I tell them that what they are teaching from the Bible is not what was written and they say we can't know that.
And, I agree that it is a difficult thing to turn your backs on tradition.
But, most people will stick to what they think they know and, is that a bad thing?
It is whenever they spread it!
If they realize that there is no way of knowing if what they teach is really the truth then why are they spreading it like seeds?
I believe it comes down to our true identity. Who actually are we? Most of what we think we know is pure speculation. If we have finite minds with limitations how can we know anything for sure as we may be wrong?
I think we cannot rely on any form of human knowledge for certitude because it is unreliable.
The only form of knowledge which would be 100% accurate and true would have to come from an All Kniwing and Perfect Being not any human.
Only Divine Knowledge can possibly give us true clarity and help us to see truth as truth and not conjecture as truth.
Where do we obtain this Divine Knowledge and from Whom?
Through history there have appeared Perfect Beings with perfect innate knowledge Who have offered us true knowledge. These are Perfect and All Knowing Beings sent by God to aid and assist us to know truth.
You may know some of them. Christ, Buddha, Moses, Muhammad, Zoroaster and Baha’u’llah. They were all infallible Beings and you can clearly see that if you study Their Lives and Teachings.
Every person has within them the ability to sense true perfection so when These Holy Beings appears people have a spiritual sense within them that can detect Their Station as Perfect Beings.
We all have eyesight but the thin eyelid can close the world to us. So too our spiritual insight can be veiled by the eyelid of self and ego and we fail to see Their Glory and learn from Them.