Yes space is nothingness, gravitational forces etc exist in space and are of matter. Perhaps you shoud read this at this stage , I have answered :
What is gravity?
On the premise that all signed electrostatic fields are attracted to neutral signed electrostatic fields, this paper proposes a theory that is intended to evidently show a normalising that is, ''Neutral is attracted to Neutral''. A natural phenomenon that may explain the gravity process.
First will be shown is that the formation of zero point energy (ZPE) is a two part binary construction. The ZPE failing to retain form without the simultaneous co-existence of an opposite sign.
A co-existence that shall be established of opposite signs , simultaneously occupying the same geometric point of a R³ real coordinate space, to form a point particle with point mass.
Additionally, we shall establish plausible conceptual considerations of the point particles emitted field. Finally shall be conclusions , based on the provided information of the paper that shall reveal the real beginning of the Universe and define God.
The importance of this paper is to answer the question, what is the underlying mechanics of the gravitational force? Many great minds have considered possibilities, Newton's 1687 discovery pioneering the notions on this mysterious force. Then later in time, Einstein's theory of relativity explaining the force to be a distortion of space or more precisely, space-time.
However, although their contributions are greatly appreciated, nobody so far as answered what the underlying mechanics are, of the gravitational force. Thus leading me to research and question the present information available, looking for the answer. I shall present several chapters that lead to my final conclusion .
This paper is intended to correct relativity and semantics in a primary respect to time. Using a dialectic approach and presenting logical arguments and supporting evidence that opposes the present information. Showing a construction of deductive logical proof's , looking at the true values of the relativity of time that humanity has quantified. Concluding that some of the content uses of relativity have no other discipline, other than the literal content created by the practitioner.
Anybody who has ever learnt some science, must of heard of Albert Einstein's relativity. I could not believe when I first ''heard'' time slowed down and wondered how much of relativity was fact and how much of relativity was mythology. The more we look at the intrinsic details of relativity, the more we can realise the mythology involved. In fact the more closely we inspect the entirety of physics science, the more we can observe an ever growing mythology . We can archive our beliefs because we can look at the intrinsic details of relativity that shows ostensibly, thus leading into explaining certain details that creates this mythology in science.
The Theory of Reality
Reality arouses ones curiosity when we consider the state of things as they actually exist. Thought provoking, as if a puzzle with many different components to consider. Components that are the elements and content of the Universe, some content being more mysterious than other content.
Some content, being difficult or maybe impossible to understand, maybe even beyond the level of human intelligence. The theory of reality , will discuss in depth , reality. What is real and what is make believe, what is subjective and what is objective, possibilities and impossibilities.
Thus being said , the theory of reality will be primary focused on the past and present science of physics, where objective truths will be shown that opposes some subjective past/present naive science. The theory of reality shall be mainly focused on two golden principles:
i. Possible
ii. Impossible
There will also be consideration for axioms, things that are self evidently true are generally true regardless of opinion of subjective belief. Additionally, there will be concerns towards possible ostensible content, stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily true.
The primary goal of this book, is to correct the present understanding of the Universe, to show logical inaccuracies , correcting science firstly , then secondly as a condition of the first, defining ''God''.
The format of this book shall be written in an unusual style, at times it will be story like, other times it will be more formal. I will now begin with the first chapter, Back in Time.