I wouldn't agree with that, if that were the case. I honestly don't think that we would have survived as a species.
But also to me there is a huge difference between cyberbullying and bullying in general and this. To put its to the extremes, lets say I wanted you dead for whatever reason. Even if that were the case, the step going from me simply wanting to kill you, to me wanting you to go through one of these devices/machines is like a completely different story. Because clearly it is not enough for me simply getting rid of you, I have to get rid of you in the most cruel way that I could possibly think of. I mean, I don't even think the best horror writers today could come up with stuff like this, and if they did, I assume they got inspired by it
And I don't think we are just talking crazy mass murders here, like them having killed whole families, children, pets etc. in some extreme act of violence. But probably people identified as criminals, might be murders and stuff like that, political and religious reasons I assume, traitors and so forth. So even if they thought the death penalty was the best option, they just for whatever reason, had to make it sort of like an artform of how you could get rid of people in different creative ways.