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I and the father are one.


Jesus in me
Abe himself came from Ur .. prior to settling in the land of Canaan .. becoming a Canaanite .. as with the rest of his lineage .. all Canaanites .. including the Israelites .. along with their religious beliefs .. "Canaanite"

Hebrew is a Canaanite Script indeed .. and because EL was the Most High God .. over all the Region .. including for Ur .. those from Babylon at the time .. over the name of the Most HIgh God came into use as a term for "God" in general .. this is true ..

but in the script .. the name is distinguished from the general term for God in the text so is not normally and issue.

Now "you believe" Ha ha .. ohhh.. thats nice .. on the basis of what .. what is the basis of this belief Brother Muff .. What is the name of the God of Abraham if not EL - most high God of the Canaanites .. and well .. the Assyrians - Babylonians - Sumerian . .. Phonecians .. Philistines .. Amorites, Hittites .. moabites ..edomites .. and what is the name of that Tribe where Moses met his God ... oh "Midianites" .. Them too .. u understand ?

Now .. tell us the name of this "Most High" God .. that everyone else in the period knew as EL .. but you know by the name. ????
Hint: and the name can not be YHWH :)

Then .. you go to Encyclopedia Brittanica .. look up Abe .. and read .. and learn when they tell you that the God of Abe was "EL" .. apparently modern scholarship made same darn assumption .. the one you believe in not .. because you know better .. that the name of the God of Abe is ?????? .. we can't wait to hear. .. and don't spout off one of those epithets either .. get a big Donut for that sorry attempt.
I know of no name. We do the same thing by calling Him God which is not a name and we do not have a different name for Him.


Jesus in me
I believe:

"I and the Father are one" is simply part of the later books of the Bible that were designed to fit the new theology created by the highly educated elite Roman citizens like Paul. The new theology was intended to eliminate what they considered to be the ridiculous practice of sacrificing animals. Jesus was adapted to substitute for the sacrifices for both Jews and Greco-Roman polytheists. Jesus was also adapted to substitute the human-like Greco-Roman "gods" with a human-like image of the true God.

"I and the Father are one" is simply a Scripture that was fabricated to fit the pre-conceived theology. These were highly educated men dealing with largely uneducated groups. The leaders believed it was an advancement of society, e.g. the end of animal sacrifices and the end of polytheism. Paul even spoke of the justification of lying to accomplish the goals.

(I avoid playing the "Bible game", but even in that game, one can show Scriptures like "The Father is greater than I" etc. It all proves not the point of an argument but the point that the Bible is artificially "all things to all people". "All things to all people" is hard to do and also come up with a coherent and consistent message. "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive." Romans 3:7 "...if through my lie God 's truth abounds to his glory...")
I believe there is no evidence to support that view.


Well-Known Member
I know of no name. We do the same thing by calling Him God which is not a name and we do not have a different name for Him.

Two donuts ?! If you don't know the name of the God you worship .. then you better figure it out .. otherwise your prayers will be sent to the wrong email address .. into the Junk - generic God address ..

and NO .. no no no .. you do prayers do not get to the right address .. sending to the generic Junk God folder .. and who is We ?? What Church Group is this that knows not the name of the God they worship ? obviously not Jehovah's witnesses .. are you talking Buddhism ?


Bible Student
If you don't know the name of the God you worship .. then you better figure it out .. otherwise your prayers will be sent to the wrong email address .. into the Junk - generic God address ..
I know the name of my Heavenly Father, but I don't have to call Him by that name. Do you call your earthly father by his name? My father knows who I am, as he adopted me (Eph 1:5)
and NO .. no no no .. you do prayers do not get to the right address .. sending to the generic Junk God folder .. and who is We ?? What Church Group is this that knows not the name of the God they worship ? obviously not Jehovah's witnesses .. are you talking Buddhism ?
You do know that the Jury is still out in regards the correct pronunciation of the Divine Name, don't you? Most scholars including the Jehovah's Witnesses admit that Yahweh is the correct name, and there are plenty of Sacred Name groups who use the name YAHWEH in their worship.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I believe:

"I and the Father are one" is simply part of the later books of the Bible that were designed to fit the new theology created by the highly educated elite Roman citizens like Paul. The new theology was intended to eliminate what they considered to be the ridiculous practice of sacrificing animals. Jesus was adapted to substitute for the sacrifices for both Jews and Greco-Roman polytheists. Jesus was also adapted to substitute the human-like Greco-Roman "gods" with a human-like image of the true God.

"I and the Father are one" is simply a Scripture that was fabricated to fit the pre-conceived theology. These were highly educated men dealing with largely uneducated groups. The leaders believed it was an advancement of society, e.g. the end of animal sacrifices and the end of polytheism. Paul even spoke of the justification of lying to accomplish the goals.

(I avoid playing the "Bible game", but even in that game, one can show Scriptures like "The Father is greater than I" etc. It all proves not the point of an argument but the point that the Bible is artificially "all things to all people". "All things to all people" is hard to do and also come up with a coherent and consistent message. "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive." Romans 3:7 "...if through my lie God 's truth abounds to his glory...")
Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." (NIV)

We believing Christians are certain of our beliefs. No wrong interpretation can alter God's truth.

Read my "signature" below...


Well-Known Member
I know the name of my Heavenly Father, but I don't have to call Him by that name. Do you call your earthly father by his name? My father knows who I am, as he adopted me (Eph 1:5)

You do know that the Jury is still out in regards the correct pronunciation of the Divine Name, don't you? Most scholars including the Jehovah's Witnesses admit that Yahweh is the correct name, and there are plenty of Sacred Name groups who use the name YAHWEH in their worship.

OH my Word Brother RR .. why are you quoting from Pauline scripture .. that be not the name of the God of Jesus .. and sorry friend but YHWH .. however you wish to prounouce or describe "Chief God of Israel" "Lord YHWH" .. is not the God of Jesus ?! Jesus calls that nasty Lord YHWH and the Lord Jealous .. the Devil in John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

So it is written .. so it shall be done :) The covenant of Lord YHWH - and Lord Jealous -- and commands that go with that covenant are not something Jesus tolerated .. and if you break the commands willingly and teach others to do the same .. you break the covenant. .. and you are not a follower of the God of that covenant.

That is how it works Brother RR -- now .. your mission .. should you choose to accept it - is to figure out the commands/covenant of the God of Jesus . Hint: it would probably be a good idea to know the name of this God but possible to complete the first part of the mission without .. but .. the second part of this mission is to tell us the name of this God .. that clearly you do not know ! .. Hint 2 -- The God of jesus has the same name as the God of Abraham .. and Jesus is a Priest not of the order of Aaron- levitical priesthood .. the Priesthood of YHWH.