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No, stop using one definition of science as just the one and only one. Check if there are more than one. Check if there are cultural influences in how people understand science. Check if there are other cultures who understand science differently.
Check the history of science, the philosophy of science and the study of scientists as humans being studied by other scientists.
Yes, that is right. Scientists have started the study of how scientists in the wild act and behave just like you could study other animals.
You have just scratch the surface of human behavior, which humans call science.
So here is an example.
science | Origin and meaning of science by Online Etymology Dictionary
Notice this one: "
Modern (restricted) sense of "body of regular or methodical observations or propositions concerning a particular subject or speculation""
It goes even deeper that. So here it is: You are in effect a Cultural Authoritarian Imperialist. Your culture as specific to your understanding is correct one for all humans, because you are the judge of how and where to look and what to choose when deciding what science is.
But you are not. Science is a field of human behavior and depending on where you draw the borders of the field science changes. E.g. in the Scandinavian culture your science is natural science and there is in effect no science as such because all variants are named as variants: Natural, cultural and human science.
So you are no the controlling body of what science is. And nor am I, but I won't bow to your culture.
That you don't have the ability in understand that your definition of science is cultural and not physical and natural and that I use another culturally, is really not my problem. That is yours. You are in effect no different that some religious believers. We all have to understand the world like you, because you are clever enough to use Google.
Well, you asked me once if I am teacher. Well, I have worked alongside teachers for over 30 years. My parents and most of my mother's family were teachers. My wife is a teacher. So yes, I can do a teacher. Your answer to what science is as rated for your ability to intellectually account for what science is on scale from 1-10, gets around a 5. You have a basic understanding of the Anglo-Saxon understanding in the narrow sense of natural science.
"Look at the definition of science. If you don't change it to suite your woo you will see precisely what science is..."
I don't use woo-woo. I am of another culture than you. It is that simple and there is no precise definition of science. There are different cultural understandings of what science is. And that is a cultural science answer. So yes, I know what science is and it is more that you dogmatically believe.