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Human physical bodies transformed from bears!

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I'm not a smart man, but I know what evolution is.

Evolution is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.


Well-Known Member
The physiological evidence is overwhelming that we came from latex dolls. Why is that truth being suppressed by the scientific community?
I heard the latex dolls were actively conspiring to prevent physiological evidence from getting through.


I heard the latex dolls were actively conspiring to prevent physiological evidence from getting through.

One can be sure that any of the dolls could come up with a better argument than the OP. :yes:


Almighty Tallest
Koalas aren't bears.:p
Giant panda's are, there's some argument about red pandas. Cute raccoons or something.

Koalas and giant pandas are both not related to bears. Koalas are a marsupial and are more closely related opossums and kangaroos. Giant pandas are related to raccoons as well as red pandas. Also raccoons and walruses are the only mammals to have a penal bone. :yes:

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
While I do not doubt the possibility that other animals than just monkeys evolved to humans, the chain of monkey-bear-human is laughable at best.


This thread made me laugh so hard I felt like I had to register. This may be the most awesome example of bad reasoning that I've ever seen.


Empirical Curmudgeon
I have not read the evolution "bible" the scientists created; but I can tell you, and I bet you I am right one hundred percents. You can agrue all you want, but please be nice and chose your words correctly before you post reply, to avoid the war of words regard the facts of how human physical bodies created. In additional human are not perfect, I ask everyone not to judge spelling or grammar, because if you do, the Almighty will cite you heavier than you cite the divinemission.

[FONT=&quot]Through a very long process of animals transformation, the human prospect living creatures slowly changes, from one kinds to another kinds, then to monkeys, monkeys into bears, and finally to the human physical bodies. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot](The theory of monkeys to human natural bodies is incorrect, because monkeys have long arms and long tails then bears; therefore, in order for species evolutes into human natural bodies, God changed the souls creations formulas, for the long arms and tails to shorter arms and tails shorted, by changed from monkeys’ souls to bears’ souls before transformed to human’s souls, and the bears transform to human natural bodies. In addition, the theory of sea’s living creatures transformed to human natural bodies was total incorrect, sea living creatures must remain in water.)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]God created human souls by changing the supernatural substance for creating bears souls and sent it into monkey wombs, for bears do not grow long tails, long arms and legs like a monkey. God then changes thesupernatural substance for creating human souls, and removed short tails, hairs, and shape of bear faces etc, and sent it into bear wombs. At this stage, after the birth, the natural bodies have not wholly human yet; but during the process of growing up, the natural bodies are changing, that led to human on earth.

P.S. Sources from the forthcoming book entitled The Almighty Is Healing that will release in December 2006, by Kingdom of Heaven World Divine Mission, http://www.wdcic.org

Poe? :sarcastic

(Please say yes...)

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
possibly, possibly not... a lot of native cultures thought of bears as being the closest to humans, so they figure prominently.
If you look at a bears anatomy they are very very similar to humans in a lot of respects... so much so that police often mistake bear hands and feet for murdered human remains.

Also remember, that a lot of these cultures had never seen an ape and had no way to know about their anatomy. They knew that humans were animals and that they were related to animals, but didn't have all the puzzle pieces.

It's not surprising to see this concept carried through into some creationist schemes.
