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I attained nirvana


Not being able to shut off empathy is very hard to deal with daily.

I watched a video by an empath. Tuning Forks are great focusers.

You know. The Y shaped metal objects, that once banged, make a vibration. Who knows?

I'm sure many people would love to hear a description but until I have met with a master or guru that I am comfortable with I am not doing that because there are ways I am unfamiliar with being one who is self taught.

I am sure many out there are experiencing what you are currently experiencing. I will probably burn in hell for this... however, the Tower of Babel, is said to be a very interesting metaphor, regarding languages, how true meaning is derived from limited languages. Be quick to understand, your old defenses are no longer. That being said, as someone already mentioned, Nirvana, Heaven, Valhalla, Hell, Purgatory, ect... there are many different "states"... people in great pain, who knows? Maybe they are simply misunderstood.

I most certainly lack the guru knowledge you seek.

Great Day at You!
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That being said. The street drugs out there are horrible in many places. 5-Meo-DMT, that is different from DMT, and whoa, let me tell you, that is no Nirvana. Although, yeah, never tried the DMT.

DMT is released in the brain at death, correct?

correct on both counts. Iyuahuasca (sp) is a shamanistic brew from south america as far as i know. You're supposed to have a guide and the tea or drink they make has effects that increase and decrease over the "trip". I watched the documentary on DMT and those people who were administered it (shooting it up) under doctor supervision were fried. In actual near death one isn't trying to make it. You are bc your body i saying goodbye to the brain - for real. In meditation it is the death of ego and receiving of that state of consciousness voluntarily.


Da man, when I walk thru!
I was reading the wiki on Timothy Leary the other day, and he mentions DMT being a part of a circuit 8 level consciousness thing a ma jig. Anyhoo... Ketamine and LSD were also a part of the highest level of consciousness.

That being said. The street drugs out there are horrible in many places. 5-Meo-DMT, that is different from DMT, and whoa, let me tell you, that is no Nirvana. Although, yeah, never tried the DMT.

DMT is released in the brain at death, correct?

There isn't scientific evidence that shows that DMT is released at death, but their is some evidence that suggests that it does. Rick Strassman was the one who started this research, and if your interested in DMT, and the source of spirituality his book is a great read.
DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences: Rick Strassman: 9780892819270: Amazon.com: Books
It can be a little difficult to read at times, but it definitely has some good information, both scientific and spiritual.

correct on both counts. Iyuahuasca (sp) is a shamanistic brew from south america as far as i know. You're supposed to have a guide and the tea or drink they make has effects that increase and decrease over the "trip". I watched the documentary on DMT and those people who were administered it (shooting it up) under doctor supervision were fried. In actual near death one isn't trying to make it. You are bc your body i saying goodbye to the brain - for real. In meditation it is the death of ego and receiving of that state of consciousness voluntarily.

I would have to disagree with you on the people "shooting up" DMT being fried. The book I linked to above was actually a FDA approved study on the effects of DMT, and the subjects were given DMT through an IV feed. The results were different for different people, but none of them got "fried" so to speak. I would even say Iyuahuasca is much harder on the body, both physically and mentally, than other forms of DMT.


Da man, when I walk thru!
The sound you describe is what I like to call "The swooshy sound" lol. If you progress in your meditation you can actually gain the ability to induce this sound at will, and with different intensities as well. I have had some unusual experiences while hearing this sound. I don't want to go into detail about them in an open thread, but if you wan't to discuss any of this information you can send me a private message.

I learned I had the ability to induce this sound about 5 years ago, and I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what it was. This is one of the better explinations I have found, spiritually speaking.
Humming sound in the ear - Hindu Dharma Forums

From what I gather, the sound is different for different people, and it is different at different stages of spiritual development. But essentialy, I believe it represents one that "hears" the lifeforce that flows through all things. From the way you describe your personal experience, it sounds like you experienced the highest level, pretty spontaneously.

If you don't mind me asking, what exactly were you doing when you heard this sound? Have you heard it since?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
In actual near death one isn't trying to make it. You are bc your body i saying goodbye to the brain - for real. In meditation it is the death of ego and receiving of that state of consciousness voluntarily.
To offer some clarification from my perspective, yes what happens in an NDE is you move beyond the ego and open to what can be described many ways, light, the absolute, heaven, God, etc. In meditation we do the same thing, but rather than involuntarily, it is voluntarily as you say. It is through intention and a release of desiring for ourselves that we empty ourselves of that clinging and seeking for the ego needs, and allow what is higher to fill us and transform the mind into itself.

What I think is important that a lot of people misunderstand is that it is not an actual death of the ego, destroying it that needs to happen. In fact so long as we are alive that cannot happen and expect us to remain functional in this body in any manner. It would be like saying we put to death the body itself, literally in order to know enlightenment. The ego is necessary to function in the world in our interactions with others. The death of the ego, the death of the body are metaphoric realities which can be best understood in my opinion as shifting our center of gravity of our self-identification.

What happens in meditation as you move deeper, higher, wider, etc, is that the "me" that witness, that seer, is no longer seated in the egoic body, that construction of self-identity in personality and needs and desires and fears and all that goes into who we call "me" as we look out at the world from within that set of eyes. The set of eyes, so to speak, moves out from the ego into the transcendent. It moves beyond the ego, letting it rest within the body, but no longer dominating the entire conversation as it normally does.

Who you are transcends the ego, just as the ego transcended your predominant self-identification with the body in youth prior to developing the ego. As you transcend the ego through meditation practices, as you live in the world you center of gravity begins to shift from its main center of operation in the ego, into spirit. The ego is still your ego, just as your body is still your body, but you are no longer embedded exclusively in the ego, wrapped up in its constructed world and blind to reality beyond it.

I hope that offers something of value.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
To offer some clarification from my perspective, yes what happens in an NDE is you move beyond the ego and open to what can be described many ways, light, the absolute, heaven, God, etc. In meditation we do the same thing, but rather than involuntarily, it is voluntarily as you say. It is through intention and a release of desiring for ourselves that we empty ourselves of that clinging and seeking for the ego needs, and allow what is higher to fill us and transform the mind into itself.

What I think is important that a lot of people misunderstand is that it is not an actual death of the ego, destroying it that needs to happen. In fact so long as we are alive that cannot happen and expect us to remain functional in this body in any manner. It would be like saying we put to death the body itself, literally in order to know enlightenment. The ego is necessary to function in the world in our interactions with others. The death of the ego, the death of the body are metaphoric realities which can be best understood in my opinion as shifting our center of gravity of our self-identification.

What happens in meditation as you move deeper, higher, wider, etc, is that the "me" that witness, that seer, is no longer seated in the egoic body, that construction of self-identity in personality and needs and desires and fears and all that goes into who we call "me" as we look out at the world from within that set of eyes. The set of eyes, so to speak, moves out from the ego into the transcendent. It moves beyond the ego, letting it rest within the body, but no longer dominating the entire conversation as it normally does.

Who you are transcends the ego, just as the ego transcended your predominant self-identification with the body in youth prior to developing the ego. As you transcend the ego through meditation practices, as you live in the world you center of gravity begins to shift from its main center of operation in the ego, into spirit. The ego is still your ego, just as your body is still your body, but you are no longer embedded exclusively in the ego, wrapped up in its constructed world and blind to reality beyond it.

I hope that offers something of value.
It would appear that reality is not ready for my reply to this, as the original effort got lost in an html backlash from hell. Oh well, what can one do? I DO support your thinking. You are well on your way to becoming another RF treasure. :)


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Who you are transcends the ego, just as the ego transcended your predominant self-identification with the body in youth prior to developing the ego. As you transcend the ego through meditation practices, as you live in the world you center of gravity begins to shift from its main center of operation in the ego, into spirit. The ego is still your ego, just as your body is still your body, but you are no longer embedded exclusively in the ego, wrapped up in its constructed world and blind to reality beyond it.

I hope that offers something of value.
Attempt 2: (Since this was such an important point, made by WindWafter.) The ego is so often maligned that it is not even funny anymore. SELF is so much more than the necessary outward aggressiveness of ego. However, ego is the physical approximation of the larger identity, warts and all. That is partially why it thinks so highly of itself. The Achilles heel of ego is that, as the captain, at the helm, so to speak, it often fancies that there is nothing more to being than its resplendent view of identity. The non-dual view of reality puts things into a proper perspective FOR the ego to behold. When one treats the ego as a necessary friend, it doesn't mind moving aside from time to time to let the greater reality of self shine through. Somewhat like the rays of sunshine, breaking through a cloudy day....

Let us sing... together...
Sonne (you know you want to listen to it!)
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I would have to disagree with you on the people "shooting up" DMT being fried. The book I linked to above was actually a FDA approved study on the effects of DMT, and the subjects were given DMT through an IV feed. The results were different for different people, but none of them got "fried" so to speak. I would even say Iyuahuasca is much harder on the body, both physically and mentally, than other forms of DMT.

the documentary I watched with subjects that were administered DMT under doctor supervision seemed fried by the experience to me just like many people who did too much LSD seem fried to me. it is my opinion.

Iyuahuasca has been brewed by shamans for thousands of years and a medical team was not necessary to make sure the people woke back up. these subjects werent even conscious during the experience. It is not comparable in IMHO.


Daughter of Chaos
When trying to speak of the ineffable, the transcendent- words are easily our worst enemy.
The sound you describe is what I like to call "The swooshy sound"
From what I gather, the sound is different for different people, and it is different at different stages of spiritual development. But essentialy, I believe it represents one that "hears" the lifeforce that flows through all things. From the way you describe your personal experience, it sounds like you experienced the highest level, pretty spontaneously.

If you don't mind me asking, what exactly were you doing when you heard this sound? Have you heard it since?

It may be a "swooshy" sound to you but it was the loudest thing I've ever heard or felt in my life.

I was sitting crossed legged palms up and open facing east meditating did my usual breathing thing focusing on seeing with the third eye running a few thoughts- then- I listened -to my mass consciousness God and -it- happened then I got distracted by the thought "what if that's the devil" (Damn baptist upbringing) and it stopped.Afterwards I thought to myself OH, so all these people saying god talks to them are full of it because god doesnt use words or say anything and your ears don't hear it. I laughed about that. and afterwards I've been all kinds of sad and angry in ways I wasn't before. because I feel like I know stuff and it's just heartbreaking. and this happened on Prophets ascension day ( found that Muslim holiday was the date a few days later). that's what happened. I figured it was a massive third eye or crown chakra something. It has not happened since. my world has been turned over since it happened. All my intuitive stuff is off the charts - seriously like being born again. I wasn't trying to make it happen when it did. this whole thing has me my ego my personage my life totally spiritually and emotionally off center since it happened. I wish there was a place to go that practices religious fusion or something because thats what I'm doing and I can't go get advice from a guru or whatever for guidance. I even have my own mantra Om ma lei la ni a na. It's just a trip. I wrote this really really long poem a week before it happened and lots of stuff afterwards and I havent written in 10 years. I've written more in 2 months than I have in my whole life.

any how that's probably more info than you were asking for. I'm full of information ask away I'll answer the best I can.
So-called "ego death" isn't a term that is either terribly accurate or representative of the reality involved.

that is the best way i can put it. Each person has their own experience. I've had the issue of being pulled to behave as if I have no ego or even a name as I interact with random people, strangers, whatever. the goal is to have no ego it is better for myself and for the people I meet. the ego is junk this existence layers over your soul and physical body. My ego wasn't there when it happened but now my ego has to deal with it and it's a trip. Trying to explain levels of mind and consciousness is difficult people have been trying to do it for thousands of years. I have my own description.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
that is the best way i can put it. Each person has their own experience. I've had the issue of being pulled to behave as if I have no ego or even a name as I interact with random people, strangers, whatever. the goal is to have no ego it is better for myself and for the people I meet. the ego is junk this existence layers over your soul and physical body. My ego wasn't there when it happened but now my ego has to deal with it and it's a trip. Trying to explain levels of mind and consciousness is difficult people have been trying to do it for thousands of years. I have my own description.
Indeed, all have their own experiences. Tell me something I don't know. I mean that in a devilish, kind way, btw. That said, I know, I've talked about so-called "ego loss" over the decades but it isn't really accurate. The ego is never "lost", it is perhaps, sidestepped. When a healthy ego can understand that it's sitting out an inning is in the best interests of the psyche, in general, it has no problem offloading it's "captain at the helm" role. IT can be a profound learning experience for the ego... and how powerful an ego can be when it understands that it is the local representative of a FAR LARGER identity. Talk about things to fry one's bacon, eh? :D

I'll resist the impulse to link to yet another Rammstein video..........
*dematerializes behind pretty sparklers*

I'm weakening.... (Still resisting urge to link to Rammstein video....)
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When trying to speak of the ineffable, the transcendent- words are easily our worst enemy.

I totally agree sister.

This is where a picture speaks a thousand words could come into play and be helpful , and even then, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
How does one speak truth and assure truth is heard by the listener?

People are gonna see and hear whatever they want to. those choosing to see good and or truth seems to be the minority in this world today. Otherwise we would be a world of prophets, gurus, and Buddhas!


Bodhisattva in Recovery
People are gonna see and hear whatever they want to. those choosing to see good and or truth seems to be the minority in this world today. Otherwise we would be a world of prophets, gurus, and Buddhas!
You left out Bodhisattva's.... *sniffle*

I really do feel a Rammstein video coming on............

*fights to resist the impulse*
I learned I had the ability to induce this sound about 5 years ago, and I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what it was. This is one of the better explinations I have found, spiritually speaking.
Humming sound in the ear - Hindu Dharma Forums

this was very interesting to read. I get where the explanations are coming from they just don't seem accurate for me maybe bc I'm comparing it to basically things that use electricity instead of thunder. I've been in serious thunderstorms but this was a cross between being electrocuted and being in front of a speaker at a concert giving feedback but it sounded better and didnt hurt. It really sticks out that it was so loud it should have hurt but didn't at all.


Da man, when I walk thru!
the documentary I watched with subjects that were administered DMT under doctor supervision seemed fried by the experience to me just like many people who did too much LSD seem fried to me. it is my opinion.

Iyuahuasca has been brewed by shamans for thousands of years and a medical team was not necessary to make sure the people woke back up. these subjects werent even conscious during the experience. It is not comparable in IMHO.

I don't want to scare you off from desiring from experiencing the Ayahuasca ritual, because it is a phenominal experience in my opinion, and I hope to experience it one day. However, from everything I've read (and it's a lot), the ayahuasca expererience is pretty violent. Massive vomiting, nausea, headaches, etc. There was a national geographic where a researcher did the ayahuasca ritual in a true native american village, and wow it was not pretty.

The Dark Side of Ayahuasca - MensJournal.com

Now, if they administered too high of a dose of DMT through an IV, then I can definitely see something going wrong. But I would wager to say if a doctor was there than it was some type of medical experiment, and he was there for insurance reasons.

It may be a "swooshy" sound to you but it was the loudest thing I've ever heard or felt in my life.

I was sitting crossed legged palms up and open facing east meditating did my usual breathing thing focusing on seeing with the third eye running a few thoughts- then- I listened -to my mass consciousness God and -it- happened then I got distracted by the thought "what if that's the devil" (Damn baptist upbringing) and it stopped.Afterwards I thought to myself OH, so all these people saying god talks to them are full of it because god doesnt use words or say anything and your ears don't hear it. I laughed about that. and afterwards I've been all kinds of sad and angry in ways I wasn't before. because I feel like I know stuff and it's just heartbreaking. and this happened on Prophets ascension day ( found that Muslim holiday was the date a few days later). that's what happened. I figured it was a massive third eye or crown chakra something. It has not happened since. my world has been turned over since it happened. All my intuitive stuff is off the charts - seriously like being born again. I wasn't trying to make it happen when it did. this whole thing has me my ego my personage my life totally spiritually and emotionally off center since it happened. I wish there was a place to go that practices religious fusion or something because thats what I'm doing and I can't go get advice from a guru or whatever for guidance. I even have my own mantra Om ma lei la ni a na. It's just a trip. I wrote this really really long poem a week before it happened and lots of stuff afterwards and I havent written in 10 years. I've written more in 2 months than I have in my whole life.

any how that's probably more info than you were asking for. I'm full of information ask away I'll answer the best I can.

Ahh indeed, as I said, people experience the sound differently, as their spiritual progression advances, at least according to Eastern religion adherents. Sounds like you had a massive burst of life force, as to where I only had a lil bit. :D

There is never to much information for me when spiritual matters are concerned. Especially when someone experiences an "enlightenment" type of event. I know first hand how scary they can be and how upside they can turn you world. I actually had my first experience with this type of thing while I was getting my hair dreaded. :D

As far as your struggles with your ego go, as others have said you cannot really "kill" your ego. From what I have gathered the more you try to fight your ego the more it wants to fight back. After all, it thinks it is the best thing since sliced bread lol. So when you try to get destroy, it is naturally going to do what it was made to do which is to survive.

As stated above the ego is not junk, it is a beautiful thing, and it is only trying to do what is best for "you" as the person you are right now. If you can help it realize that there is something beyond it that can make "you" better, then it will let go of it's control over you. Sometimes it still gets mad that it's not always the best lol, but if you can convince it that this "spiritual self" is good for you, which it most certainly is, then it will let your "spiritual self" shine through more and more.

As evidenced by previous comments in this thread, there are people on this forum that might not recognize themselves as gurus, but they definitely have a lot of knowledge when it comes to matters like this. Why be upset that you don't have one guru, when you have a bunch of them here on Religiousforums.com. :D


Da man, when I walk thru!
मैत्रावरुणिः;3441146 said:

I just finished watching the movie How High (for the 15th time). So, I have to put this up:



And I was just about to say, "No Rammstein", and what do you do, post some Ramstein. :D