Okay Gabe, I think I am back up to speed on our conversation. Let's get started. I don't want to rush though this because I want to be very methodical and get this right. It might be the case that I will need to take some time to study something that I hear along the way. So if I don't respond for a while, don't worry I will make sure I respond at least within a few hours of each post with something to let you know where I am.
The scientific method that we both agreed on and that you provided is below. I want to follow that because that is the method for science to know anything as a fact. And I want the scientific method to take us to common descent because the claim is that evolution via common descent is science.
What do we need to begin? From the chart it looks like we need a question. We need to ask a question. Let us try to agree on what question we should ask. My recommendation is the question is "Is evolution via common descent true?" Or it could be "Are humans and chimps cousins?" If you had a different one in mind let me know, I will wait on your feedback on what the question should be.
Thanks Auto, but I think I found out what the problem was. I don't want the ToE explained to me, I can go listen to Dawkins for that. I have heard it so many times and I have forgotten it many times over. What I want to do is experience it for myself, first hand. Just like I experience gravity, computers, and a round earth. That is why I am in the process of doing just that with Gabe. I think if I experience it myself, or see how those that claim they were led to it via science, then I will have a better understanding of it.
Let me repeat and emphasize. YOu have absolutely no idea what the Theory of Evolution (ToE) is. You make false statements (aka lies) about it constantly. But you don't want to learn what it actually says. You'd rather continue to disbelieve and argue against a non-existent theory that no scientist asserts, than learn the actual theory.
Science, whether evolution, gravity, computers, and a round earth, is not what you experience first hand. Science is what you do to overcome what you experience firsthand. That's why the scientific method was developed.
Let's take the earth: What I experience first hand is that the earth is stationary, pretty flat, and the sun passes over my head in an arc each day. Science tells me that the earth is round, is moving through space very quickly, simultaneously rotating, and revolving around the sun. That violates every common sense experience I have of the earth. It also happens to be true.
Evolution is like that.
How on earth can you reject a theory that is the basis of modern biology without even learning what it is?
What you're doing is deliberately avoiding learning about it, because you're afraid that if you do you might accept it, as do most people who learn what it actually is. And I can understand why you're afraid of that.
So fine, don't learn about it. But please don't then go around telling lies about it. It's dishonest. You wouldn't want us to think you're a liar, would you?