It seems that this is the response you settled with so I will give a comment now.
I apologize for the cut and paste but I included "..." to show where the remarks come from in your above quote. The reason
for this is that I need to explain some things before I respond to specific comments that I feel needs to be addressed.
It seems that somewhere between the steps we currently follow something went wrong. It seems at after point 4 (or 5 depending
on how you count) called "Test with Experiment" you decided to go astray from our current topic.
I asked you, specifically, because you would be a possible adversery "Scientist" in this scenario that would not agree, I asked
you to supply me with something that could falsify my Hypothesis as well as asking what could possible prove it, it ended there.
My demand is not a difficult one, as well as I thought, and I apologize if you did not get the impression, that I made it clear that
you could ask for assistance in figuring out this step, you said you would have a look around and read up about it, and you came
back with complete nonsense. This troubles me because I am taking some time to talk to you, not to "be right" or think I am
"better" then you, but I want to show you how we learn about things and general Science is conducted.
If you feel that this discussion will not benefit you or that you have issues with accepting any facts supplied, please inform me
and I will not take up your time, no doubt you have other things to do as well. Other members here would gladly speak to you
about various issues you taken up and is related to the topic, so please inform me and the rest if you really want to take the time
to discuss this and learn about the Theory of Evolution, Evolution and Human Ancestry.
Now to some specific remarks.
No, it makes no sense and it seems you are just not taking this serious. I will consider this a possible "cultural"
misunderstanding from my part and hope you will give me a serious response or continue in a suitable way.
If it did, you should have a good understanding of how it works and you would not have supplied the 1 to 5 list previously
as you would be able to take DNA from a Chimpanzee and Human and test.
But you did not supply this alternative, Why? You said your thought pattern came from observation done today, I do not
understand how your previous conclusion could then make you ask the 1 to 5 questions.
This demands that I explain what is meant by "match" and the various strings we have, this is not suitable as we first
need to solve other issues about your current knowledge.
The main problem is here that you are not actually showing any Scientific scrutiny. Why are you talking about Creation?
How is Creation relevant to our current topic and testing? It is like suddenly mentioning how bad the weather is outside
when you are suppose to explain the economic situation..
Why would we have a problem? Explain.
And to respond, No, we wouldn't, but we can take that later.
Yes, but this is not relevant as you currently do not understand the Scientific progress we are suppose to go by. We need
to step back and take point nummer 4 (or 5 depending on how you count) again as you do not seem to understand it.