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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Premium Member
Dear idav, That is because today's scientists are "willingly ignorant"
Generalizations are generally false. Just like the one you presented. And saying that of the ones giving us most the answers, a sense of irony and humor is in there lol.

DNA of prehistoric beings, who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes, IS within every Human body today because Noah's grandsons had NO other Humans to marry.

I don't want to be the one to have to explain to you how reproduction works but if we have Ape DNA then guess what, they are in our ancestry.


Well-Known Member
Ah, the Fertile Crescent...

I'm glad you brought this up. It would naturally be the place of origin that you would be drawn to because the "genesis" of human civilization here had a direct impact in forming the peoples and places that would be the foundation for the Monotheistic religions. Your holy book is descended from people who inhabited this region, so its naturally the epicenter of your assertions.

Problem is, it is not the only center of the "genesis" of human development.

Before I move on, you are making some bold claims about Lake Van and Ararat and the location of the ark and of the rebirth of the new world based on everyone coming off of this magic boat. Can you direct me, or anyone else, to a single piece of physical evidence to back this up? Just one. Show me where the boat was, or is, or that it even existed. Saying that a lake would be the perfect spot for something doesn't mean that anything was ever actually there. I don't know you or what type of research you do, but pictures of some neat looking rocks on a hillside aren't going to be enough. You know this.

You've claimed elsewhere that the children of Noah mated with angelic figures or something, right? That's the basis for your argument that modern people are somehow connected to your mythological original man, Adam... I just want to make sure I'm not missing something. So all modern humans are this Noahic/Adam hybrid?, or something like that?

How does that come into play against the evidence that modern humans share 99% of their DNA with the great apes? Which of your Biblical characters is descended from apes? Did the sons of Noah impregnate chimps? Or did the chimps impregnate the daughters of Noah? Even if either of those scenarios is what you say it is, then we've only had 10,000 years to turn chimp-human hybrids into modern homo sapiens? I'm serious. If I'm missing what you're saying, you gotta tell me.
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Well-Known Member
What Gaps? What I seek is God's Truth which agrees, Scripturally, Scientifically, and Historically, and I've found it. So far, it's been 18 years and NO Evol has been able to refute me in any discipline, but they try over and over daily. This includes people with Masters degrees, Physics degrees, and even some college professors. Can YOU show me my error?

I will say that I have read quite a few of your posts on this forum and I think you need to understand that it's going to be incredibly hard for you to accept refute when you are staunchly convinced that you have discovered some amazing truth that no other person, even those who spend their entire lives in pursuit of the story of our origins, has ever discovered.

This is never really about science or religion, or evolution vs. creationism... It's about plausible educated assumptions based on what we have discovered, and continue to discover, about ourselves.

Like I was getting at before - if you can supply something other than conjecture with your arguments, then all of the people that you seem to think are against you will at least be able to review what you have posited and work from there. What you're doing online and wherever else you are working is not even getting past that point.

Omega Man

New Member
The very idea of a discussion between someone who believes in the scientific approach versus someone who believes in what is written in the bible or any other religious text is positively ludicrous!!! Religion asks for only one thing from it's followers, full faith in the teachings of that religion. Science on the other hand is the domain of those who can not accept things based just on faith. The current scientifically accepted theory on the evolution of man is that we and the great apes had a common ancestor at some point in the distant past. We must accept that as a species we have a common ancestor with all living things on this planet, if we go back far enough in time. Either that, or we were created by some alien (God) from inorganic matter and we have absolutely nothing in common with any other living creature on this planet.


Well-Known Member
No! Don't you see?!? Because we were created from the same source (God) we share DNA with everything. If you don't know what it is, give it a supernatural name.... Which is exactly what every single society on Earth, ever, has done.

Hmmm, we may be on to something.


Rogue Theologian
Origins of man, you have that wrong according the best history and sciences we have to date. You can deny we are not apes but DNA doesn't lie. You can deny your father to his face but the dna is indisputable. WE ARE HUMAN APES!:yes:

and the 2% that makes us human makes all the difference.

Or maybe you can play 'ape/man' before heaven and they will let you in.


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear idav, That is because today's scientists are "willingly ignorant"

Generalizations are generally false. Just like the one you presented. And saying that of the ones giving us most the answers, a sense of irony and humor is in there lol.

Dear idav, I posted NO generalizations like Evols use all the time. For example, it took hundreds of millions of years of gene swapping to produce Humanity, along with an unknown number of postive mutations, which can NEVER be repeated, according to these Evol's Faith in the Magic of evolution. Now, that''s a generalization.

I post the BEST and ONLY evidence on the subject but the Scoffers/Evols of the last days are "willingly ignorant" according to God in 2Pe 3:5 It's very specific that the Scoffers of the last days will be willingly ignorant of two things.

1. That Adam's world was totally destroyed in the Flood. ll Peter 2Pe 3:6
2. That our world will be totally destroyed in Fire.2Pe 3:10

Since today's Science is totally Ignorant that Humans were made on Adam's world, and did NOT evolve from Apes, on our world, the entire THEORY of Evolution is affected. When you tell them, they laugh and call you names as they make a quick retreat. Can YOU refute the above information which is NOT available with today's Science? Of course not. The only thing you can do is try to convince us that Science knows more than the Creator. Such a generalization is obviously False and used only as a CYA tatic of people who are AFRAID that God's Word is True.

DNA of prehistoric beings, who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes, IS within every Human body today because Noah's grandsons had NO other Humans to marry.
I don't want to be the one to have to explain to you how reproduction works but if we have Ape DNA then guess what, they are in our ancestry.

True, BUT we did not evolve from Apes. Humans were made some 10 Billion years BEFORE any other living creature, according to the Creator. Gen 2:4-7 IF you cannot read and understand Scripture, I will be happy to shows you that these verses DO say exactly what I tell you they say.

We inherited the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes when Noah's grandsons, from Adam's world, had NO other Humans to marry, when they arrived on our Planet. Mixing the genes of Humans with the prehistoric people who were already here when Noah arrived, is what produced today's Humans.

We are the descendants of Adam AND the common ancestor of Apes. That is WHY we have a higher intelligence level than ANY animal, and our Blood shows that at sometime in the past, our Human blood was contaminated by the DNA of the common ancestor Apes, BUT we are the descendants of the common ancestor of ALL Humans, Adam, who was made some TEN Billions of years BEFORE bacteria appeared in the water of our Planet. That's God's Truth in Genesis. God Bless you.

In Love,


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear idav, That is because today's scientists are "willingly ignorant"

Dear idav, I posted NO generalizations like Evols use all the time. For example, it took hundreds of millions of years of gene swapping to produce Humanity, along with an unknown number of postive mutations, which can NEVER be repeated, according to these Evol's Faith in the Magic of evolution. Now, that''s a generalization.

I post the BEST and ONLY evidence on the subject but the Scoffers/Evols of the last days are "willingly ignorant" according to God in 2Pe 3:5 It's very specific that the Scoffers of the last days will be willingly ignorant of two things.

1. That Adam's world was totally destroyed in the Flood. ll Peter 2Pe 3:6
2. That our world will be totally destroyed in Fire.2Pe 3:10

Since today's Science is totally Ignorant that Humans were made on Adam's world, and did NOT evolve from Apes, on our world, the entire THEORY of Evolution is affected. When you tell them, they laugh and call you names as they make a quick retreat. Can YOU refute the above information which is NOT available with today's Science? Of course not. The only thing you can do is try to convince us that Science knows more than the Creator. Such a generalization is obviously False and used only as a CYA tatic of people who are AFRAID that God's Word is True.

DNA of prehistoric beings, who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes, IS within every Human body today because Noah's grandsons had NO other Humans to marry.

True, BUT we did not evolve from Apes. Humans were made some 10 Billion years BEFORE any other living creature, according to the Creator. Gen 2:4-7 IF you cannot read and understand Scripture, I will be happy to shows you that these verses DO say exactly what I tell you they say.

We inherited the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes when Noah's grandsons, from Adam's world, had NO other Humans to marry, when they arrived on our Planet. Mixing the genes of Humans with the prehistoric people who were already here when Noah arrived, is what produced today's Humans.

We are the descendants of Adam AND the common ancestor of Apes. That is WHY we have a higher intelligence level than ANY animal, and our Blood shows that at sometime in the past, our Human blood was contaminated by the DNA of the common ancestor Apes, BUT we are the descendants of the common ancestor of ALL Humans, Adam, who was made some TEN Billions of years BEFORE bacteria appeared in the water of our Planet. That's God's Truth in Genesis. God Bless you.

In Love,


You're basically saying that modern humans are Arayan Hybrid Space Men. And that it's all there, in the Bible, obviously...


Bible Believer
Ah, the Fertile Crescent...

I'm glad you brought this up. It would naturally be the place of origin that you would be drawn to because the "genesis" of human civilization here had a direct impact in forming the peoples and places that would be the foundation for the Monotheistic religions. Your holy book is descended from people who inhabited this region, so its naturally the epicenter of your assertions.

Problem is, it is not the only center of the "genesis" of human development.

Dear Jonathon, I know BUT it is the FIRST. Do you find it coincidental that the FIRST Human Farming, city building, and every other modern Human Trait, is FIRST demonstrated in Northern Mesopotamia? Do you know that Northern Mesopotamia is the area in the valleys just south of the moutains of Ararat?

Before I move on, you are making some bold claims about Lake Van and Ararat and the location of the ark and of the rebirth of the new world based on everyone coming off of this magic boat. Can you direct me, or anyone else, to a single piece of physical evidence to back this up? Just one. Show me where the boat was, or is, or that it even existed. Saying that a lake would be the perfect spot for something doesn't mean that anything was ever actually there. I don't know you or what type of research you do, but pictures of some neat looking rocks on a hillside aren't going to be enough. You know this.

God makes the bold claims and reveals HOW He did it. Adam's world was much smaller than our world, and it was surrounded by a solid firmament which protected it from the water in which it was placed. Gen 1:6-8 Adam's entire world was floating in the water of a Big Lake in the mountains of Ararat. I say this because the Ark was 450 foot long. Do you suppose it was on top of a mountain? Of course not.

The Ark was also ABOVE the highest moutains of Adam's world Gen 7:19 AND resting upon the mountains of Ararat in Turkey, on the SAME 150th Day AFTER the Flood began. Gen 8:4 The event happened because God opened the windows on top of the Firmament Gen 7:11 and it rained for 40 days and nights and the Firmament began to sink. As the firmament sank, the Ark was brought to the surface of Lake Van, Turkey and Human history on this Planet, can be traced to this event.

You've claimed elsewhere that the children of Noah mated with angelic figures or something, right? That's the basis for your argument that modern people are somehow connected to your mythological original man, Adam... I just want to make sure I'm not missing something. So all modern humans are this Noahic/Adam hybrid?, or something like that?

No. Humans were made Billions of years before the sons of God (prehistoric people) and BEFORE Adam sinned, God created and brought forth these "Natural" or prehistoric people, from the water, on the 5th Day Gen 1:21, which began some 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time, on our Planet.

The sons of God (prehistoric people) were sexually compatible with Humans, the descendants of Adam. Gen 6:4 Noah's grandsons married and produced children with these prehistoric people who have been on our Earth for MILLIONS of years, but they were NOT Humans, since they did NOT descend from Adam. Today, our Earth is filled with some 7 Billion Humans, the descendants of Adam, EXACTLY as God knew it would be Billions of years ago.

How does that come into play against the evidence that modern humans share 99% of their DNA with the great apes? Which of your Biblical characters is descended from apes? Did the sons of Noah impregnate chimps? Or did the chimps impregnate the daughters of Noah? Even if either of those scenarios is what you say it is, then we've only had 10,000 years to turn chimp-human hybrids into modern homo sapiens? I'm serious. If I'm missing what you're saying, you gotta tell me.

The DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes was in Cro-Magnon when they married and had children with Noah's grandsons. The FIRST Human cities on our Planet were built by Noah's great grandsons because the prehistoric mother of Nimrod married and produced him with Cush, one of Noah's grandsons. In just ONE Generation after inheriting Adam's Human intelligence, Nimrod built Babel, the first Human city on this Earth....in Northern Mesopotamia. From there was Human civilization transported to the whole face of our Earth. Gen 11:8

That is HOW our Human blood was contaminated by the DNA of prehistoric animals, and changed us into such Violent Beings that the LORD cut Human lifetimes by almost 90%. Gen 6:3 God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
True, BUT we did not evolve from Apes....
They are in our genes therefore your statement is categorically false.
We inherited the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes when Noah's grandsons, from Adam's world, had NO other Humans to marry, when they arrived on our Planet. Mixing the genes of Humans with the prehistoric people who were already here when Noah arrived, is what produced today's Humans.
OK Aman but with Apes being in our dna makes it really look like we evolved naturally without any need for godly intervention. So your other worldly stuff is just speculation without even the bible to back that level of detail. If Apes are in our ancestry then we evolved from them common ancestry style. That is what all science and history spell out and matches rather nicely with DNA evidence. That is how reproduction works before having to bring in any sci fi.
We are the descendants of Adam AND the common ancestor of Apes.
Yes that makes sense but would be more inclined to believe that god chose from within evolution. No manipulation necessary except for the fact they are chosen. Thats why Cain had humans to marry outside the garden.


Rogue Theologian
They are in our genes therefore your statement is categorically false.

OK Aman but with Apes being in our dna makes it really look like we evolved naturally without any need for godly intervention. So your other worldly stuff is just speculation without even the bible to back that level of detail. If Apes are in our ancestry then we evolved from them common ancestry style. That is what all science and history spell out and matches rather nicely with DNA evidence. That is how reproduction works before having to bring in any sci fi.

Yes that makes sense but would be more inclined to believe that god chose from within evolution. No manipulation necessary except for the fact they are chosen. Thats why Cain had humans to marry outside the garden.

Eve was a clone.
No navel.

Serious manipulation there.


Bible Believer
Whatever. All apes should go to heaven if you ask me.

Dear idav, They will since they are innocent creatures because they don't know good and evil. Only Humans do. Gen 3:22 That's one of the differences between innocent animals and guilty Humans. Humans MUST give an account for their deeds but Apes don't. Heb 9:27

God "creates" only eternal beings and He created and brought forth from the water, Gen 1:21 every living creature EXCEPT Humans which were made Billions of years earlier. Gen 2:4-7 God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
Eve was a clone.
No navel.
Serious manipulation there.
Thief you really by into the alien theory stuff. There is clear evidence that we share ancestor genes with apes. In fact all of life on this planet share genes cause there is one common ancestor.

All we need is time. Mutations happen, it is unavoidable that other different species will eventually emerge.
"Our results indicate that human and chimp ancestors' genomes would diverge by about 0.1 percent every million years, so when we see divergence of 1.2 percent, we infer that it must have been about 12 million years — 13 million years is our actual estimate," McVean told Live Science.
Human and Chimp Genes May Have Split 13 Million Years Ago


Bible Believer
You're basically saying that modern humans are Arayan Hybrid Space Men. And that it's all there, in the Bible, obviously...

Dear jonathan, False. I said NOTHING about Space men. Over the years, I have found that those who cannot refute God's Truth seem to navigate toward such a False view of what I am saying. God Bless you.

In Love,


Well-Known Member
Dear jonathan, False. I said NOTHING about Space men. Over the years, I have found that those who cannot refute God's Truth seem to navigate toward such a False view of what I am saying. God Bless you.

In Love,

So when you referred a different planet, as it would seem, you were just distinguishing between this floating island that "Adam" and his people lived on before that "Earth" was flooded, at which point all life on the rest of the planet emerged...

Smaller answers will make this a little more clear. Your theory is quite convoluted.


Bible Believer
They are in our genes therefore your statement is categorically false.

Dear idav, Not so. What it shows is that God wrote Genesis 6 which confirms HOW our Human blood was contaminated with the blood of the common ancestor of Apes. This gives EVERYONE a free choice to believe God's Truth in Genesis or what they have been brainwashed to believe by today's Evols...UNLESS....you can explain HOW ancient goatherders knew to write this genetic explanation thousands of years ago.

OK Aman but with Apes being in our dna makes it really look like we evolved naturally without any need for godly intervention. So your other worldly stuff is just speculation without even the bible to back that level of detail. If Apes are in our ancestry then we evolved from them common ancestry style. That is what all science and history spell out and matches rather nicely with DNA evidence. That is how reproduction works before having to bring in any sci fi.

What Sci-fi? Just because some, in a vain attempt to refute God's Truth, have falsely accused me of being a UFO nut?

Yes that makes sense but would be more inclined to believe that god chose from within evolution. No manipulation necessary except for the fact they are chosen. Thats why Cain had humans to marry outside the garden.

Not quite. Cain went to the land of Nod on the East of Eden and married a descendant of the sons of God (prehistoric people) who were not Humans (Adam's descendants) and produced Enoch who inherited Adam's human intelligence and passed this to the prehistoric people of the first Earth. Gen 4 What this shows is that we will find LIFE throughout the Universe, but we are the only Humans, because there was but one Ark. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
So when you referred a different planet, as it would seem, you were just distinguishing between this floating island that "Adam" and his people lived on before that "Earth" was flooded, at which point all life on the rest of the planet emerged...

Smaller answers will make this a little more clear. Your theory is quite convoluted.

Dear jonathan, Adam's world was much smaller than our world. The highest elevation was only 22 1/2 feet high. Gen 7:20 It had only 4 Rivers which all came from one River which ran out of the Garden of Eden. Gen 2:10 Our Earth has Thousands of Rivers. Adam's world was surrounded by a solid firmament which protected it from the water it was placed in. Gen 1:6-8 Adam's world was "clean dissolved" Isa 24:19 in the Flood and Scripture could NOT have been speaking of our world since we live on a Rock which doesn't dissolve in the water.

The understanding seems convoluted because you haven't heard it before. From now on, every time you have a discussion of the Creation, this view will appear, simply because it's God's Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,