Yes lol, I hear you on that one. Hopefully there is no rules and player one is my God and as worked out level one . Have you seen the movie , Ready player one? Interesting message .
Your mind is in the right place (accepting thoughts that are not yours) to understand spiritual concept. You just lack the understanding of those thoughts. This is what "gnosis" teaches. It's just an understanding of the images that the Spirit gives.
We need to understand where thought originates, how it compels some one way and some another. The mind is a spiritual battle field. Spiritual understanding shows us the battle field and the players.
"When the totality went about searching for the one from whom they had come forth - and the totality was inside of him, the incomprehensible, inconceivable one who is superior to every thought - ignorance of the Father brought about anguish and terror; and the anguish grew solid like a fog, so that no one was able to see. For this reason, error became powerful; it worked on its own matter foolishly, not having known the truth. It set about with a creation, preparing with power and beauty the substitute for the truth.
This was not, then, a humiliation for him, the incomprehensible, inconceivable one, for they were nothing, the anguish and the oblivion and the creature of deceit, while the established truth is immutable, imperturbable, perfect in beauty. For this reason, despise error.
Thus, it had no root; it fell into a fog regarding the Father, while it was involved in preparing works and oblivions and terrors, in order that by means of these it might entice those of the middle and capture them.
The oblivion of error was not revealed. It is not a [...] from the Father. Oblivion did not come into existence from the Father, although it did indeed come into existence because of him. But what comes into existence in him is knowledge, which appeared in order that oblivion might vanish and the Father might be known. Since oblivion came into existence because the Father was not known, then if the Father comes to be known, oblivion will not exist from that moment on.
Through this, the gospel of the one who is searched for, which <was> revealed to those who are perfect, through the mercies of the Father, the hidden mystery, Jesus, the Christ, enlightened those who were in darkness through oblivion. He enlightened them; he showed (them) a way; and the way is the truth which he taught them." - Gospel of Truth
This understanding is what the orthodox "church" doesn't see, but those seeking gnosis (of mind) saw.
Just a view I subscribe to.