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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Admiral Obvious
Dear Mestemia, I cannot agree since I support my views with the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science, and History.
Bold faced lie.

I've learned that Scripture wins the argument EVERY time when supported by the discoveries of Science and History.
I find that hard to beleive when you are so unable to show it true in this thread.

That's all.
More wishful thinking?

Read the Bible with the idea that God is so far Advanced intellectually to Humans that we are just now beginning to understand what He told us in Genesis.
And I STILL do not get from it all the bull **** you have added...

That's God's Truth.
Based on your posts here on RF, I have serious doubts you would know the truth if it reached up and bit your backside.


Dear angellous, It's the LAST debate between Evols and Christians in the LAST days of this world. I have NO idea when it will take place, but ll Peter 3:3-7 tells us that today's Scoffers/Evols will be "willingly ignorant" that Adam's world was totally destroyed in the Flood and that our world will be Burned. I just want to get my place established in the Greatest Debate of all Time. Are you "willingly ignorant" that Humans came from another world? Vote now, for there may be No tomorrow. God Bless you.

In Love,

It would be refreshing to see an argument differ from the original arguments from 150 years ago. The theory of evolution has developed, but the arguments against it are exactly the same -- and the roots of all of them are Darwin's own doubts, which have been resolved.

Now the theory of evolution isn't a debate. It's a fundamental way of understanding our world, as basic as breathing air or enjoying the rays of the sun. Arguing against it only displays a lack of understanding of it, because it has been established with clarity and met every challenge.

I get no pleasure out of seeing creationists chase their own tails. But it's getting old. Really old. The rest of the world moves forward while creationists just get more and more irrelevant.


OK, it can get worse. Yes, there are new original arguments against evolution -- they are the one that have nothing to do with evolution and are naked, unabashed proselytizing. No knowledge of evolution required.


Dear Mestemia, I cannot agree since I support my views with the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science, and History.

Unfortunately, you're not being very creative when you're making up things related to scripture, science, and history. Even if you had an elementary understanding of one of these disciplines, you would be unable to abuse all three so brutally as you are doing here.


Rogue Theologian
It's not enough to remove us from the category of "ape", however. And even if it were, we'd still be primates.

Part of the problem is that... well, we're pretty much the only member of the homo lineage left. We've literally nobody else to compare to.

Your last sentence undid all of your previous discussion.
You have checkmated yourself.


Rogue Theologian

Thank you.
A picture is more than a thousand words.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
It's not enough to remove us from the category of "ape", however. And even if it were, we'd still be primates.

Part of the problem is that... well, we're pretty much the only member of the homo lineage left. We've literally nobody else to compare to.

Your last sentence undid all of your previous discussion.
You have checkmated yourself.

He first said that we are still primates. Primates is a taxonomic order.
Then he said that we are pretty unique because there aren't any other species from the genus homo left. Homo is a genus. A sub-category of order.

So... how did he contradict himself?


Rogue Theologian
He first said that we are still primates. Primates is a taxonomic order.
Then he said that we are pretty unique because there aren't any other species from the genus homo left. Homo is a genus. A sub-category of order.

So... how did he contradict himself?

You didn't notice the pretty picture....did you?

And as long as you can spot the difference....stop denying the difference.
Be a man about it.
You didn't notice the pretty picture....did you?

And as long as you can spot the difference....stop denying the difference.
Be a man about it.

Oh, crap, you lured me in again!
I again forgot that you can't make any coherent point.

But your comments are sometimes so intreaguingly flawed, that I can't help but answer.

So, let me try it to speak in your language:

Have you ever seen the banana... haven't you?
The big picture... it's in the essence of the vegetable.
If you cannot hear that... then how do you even swim?
At least admit that it's a unicorn.


Rogue Theologian
Oh, crap, you lured me in again!
I again forgot that you can't make any coherent point.

But your comments are sometimes so intreaguingly flawed, that I can't help but answer.

So, let me try it to speak in your language:

Have you ever seen the banana... haven't you?
The big picture... it's in the essence of the vegetable.
If you cannot hear that... then how do you even swim?
At least admit that it's a unicorn.

Poor imitation.
and you still think you're a monkey....don't you?


Bible Believer
[quote=Riverwolf;3977799]It's not enough to remove us from the category of "ape", however. And even if it were, we'd still be primates.

Part of the problem is that... well, we're pretty much the only member of the homo lineage left. We've literally nobody else to compare to.[/quote]

Dear Riverwolf, Human's skeletons LOOK like prehistoric people's skeletons but we are NOT descended from Apes, but from Adam, the common ancestor of All Humans. Humans were made on the 3rd Day Gen 2:4-7 Before the First Stars of our Cosmos, put forth light, on the 4th Day, Gen 1:16 or 13.7 Billion years ago, in man's time according to Science.

Since Adam was made BEFORE the first Stars lit, tell us HOW (with your confused view) he could have been made BEFORE the Stars lit but AFTER the First Earth was made, and yet evolved from Apes? What Apes? This was BEFORE our Solar System. our Sun, our Moon, and some 10 Billion years BEFORE the first bacteria would appear in the water of our Planet.

Don't judge a Book by it's cover, for inside our brains, Humans have an intelligence which is like God's Gen 3:22. We are NOT Apes intellectually but our blood was contaminated with the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes when Noah's grandsons married prehistoric people and passed Adam's superior intelligence to the 7 Billion Humans (descendants of Adam) alive today. It's God's way of showing Scientists that they still have much to learn. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
It would be refreshing to see an argument differ from the original arguments from 150 years ago. The theory of evolution has developed, but the arguments against it are exactly the same -- and the roots of all of them are Darwin's own doubts, which have been resolved.

Now the theory of evolution isn't a debate. It's a fundamental way of understanding our world, as basic as breathing air or enjoying the rays of the sun. Arguing against it only displays a lack of understanding of it, because it has been established with clarity and met every challenge.

I get no pleasure out of seeing creationists chase their own tails. But it's getting old. Really old. The rest of the world moves forward while creationists just get more and more irrelevant.

Dear angellous, The coming argument is simple and totally destroys the part of the False Theory of Evolution which teaches that Humans evolved from Apes. This is because God shows that Humans were made and spent Billions of years on the first Earth long BEFORE our Planet was even formed of the interiors of the first Stars of our Cosmos.

Simple evolution is nothing more than genetic changes within God's kinds and the kind Jesus made, or His kinds. Ignorant men, hundreds of years ago, NOT knowing this, FALSELY assumed that Humans MUST have evolved from Apes because Human bones look like Ape bones. Genetic information further confused scientists who STILL do NOT know the difference between Human and animal intelligence.

These Scientists were studying the bones of the sons of God (prehistoric man) who were created and brought forth from the water, with all other living creatures, on the 5th Day, Gen 1:21 beginning some 3.7 billion years ago when the first bacteria appeared on our Earth.

Humans did NOT evolve from these people who looked like us. Prehistoric people were changed and inherited Adam's human intelligence from Noah's grandsons, some 10k years ago, in the mountains of Ararat. IOW, The Children of Prehistoric people inherited Adam's Human intelligence when prehistoric people married and produced children with the Humans from the Ark, from Adam's world, some 10k years ago. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

That is WHY every Human on this Planet has the unique Human intelligence Adam was made with, AND the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Unfortunately, you're not being very creative when you're making up things related to scripture, science, and history. Even if you had an elementary understanding of one of these disciplines, you would be unable to abuse all three so brutally as you are doing here.

Dear angellous, Really? Name one thing, either Scientifically, Scripturally, or Historically, that I have wrong. I don't think you can because No Evol has been able to refute God's Holy Word, which is the origin of this understanding.

Go ahead and try though, since it should be really easy to REFUTE your understanding, which is great fun for me, so bring it on. Failure to do so will expose your own false views for everyone to see. God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
Name one thing, either Scientifically, Scripturally, or Historically, that I have wrong.

Origins of man, you have that wrong according the best history and sciences we have to date. You can deny we are not apes but DNA doesn't lie. You can deny your father to his face but the dna is indisputable. WE ARE HUMAN APES!:yes:


Well-Known Member
Dear angellous, Really? Name one thing, either Scientifically, Scripturally, or Historically, that I have wrong. I don't think you can because No Evol has been able to refute God's Holy Word, which is the origin of this understanding.

Go ahead and try though, since it should be really easy to REFUTE your understanding, which is great fun for me, so bring it on. Failure to do so will expose your own false views for everyone to see. God Bless you.

In Love,


Long time listener - first time caller.

You're making claims, Historically, Scientifically, and Scripturally that have no basis other than your claims. You're taking a mythological story from the Bible, making claims about the inhabitants of a magic boat and their descendants, and telling people that it is a fact. There is no evidence, anywhere on Earth, to support what you proposing. There is no evidence of an ark, of the people who were on it, of a sudden animal resurgence in Turkey, or anything else in the fossil record to support such a hypothesis.

You have created theories about the gaps in your mythologies as an attempt to try and reconcile science with what is essentially a fundamentalist reading of the Bible.

Since you are the one making the claim, the burden of proof is on you to show us why your model of existence is different than the one that has evidence to support it. If you can do so, and cite something other than scripture as your source, then you will be taken more seriously.


Bible Believer
Origins of man, you have that wrong according the best history and sciences we have to date. You can deny we are not apes but DNA doesn't lie. You can deny your father to his face but the dna is indisputable. WE ARE HUMAN APES!:yes:

Dear idav, That is because today's scientists are "willingly ignorant" ll Peter 3:3-7 that Adam's world was totally destroyed in the Flood. DNA of prehistoric beings, who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes, IS within every Human body today because Noah's grandsons had NO other Humans to marry.

They married and the children of these two parents inherited the Human intelligence of Adam, which is like God's. Gen 3:22 They also inherited the DNA of the common ancestor of Apes within their genetics, from their prehistoric parent. This is because God made Humans and prehistoric people sexually compatible. Gen 6:1-4 This is the way He chose to produce 7 Billion Humans (descendants of Adam) on this Planet, Today.

This knowledge, which has always been right in front of the noses of all knowing Evols, has been REJECTED by them as Myth, Allegory, and Fiction, for hundreds of years, now. Only with the advent of the internet has knowledge increased to the point where we can finally begin to understand Genesis. What we see is that ONLY God knew of scientific discoveries which Humans are just now making, and He wrote of it in Genesis because He sees the end from the beginning. Isa 46:10 It's empirical evidence of God. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer

Long time listener - first time caller.

You're making claims, Historically, Scientifically, and Scripturally that have no basis other than your claims. You're taking a mythological story from the Bible, making claims about the inhabitants of a magic boat and their descendants, and telling people that it is a fact. There is no evidence, anywhere on Earth, to support what you proposing. There is no evidence of an ark, of the people who were on it, of a sudden animal resurgence in Turkey, or anything else in the fossil record to support such a hypothesis.

Dear jonathan, Welcome to the board. Human civilization on this Planet began in Northern Mesopotamia some 10k years ago when the first Human farmers began to grow crops, in the Cradle of Human civilization, which is just down the mountain from Lake Van, Turkey, in the mountains of Ararat. Below is a map of the Area and shows the position of Lake Van, which is 75 miles wide and some 1500 ft deep, a perfect place to safely dock a 450 foot long covered Barge. Lake Van is between the center of the Fertile Crescent and Mt. Ararat and is 5k feet in elevation. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

You have created theories about the gaps in your mythologies as an attempt to try and reconcile science with what is essentially a fundamentalist reading of the Bible.

What Gaps? What I seek is God's Truth which agrees, Scripturally, Scientifically, and Historically, and I've found it. So far, it's been 18 years and NO Evol has been able to refute me in any discipline, but they try over and over daily. This includes people with Masters degrees, Physics degrees, and even some college professors. Can YOU show me my error?

Since you are the one making the claim, the burden of proof is on you to show us why your model of existence is different than the one that has evidence to support it. If you can do so, and cite something other than scripture as your source, then you will be taken more seriously.

No It won't. I know because I've been doing this for years. My intention, back in the 90s, was to tell Evols that the Bible agreed with Science and History IF you read it for what is actually says INSTEAD of through the eyes of ancient men. The traditional religious teaching does NOT agree with Scripture, Science nor History.

I view this as God's intent since it insures that ONLY by Faith can Humans come to know God. There are so many differing stories of the Creation that NONE of them can be believed or taught in our Schools....BUT... there is but ONE Truth and Genesis chapter one is the key. That's all I do. I search for the AGREEMENT of Scripture Science and History. Why do you object? Can you refute me? God Bless you.

In Love,