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I attained nirvana

Ok, so those of you that said "welcome to the club" Did you also experience the electrifying sound that your ears didn't make? that would be the one thing that stands out as eventful I can pinpoint .


Istha gosthi
namaskaram leilaniana ji :namaste

firstly welcome freind :)

and now to your questions ....
I'm sure many people would love to hear a description but until I have met with a master or guru that I am comfortable with I am not doing that because there are ways I am unfamiliar with being one who is self taught. there is a name for that in buddhism but I cant remember it of the top of my head. I can say there was a sound that the ears could not produce and a feeling like electricity but that is the tip of the iceberg. there is a process of increase in frequency and purity of thought leading to it and specific things that ended it and happened afterwards.

.........'' there is a name for that in buddhism but I cant remember it of the top of my head ''.

'prateka buddha'
, ... one who has attained buddha hood by his own endeavours , often translated as 'solitary realiser' one whos attainment is spontanious and does not rely upon initiation or the transmition of texts .

'arahat' or 'arahant ', ....although not a fully enlightened buddha is considered a 'foe destroyer' , one who has defeated the aflictive emotions .

'shravaka', ...one who has atained through hearing , thus is known as a 'hearer' or 'pious attendant ' , one who by receiving the word of the buddha , atains liberation and transmits what he has learnt faithfully to others .

The whole thing is a little unsettling and there isn't anyone I have to talk to about it that seems to know what it is. I can't stop people from being cruel. Not that it hurts me from them being that way to me. It hurts me to feel their pain. Not being able to shut off empathy is very hard to deal with daily.
on the other hand a 'bodhisatva',not himself a fully enlightened being ...sees and experiences the pain of others suffering , and taking that suffering upon himself vowes to become a buddha inorder to releave their suffering .

please do not be unsettled , the realisation of 'nirvana ' is the state of bliss beyond sorrow , one who realises the 'ultimate reality' and has thus atained buddha hood resides in a state of bliss , not that he is unaware of suffering , but that he realises its temporary and illusuory nature and realising the causes of suffering he has trancended suffering by trancending the causes of suffering . thus the buddha himself came to reveal this truth and teach on the ceasation of suffering .

one does not need to ''shut of empathy'' , one can learn to use it compassionately , it should also gladen you that allthough suffering exists , there is also a method which leads to the ceasation of suffering , .... the buddhas eight fold path :bow:

there are of course levels of 'nirvana' to be attained, as there are two truths , conventional truth and ultimate truth ultimately one is aiming for ' paramathasatya' ultimate truth and ' paranirvana ' ..final nirvana , absolute realisation , absolute peace :namaste


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Ok, so those of you that said "welcome to the club" Did you also experience the electrifying sound that your ears didn't make? that would be the one thing that stands out as eventful I can pinpoint .
There are many phenomena that can and do occur in these states, some audible, some visible. Not all are the same to all people, nor the same even to yourself on different occasions. I often experience the cessation of time, visible white or blue light, deep abiding presence, big mind. My first time I heard my name spoken. At a certain point all such subtle-level phenomena ceases and dissolves into you, and you move beyond them into pure Stillness. There is no phenomena, no thoughts, just pure awareness, without judgment of this or that. This is the state of Emptiness, or the Casual. And then there is beyond this, the nondual, but we don't have to talk about that now.

From your description, which is why I asked for more than just the description of a crackling lightening sound, it sounds consistent with what some call the initial 'Kundalini awakening". There are physiological components that occur, such as the body twitching, the sound of crackling lightning sound, etc. As I said, these vary.

It's all good, but I'd be careful to say "this is it!", as though you've reached enlightenment. Believe me, it's just the beginning.

Here's a link I think you should read through to give a good overview of these various stages we pass through on a path towards the realization of our own enlightenment. The link seems to hang when you click on it, but give it some time to finish loading: Stages of Meditation | Integral Life

Edit to add: I just found this interesting description discussing the differences between Enlightenment and a Kundalini Awakening experience: Know The Truth: Kundalini And Enlightenment

From the article:

"One's kundalini may energetically pierce into the saharara and one may NOT REALIZE the Truth due to their attention being distracted by the phenomena associated with kundalini. They are caught up in the phenomena that occurs right before or right after the enlightened state. They are caught up in the bodymind's reactions to kundalini..... the heat, the joy, the tears, the laughter, the intensity of mental, physical and psycho sexual phenomena. So they miss it. It is still there. It always is. One needs to just notice the obvious."​
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
I can say there was a sound that the ears could not produce and a feeling like electricity but that is the tip of the iceberg. there is a process of increase in frequency and purity of thought leading to it and specific things that ended it and happened afterwards.
In my own writing, I describe that first experience in considerable detail and one was hearing/feeling a sound that was not unlike the strange crackling sound of how the cellophane covering on a package of cigarettes makes when you break the seal. (Non-smokers might not know what I am talking about, LOL.)

At other times, I have been quite aware of an unusual "electricity" (for lack of a better word). Electrostatic?

For the record, I don't buy into the Kundalini/Chakra thingy, but it is fun reading and thinking about it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
For the record, I don't buy into the Kundalini/Chakra thingy, but it is fun reading and thinking about it.
I think taking any of these sorts of models too literally is a problem. People create these systems and models to map the territory. They're simply ways to talk about types of actual experience in some sort of metaphysical framework. They can be useful this way, or not, depending.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I think taking any of these sorts of models too literally is a problem. People create these systems and models to map the territory. They're simply ways to talk about types of actual experience in some sort of metaphysical framework. They can be useful this way, or not, depending.
There area I live in is frequented by some tender souls who take it quite seriously and quite literally. Their certainty is a bit unnerving and I usually just smile and nod, trying to look "knowing" and get back to what I was doing.
Oh it wasn't a crackling sound. more like unleashing the sound of feedback from a speaker at a stadium inside my head but not painful. the feeling was like 100 times the electricity in the air during a thunderstorm. It wasn't a sound I heard with my ears. It would have burst my eardrums. really quite hard to explain. It was a crown chakra something.

ya the bodhisatva one I think. I'm the most sensitive empath I've ever met. Or, prateka I am solitary. whichever one you get Knowledge of your past lives afterwards cause I got those after it happened. 6 of them. 2 animals, one male, and three females.
I'm a student of truth and there are so many amazing truths in all faiths I often mix them up or have already combined them in my head, so that makes it difficult to communicate back in terms people know as opposed to speaking my truth as I see it. For instance, chakras and the meridian /chi systems and merkaba are one system in my head. there is no separation of them. Actually there's no separation in anything but thats another topic.
Like I said, One true world religion. It's all of them. like petals of a lotus or spokes in a wheel, like the flower of life, direction of the cross, reflection of the moon. all of them make one that's why there are so many problems with them apart. they have evolved to their max and now combine to continue to grow and shed light on mind body and soul after using discernment to understand what fear inspired crap must go. such as marrying your rapist or stoning people to death, etc.


Veteran Member
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There area I live in is frequented by some tender souls who take it quite seriously and quite literally. Their certainty is a bit unnerving and I usually just smile and nod, trying to look "knowing" and get back to what I was doing.
You do understand that literalist thinking is found in all systems, such as psychology as well? I recall my first experiences within meditation with encountering various deity forms. I said to myself afterwards how I can certainly see how those who literally believe their deity is a literal being 'up there' would take this experience as a conformation of that literal mythic belief.

The experience is in fact very real, but the symbol is translated into their mythic framework of reality, naturally. Not knowing any other way to understand this or talk about it, it validates and confirms their system through experience. It doesn't matter what system it is, whether it's chakras or the book of Genesis. It does not mean the system has no merit or truth to it, because so many take it so literally. Get rid of the system, they'll just take their literal thinking to the next system.
Yes, It very much was a vibration. the physical aspect of sound the energy of it was like electricity without pain. "buzzing" I wouldn't use that word, or ears. which, i know sounds weird but it was too loud and not painful to have been made in my ears it was more within the space between my ears and in my head .actually this is where its difficult to describe.. Ears dont make that sound with out blowing your ear drums. Trying to describe it is like trying to describe a physical 6th sense between nervous system hearing that is interacted with mind because a fleeting thought conmpletely stopped it . the experience only lasted seconds but I can't really be sure how many 3-10-20 not many but it really wasn't just sound its like the feeling loud base produces in your body or the feeling of music at a concert but without an external sound the sound is just inside. It's a sound you dont hear with ears but can only hear when you're soul is completely listening. It is the sound of the soul listening and the feeling of the soul receiving that sound.
Well, I have difficulty navigating the enlightenment thread bc I'm autistic and it seems like a room with 20 people talking at once and I wouldn't know how to handle that in real life. I can't handle it. and no one seems to be here anymore.

Namaste and bye-bye


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well, I have difficulty navigating the enlightenment thread bc I'm autistic and it seems like a room with 20 people talking at once and I wouldn't know how to handle that in real life. I can't handle it. and no one seems to be here anymore.

Namaste and bye-bye
I know what you mean about too many in a single thread. I can't keep up with threads where I'm away for a couple days and there are 12 pages of various conversations going on. The key is don't try to get the details of everything said. You just skim or look for those you were directly talking to. Or just choose 'quieter' threads. :)
I'll just check on this one once in a while, or start my own I guess. Interacting with people is really hard even though I want to.

Good thing enlightenment is a solo experience!
Hello, and it was Kensho. that would be the specific definition. I'm more lost after it than I was before, so i wouldn't say nirvana. Trying to get more than basically educated in every school of thought is time consuming but every answer is there somewhere I suppose so i do it anyway :)


Someone did ask me to teach.

I choose the term Nirvana because it seems the experiences I've had after the event have guided me more to Buddhism. My past lives being revealed and things of that nature. I told my mother I was baptized by fire because her only reference is Christianity. talked to my kundalini yoga friend first because I was sure it was a crown chakra awakening or event. And have explained to some young kids that the path will lead you to produce DMT through meditation and you can't get busted for it.

I was reading the wiki on Timothy Leary the other day, and he mentions DMT being a part of a circuit 8 level consciousness thing a ma jig. Anyhoo... Ketamine and LSD were also a part of the highest level of consciousness.

That being said. The street drugs out there are horrible in many places. 5-Meo-DMT, that is different from DMT, and whoa, let me tell you, that is no Nirvana. Although, yeah, never tried the DMT.

DMT is released in the brain at death, correct?