I'm afraid we conscious humans have no real conception of time past or future. We are stuck in time present. Time is a dimensionless property, not a special property. We can see time-past by observing small increments of changes over time. That is, time is how we interpret changes in the spatial representation between small to large, beginning to end, slow to fast. Time will always be relative to the observer. Time is only relevant within our 3 spatial dimensions. Since we are restricted from observing any parts of the Universe that exist forward in time, we must remain trapped in our present time. You do realize that all past and future events in time, have already happened from our perspective? Right? Or do you think that the earth is on the leading edge of our expansion, and time is not relative to its motion? There might be entities looking into their past, looking at us now.. In short, without any spatial events as a reference, there can be no conception of time. And, without time as a reference, there can be no conception of space. Hence "space-time is a permanently inseparable term.
There are many experiments that have directly demonstrated that no part of empty space is empty. We all know that zero entropy/enthalpy are not achievable anymore than achieving absolute zero. These properties are necessary in proving that space is truly empty. Why do you think this is? Since you never indicated what XYZ represents(basic physics: define your terms), the method for determining volume will always be without substance. Volume of what? Measurement of what? Can "love and "logic" be spatially represented? Are you aware of the Quantum Wave Theory? Every volume of space is bathed in radiation/waves/fields from the vibrating subatomic particles listed in the standard model of particle physics.This standard model is used to explain the origin of the four(4) fundamental forces that make up out Universe, and to classify all known elements including their properties. You do realize that Uranium is different from Helium? Why?
To respond to your challenge, "Space-time" is not a thing, it is a property. It is the fabric of space held together by the fundamental forces of Nature. There is no such thing as aged gravity, aged light, or aged energy. There is also no such thing as aged space-time. Using aspects that form the whole, to conclude aspects about the whole can be a fallacy(water is made from 2 gases, therefore water is a gas). There is also no expansion of the Universe into something, no time before time, and no science before science. These are all nonsense statements/questions. The fabric of space-time is two dimensional, and time has no dimensions. So just how is volume relevant to aging? How do you age Planck time or Planck length? Can you see just how nonsensical your statements are? However, the space-time continuum may have 10 dimensions(9 spatial). Maybe in time, we may command a better understanding of space-time, once a unified field theory has been established.
I have only read your OP, so I apologize if there have been some clarifications. There are just far too many variables to be considered(Gauge/Gravity Duality, Scale and Conformal invariances, wave functions, Relativity, and the type of space curvature), before this challenge would make any sense. At the quantum level of reality, Gravity is irrelevant. Does this mean that elemental subatomic particles do not exist? That we are just victims of cognitive control? Maybe you should jump out a window and test your hypothesis? If this is an example of what your challenges will be, I'd suggest you take a science refresher course before you issue the next challenge.