Sand Dancer
Currently catless
It's technically not a minority opinion... Even though more religions don't condemn gay people, the ones that do are more prevalent. And people like El Ron Hubbard, the charismatic churches, Timothy Leary, and me seek to bring hope and relief to those who want it.
I'm sure even the most radical church would disagree with my methods however.
Actually what the hell am I talking about, I should tell all this to some radical anti-gay pastor in the south and they'll buy all of it. You'd have preachers pushing my message
If a pastor in my town will tell parents to crack the wrists of effeminate boys and punch tomboyish girls I'm sure my self-abuse therapy would catch on... hmm... Maybe I should become pastor.
I don't blame religion. When I realized that God doesn't love or care about anyone, I put matters into my spirit and let the acid guide me.
A majority of younger (40 and under) Christians are for ssm, and most Jews outside of Israel are for it.