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Humans are not alive and don't feel anything .


Active Member
I see. Science means very little to you, doesn't it? Or have you even heard of it?
Yes I know some science but this isn't a science section so I was avoiding talking in a scientific manner .

If I said to you , humans are a brain wave and are not alive, then it might make more sense to you personally .


Active Member
To put oneself in danger to help another, is not an instinct.

If you think so. Then I'm done with you silly game.

You're obviously trolling.
Your post is narcistic and attempting to control the thread , you are trying get me to accept your opinion which isn't fact . The Mongoose has no morals because the Mongoose has no words in it's brain . Morals is a word created by mankind , a set of defining instructions . ''
To put oneself in danger to help another, is not an instinct.'' You are considering humans and animals in being the same which isn't true .

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I didn't read anything past this false statement.

Altruism (moral basis) is present in animals. And not relegated to humans only. Therefore animals have a moral system, just not identical to ours.

Such as:
Mongooses support elderly, sick, or injured animals.

Bonobos have been observed aiding injured or disabled bonobos.

Dolphins support sick or injured members of their pod, swimming under them for hours at a time and pushing them to the surface so they can breathe.


Well said. It is true that altruism is present in animals.

For example:

Live Science: 5 Animals With a Moral Compass

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Animals and Ethics

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Moral Status of Animals

Furthermore, it is also true that animals are capable of understanding death, and they mourn their dead.

I mentioned this topic in another thread in which the OP was also involved.


Actually, there are animals that understand death and mourn their dead.

I'm providing the following articles for your convenience. I suggest researching the topic further, if you're interested.

BBC Earth: The truth about animal grief

Smithsonian Magazine: Do Animals Experience Grief?

The National Wildlife Federation: When Animals Grieve

AZ Animals: 5 Animals That Grieve and Understand Death

National Geographic: Whales Mourn Their Dead, Just Like Us

The Hammer

Premium Member
Your post is narcistic and attempting to control the thread , you are trying get me to accept your opinion which isn't fact . The Mongoose has no morals because the Mongoose has no words in it's brain . Morals is a word created by mankind , a set of defining instructions . ''
To put oneself in danger to help another, is not an instinct.'' You are considering humans and animals in being the same which isn't true .

I told you I was done.

Your presumptions are incorrect and I refuse to talk to someone who is blatantly playing games.


Active Member
I told you I was done.

Your presumptions are incorrect and I refuse to talk to someone who is blatantly playing games.
A serious thread like this and you accuse me of playing games ? Quite clearly your existence (brain function) thinks this whole forum resolves around you and your invalid opinion . I am glad you are done , why would I want to speak to somebody whom is trying to be bossy on a public forum ? I wish you good day sir and goodbye .


Active Member
No, it would not make more sense. It does not make any sense, in any frame of reference.
Ok try it this way , do you have a computer ? Does a computer have the ability to ''think'' with an empty hard drive ? You can power up the system and you will get as bios screen , the computer is still alive but dead at the same time .

Have you ever heard of Schrödinger's cat ? Well , humans are dead and alive at the same time .

Humanity is a formation of brain waves , words that exist . Without these words that are a set of defining instructions , we are just '''cats'' .


Active Member

This is the best case of projection I've seen in a while.

Pot meet kettle.
Not at all because I have the patience to listen and try and understand what is said in reply . There has been no solid argument against what I am saying and I don't spit my dummy out if somebody disagrees with me , I look for a counter argument that proves my truth .


Active Member
I've been a member of RF for almost two years and am familiar with your posts, so I know for a fact that how you were described is not true.
I told you I was done.

Your presumptions are incorrect and I refuse to talk to someone who is blatantly playing games.''

Pull the wool from over your eyes said he as he shun the light of God onto this forum .

Your 'friend'' is quite clearly narcistic and not even giving any counter argument . Saying somebody is incorrect without provided proof or logical counter argument is mediocre minded I am sorry to say .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Yes when God created animals , God made animals different for distinction . However , God did not create humans .
How do you believe humans came into being then?
Humanity was and is a command structure that makes an animal , human . This was never a part of Gods works , humanity wrote its own programming like a virus that would spread across the lan
You seem to be confusing humanity with the human mind

How could a human survive without some "programming"? And surely a being with "programming" could learn and its "programming" develop?

You seem to think a human could exist without "programming" which is evidently absurd

You're basically saying that humans developed their own ideas, culture, and society independently of God

Obviously they did. So what?
Each country formed its own version of humanity , some with common ground . However , this formation is a secondary existence within a sentient being and a variate .
Wow, the people of each country have their own culture

That's such an original thought that would never have occurred to me, thanks ever so much for sharing

The medal's in the post

Life will never be the same again now that I've learnt that, it puts a whole new perspective on things
You've obviously heard a Parrot talk , can you tell me what species language the Parrot talks in ?
They can say words and phrases but they have no idea what they're saying so I wouldn't exactly say that they talk

So, in answer to your question, they don't talk

People have started mentioning trolling in this thread. It seems to me that you either don't understand society and culture or you're being a bit of a troll

If you are being a troll then you are at least being an entertaining and creative troll, I'll give you that

I see from your profile that you were born in December 2000

I was trolling long before you were born, young man :D

Literally, I was

Don't try and bull**** a bull****ter


Active Member
How do you believe humans came into being then?

You seem to be confusing humanity with the human mind

How could a human survive without some "programming"? And surely a being with "programming" could learn and its "programming" develop?

You seem to think a human could exist without "programming" which is evidently absurd

You're basically saying that humans developed their own ideas, culture, and society independently of God

Obviously they did. So what?

Wow, the people of each country have their own culture

That's such an original thought that would never have occurred to me, thanks ever so much for sharing

The medal's in the post

Life will never be the same again now that I've learnt that, it puts a whole new perspective on things

They can say words and phrases but they have no idea what they're saying so I wouldn't exactly say that they talk

So, in answer to your question, they don't talk

People have started mentioning trolling in this thread. It seems to me that you either don't understand society and culture or you're being a bit of a troll

If you are being a troll then you are at least being an entertaining and creative troll, I'll give you that

I see from your profile that you were born in December 2000

I was trolling long before you were born, young man :D

Literally, I was

Don't try and bull**** a bull****ter
Interesting that I attack the governments in another thread and now I am being called a troll ! I will answer your questions soon .


Active Member
How do you believe humans came into being then?

You seem to be confusing humanity with the human mind

How could a human survive without some "programming"? And surely a being with "programming" could learn and its "programming" develop?

You seem to be confusing what I am saying . Humans don't exist without ''programming'' . How humans came into being is quite a mystery and there is a few options . I am not confusing humanity and the animals mind . Humanity occupies the animal mind . The animal mind is biological material , humanity is wave function as seen in brain waves that forms within the animals mind .

As I said , when an infant is born , their minds are empty of humanity , it hasn't formed yet .

Have you ever played one of those reality type computer games like the Sims where you control the character ?

Until the human enters the game , the on screen characters are just empty heads .

Over time , humans evolved from communication . We started off with ug ug before we formed words . This is the most likely scenario of how humans came to be but there is a darker side of possibility . God may actually have the ability to implant thoughts like a telepath . We are not telepath between ourselves but that does not necessary mean we can't receive new information from a higher power telepathically . If you consider we can send information , words etc , via satellite , what ''law'' says that the human mind can't receive new thoughts from an external source , similar to how the Sims game work .
You're basically saying that humans developed their own ideas, culture, and society independently of God
Yes that is true if we did construct the words we speak . However , something went wrong and we became these words , a secondary existence within an animal .
A monkey went outside his shop and the human said ''put some clothes on'' . The monkey laughed and replied , ''what have you become'' ?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Ok try it this way , do you have a computer ? Does a computer have the ability to ''think'' with an empty hard drive ? You can power up the system and you will get as bios screen , the computer is still alive but dead at the same time .

Have you ever heard of Schrödinger's cat ? Well , humans are dead and alive at the same time .

Humanity is a formation of brain waves , words that exist . Without these words that are a set of defining instructions , we are just '''cats'' .
Sorry, enough! You are perfectly incorrect in your claims. But for the record, I see you as a seething mess of fantasy notions with little rational ability to understand what you are really saying, nor the consequences, if your notions are true -- which they aren't.

I'm done.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
As I said , when an infant is born , their minds are empty of humanity , it hasn't formed yet .
Yes, that's obvious, but how does this relate to "humans are not alive and don't feel anything"?

The thing is though, they would have to full their minds with "humanity", otherwise they would forever remain a baby and would therefore be unable to survive without being constantly fed and hydrated by some other people. Can you imagine a grown human with the mind of a newborn baby????? That would be an horrific thing to see

It would be impossible for a human to grow and develop without acquiring what you call "humanity" but what I'd call culture and socialisation

Again, I don't see how this leads to "humans are not alive and don't feel anything". As a human who is alive and who can feel things this strikes me as self-evidently false

And it does come over a bit as trolling, if you can't make clear and sensible arguments for this. Which is something you are yet to do.

God may actually have the ability to implant thoughts like a telepath
I actually think that he does, and that this happens more often than people realise and that people don't know this when it happens


Active Member
Yes, that's obvious, but how does this relate to "humans are not alive and don't feel anything"?

Let us just focus on this for a moment because you are agreeing with me although you might not see this yet .

Let us recap , words don't feel a thing . If you stump a toe , the words in the mind , you , don't feel the pain but experience the body is suffering . That is a piezoelectric thing but we have little need to discuss that in this thread .

Ok , let us try this , a man named Dave gets struck by lighting and forgets everything , does Dave exist anymore ?

Dave the human is gone , there is just the animal body left . The animal body was not dependent of Dave . Dave was a secondary existence formed within the animals mind .


Active Member
Sorry, enough! You are perfectly incorrect in your claims. But for the record, I see you as a seething mess of fantasy notions with little rational ability to understand what you are really saying, nor the consequences, if your notions are true -- which they aren't.

I'm done.
Does ''I'm done'' in some way suppose to be meaningful or helpful ?

My notions are facts , they are the truth so help me God !


No religious beliefs
[Parrots] can say words and phrases but they have no idea what they're saying so I wouldn't exactly say that they talk

Actually parrots are a lot more intelligent than people (used to) think. They do understand what the words they repeat mean to some extent.

On topic, animals do communicate with each other, just not in words as we do. Gestures, expressions, scents, dances (bees!) are all communication. This insistence on words as a separate and special category is very parochial thinking.