 41 percent performed anilingus (tongue on or in the anus), 46 percent received it in the prior year, and 46 percent of the men sometimes had sex that they themselves considered risky.

Health Consequences: Morality and Disease

When it is misused, the body understandably becomes confused. For instance, reports journalist Susan Brinkmann, 'there are substances in seminal fluid called ''immuno-regulattoy macromolecules" that send out "signals that are only understood by the female body, which will them permit the 'two in one flesh' intimacy requited for human repreoduction. when depoited elsewhere, these signals are not only misunderstood, but cause sperm to fuse with whatever somatic body cell they encounter. This fusing is what often results in the development of cancerous manlignancies." (R.J Albin and R. Stein Werblowsky, "Sexual Behaviour and Increased Anal Cancer" Immunolgy and Cell Biology 75 (1977); 181-83)................Cancer is not the only or even the greatest peril to active homosexuals. Anal sex increases the risk of rectal prolapse, perforation that can go septic, clamydia, cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, genital herpes, genital warts, isosporiasis, microspotidiosis, gonorrhea, viral hepatitis B and C, and syphilis. ("Studies Point to Increased Risks of Anal Cancer", Washinton Blade, June 2, 2000, cited in Timothy J. Dailey PhD, "The Negative Health Effect of Homosexuality", Family Research Council, accessed July 31, 2013, http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IsoIBI.
In 2006 homosexual journalist Simon Fanshaw wrote in the Guardian: "Hooked on drugs and sex and looks, we call it gay culture. The figures are staggering: 20 percent of gay men in London use the incredibly damaging crystal meth.....Since 1999, the figures for HIV infections have continued to rise in the UK........Dr. Satinover reports that a presentation on the homosexual life span to the Eastern Psychological Association, April 1993, "found that the gay male lifespan, even apart from AIDS and with a long term partner, is significantly shorter than that of married men in general by more than three decades. AIDS further shortens the lifespan of homosexual men by more than 7 percent. Elsewhere, Dr. Satinover states that "the incidence of AIDS among twenty to thirty-year-old homosexual men is roughly 430 times greater than among the heterosexual population at large." (Statinover, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, 69) The severity of these mortatlity rates has been reduced with more recent advances in the treatment of AIDS........this is of course, good news....but it remains the case that, as British Dr. David Delvin assets, "anal intercourse carried a higher transmission of risk than almost any other activity." (David Delvin, "Anal Sex.")

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Your comments are bordering on ridiculous.

Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behaviour is Changing Everything
By Robert R. Reilley
"A national survey of 'gay' men, reported by the Advocate (August 23, 1994:20), showed that 41 percent performed anilingus (tongue on or in the anus), 46 percent received it in the prior year, and 46 percent of the men sometimes had sex that they themselves considered risky.

Health Consequences: Morality and Disease

When it is misused, the body understandably becomes confused. For instance, reports journalist Susan Brinkmann, 'there are substances in seminal fluid called ''immuno-regulattoy macromolecules" that send out "signals that are only understood by the female body, which will them permit the 'two in one flesh' intimacy requited for human repreoduction. when depoited elsewhere, these signals are not only misunderstood, but cause sperm to fuse with whatever somatic body cell they encounter. This fusing is what often results in the development of cancerous manlignancies." (R.J Albin and R. Stein Werblowsky, "Sexual Behaviour and Increased Anal Cancer" Immunolgy and Cell Biology 75 (1977); 181-83)................Cancer is not the only or even the greatest peril to active homosexuals. Anal sex increases the risk of rectal prolapse, perforation that can go septic, clamydia, cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, genital herpes, genital warts, isosporiasis, microspotidiosis, gonorrhea, viral hepatitis B and C, and syphilis. ("Studies Point to Increased Risks of Anal Cancer", Washinton Blade, June 2, 2000, cited in Timothy J. Dailey PhD, "The Negative Health Effect of Homosexuality", Family Research Council, accessed July 31, 2013, http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IsoIBI.
In 2006 homosexual journalist Simon Fanshaw wrote in the Guardian: "Hooked on drugs and sex and looks, we call it gay culture. The figures are staggering: 20 percent of gay men in London use the incredibly damaging crystal meth.....Since 1999, the figures for HIV infections have continued to rise in the UK........Dr. Satinover reports that a presentation on the homosexual life span to the Eastern Psychological Association, April 1993, "found that the gay male lifespan, even apart from AIDS and with a long term partner, is significantly shorter than that of married men in general by more than three decades. AIDS further shortens the lifespan of homosexual men by more than 7 percent. Elsewhere, Dr. Satinover states that "the incidence of AIDS among twenty to thirty-year-old homosexual men is roughly 430 times greater than among the heterosexual population at large." (Statinover, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, 69) The severity of these mortatlity rates has been reduced with more recent advances in the treatment of AIDS........this is of course, good news....but it remains the case that, as British Dr. David Delvin assets, "anal intercourse carried a higher transmission of risk than almost any other activity." (David Delvin, "Anal Sex.")
Citing the FRC to back up your argument about homosexuality is like citing the KKK to talk about black people. :rolleyes:


Transitioning from male to female
If I happen to see a same sex close encountering in a Michelin star restaurant ,I will gift them at least a thousand dollars( I am an expat earning 5 digits) . I am so sorry for the sexist/racist who go without a penny. Ask your God,may He help you discriminate!

How poor you are !


yawn <ignore> yawn
For instance, reports journalist Susan Brinkmann, 'there are substances in seminal fluid called ''immuno-regulattoy macromolecules" that send out "signals that are only understood by the female body, which will them permit the 'two in one flesh' intimacy requited for human repreoduction. when depoited elsewhere, these signals are not only misunderstood, but cause sperm to fuse with whatever somatic body cell they encounter. This fusing is what often results in the development of cancerous manlignancies.

This is what is beyond ridiculous.
Like most of your bigoted posts.

I don't doubt that you believe it. But when you keep posting false stuff you are giving everyone who reads it solid evidence that your beliefs are false.

Curious George

Veteran Member
That's the problem. In some states it's okay to do that.
And what do you mean "arrest someone". I want gays who display public affection to be kicked out for making me sick to my stomach while I'm eating, not arrested... of course, that isn't my responsibility. It's up to the hard working business owner who made it. And things should not be what's "best for the nation". The public sector should opperate that way (as in it should never discrminate). But if I own a store, it's all about me... I built it... I pay the bills... I keep the lights on... it's mine and mine alone.

The government needs to recognize private property. A bunch of lazy *** law making ******** who don't know **** about what it takes to start a business and never worked that hard in the whole damn lives all of a sudden feel the need to tell me what to do with my ****?

I am thinking you simply don't understand the law, sexuality, or even business owners from this response.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
This is what is beyond ridiculous.
Like most of your bigoted posts.

I don't doubt that you believe it. But when you keep posting false stuff you are giving everyone who reads it solid evidence that your beliefs are false.
I didn't write it. If you are saying it is wrong, and that a queer life is safer than straight, then sue the writer of the book, make a few million, prove it to me, and I will eat humble pie. Till then, I think you are deluding yourself to fit your own lifestyle and others think they are modern by fitting in with what is said by the government and media.

Your views, Tom, are also bigoted.


Not your average Mormon
I want to ask you a question. Suppose you went to a restraint and you saw a same-sex couple holding hands or kissing?
Holding hands? I wouldn't think a thing of it. Kissing? It would depend upon how passionate the kissing was, but then my answer would be the same if I were to see a heterosexual couple kissing passionately in public.


Not your average Mormon
Hey, I'm straight and I'm a theist and I know that homosexuality is natural and religion isn't.
Might both of them not be "natural" to certain people and not to others? (By the way, long time no see! Good to have you back!)


Wonder Woman
Might both of them not be "natural" to certain people and not to others? (By the way, long time no see! Good to have you back!)
Biologically, which is what one speaks of when speaking of "natural", homosexuality is natural. Scientifically it just is. Religion, however, is a man-made construct not found in nature. It may be within our human nature to search for meaning in things, to try to make some things in the world more understood according to our ability to reason, but religion itself, organized religion especially, is not natural. It is not found in any other species, it does not appear on its own. It is entirely man-made. By the simplest of definitions, homosexuality is natural while religion is not.

And hello oh purry one! :)


yawn <ignore> yawn
I didn't write it. If you are saying it is wrong, and that a queer life is safer than straight,
I know you didn't write it. You posted it as your opinion. And it is still wrong, but you believe it.
So you are wrong.
Neither did I say that queer sex is safer. Again, you are just wrong.
Queer sex is about the same in that regard to heterosex.

The difference is that heteros involve children. Here in the USA about 850,000 parents aborted their children just last year. Then there is the millions of parents who are not willing and able to care for the kids that they pop out.

So yeah, I do believe that heterosex is much more dangerous than homosex. And I have facts to back up my opinion.

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Active Member
Only the Abrahamic religions, certain sects of Hinduism and Buddhism and related sects and some new religious movements (like Scientology) look down on homosexuality. Most of the world's religions don't care too much about it or even celebrated it in various ways. Hating homosexuality is a minority opinion on the world's religious stage.

It's technically not a minority opinion... Even though more religions don't condemn gay people, the ones that do are more prevalent. And people like El Ron Hubbard, the charismatic churches, Timothy Leary, and me seek to bring hope and relief to those who want it.
I'm sure even the most radical church would disagree with my methods however.

Actually what the hell am I talking about, I should tell all this to some radical anti-gay pastor in the south and they'll buy all of it. You'd have preachers pushing my message
If a pastor in my town will tell parents to crack the wrists of effeminate boys and punch tomboyish girls I'm sure my self-abuse therapy would catch on... hmm... Maybe I should become pastor.

I think you have severe psychiatric issues and you are probably both a pathological sadist and masochist. You need professional help to sort out your many sordid issues. It may be caused by having a fundamentalist Christian upbringing and you never healed from it.

I don't blame religion. When I realized that God doesn't love or care about anyone, I put matters into my spirit and let the acid guide me.


Active Member
I know you didn't write it. You posted it as your opinion. And it is still wrong, but you believe it.
So you are wrong.
Neither did I say that queer sex is safer. Again, you are just wrong.
Queer sex is about the same in that regard to heterosex.

Yes... biologically, gay people are equally susceptable to aids.
But statistically, they do have it more
"Although MSM represent about 4% of the male population in the United States, in 2010, MSM accounted for 78% of new HIV infections among males and 63% of all new infections. MSM accounted for 54% of all people living with HIV infection in 2011, the most recent year these data are available."

now... that is straight up impressive. How the **** y'all do that? Being 4% of the population. No wonder people think it's a curse from God.


yawn <ignore> yawn
MSM accounted for 54% of all people living with HIV infection in 2011, the most recent year these data are available."
This is not true.
And the information is so easily accessible to anybody with internet that I assume that you are lying for some reason.

I have my opinions about why, but they are not the point.


Wonder Woman
Heterosexuals make up %100 of all abortions and newborn abandonment cases. Just saying...;) When it comes to children, having unwanted pregnancies, child abandonment, homosexual sex is safer. In fact, homosexual couples tend to adopt more "unadoptable" children than heterosexuals do so they are better for providing homes as well. At least you know that when a homosexual couple has children they are wanted children and are more likely to treat them well. ;)