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I Just Proved That Jesus Is A False Messiah In Less Than 5 Minutes

Five Solas

Active Member
You DO NOT understand the Scientific Methods. I am a scientist, and I have studied and used scientific methods in college and in the field as a geologist and soil scientist for over 50 years.

The above is so circular it bites you in the butt. Something is not necessarily 'true,' because it claims to be' true.'

NO, I never stated anything remotely like the bold above. You need to reread my posts. cite me properly and get yourself n education in science and scientific methods.

Unbelievable misrepresentation of my posts and the Scientific Methods. I have NEVER used the statement that something is NOT TRUE, because it was not proven(?) by science.

In science 'predictable objective verifiable evidence' are considered 'true' facts, but hypotheses and theories may be only falsified, subject to change, and considered false if more evidence is found.

Absolutely no 'predictable objective verifiable evidence' supporting Noah's Arc nor the flood has been found after over a hundred years of scientific research and search for evidence. Therefore there is no scientific basis for considering the existence of such a flood and Noah's Arc. as based on 'facts.'

Now that is a complete U-turn. Don't tell me to prove anything again


Premium Member
Now that is a complete U-turn. Don't tell me to prove anything again

Not every a complete U-turn. Science has never proved anything. It still remains you have failed to respond and cite my posts correctly, nor understand science and scientific methods.

I have not asked you to prove anything, because no such conclusive proof exists.


Active Member
Based on historical evidence there's no reason to believe Jesus lived at all. Historians can make an inference that someone was behind the legend and this person might have been a shaman or rabbi or apocalyptic prophet running around the hills of palestine preaching the end of the world upon which the Jesus myth was based, but there isn't a nickel's worth of evidence to prove any of this. Far as Jesus the son of god goes we have no writings by this yokel, we have no busts or reliefs, we have no artifacts, we have no tomb, we have no historian from the period that even mentions him or the apostles. In short Jesus and the apostles are phantoms that never left a single mark in the historical record despite all these fantastic miracles he supposedly performed. We have no reason to conclude anything other than he was a mythological son of god character just like Hercules and Dionysus. Christians can thank Constantine the Emperor for saving their religion from obscurity by making Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire, but it was a choice Constantine made out of about three or four competing religions so it was all just dumb luck for Christianity. That's the only reason we even hear of Jesus today.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
There you make exactly same mistake again. What a pity. You do not practice what you preach. You still do not grasp what constitutes proof of truth. You cannot be a scientist.
I think that the misunderstanding is on your part. One has to keep an open mind in the sciences, but there are also scientific facts. Scientific facts are observations that have never been shown to be false ever. And we can safely say that it is a scientific fact that there never was a flood of Noah. Though it is not phrased scientifically the idea that purple pigs playing pianos do not exist naturally could also said to be on the order of a scientific facts. Now if you can honestly believe in purple pigs playing piano naturally (no dye etc.) then perhaps you can have a valid belief in the Food of Noah. The evidence against it is endless the evidence for the Flood is nonexistent.

Perhaps you do not understand what a fact is. Many things that people claim to be facts are not in reality facts. Science goes to a much higher standard, but even scientists have to admit that new unfound evidence could refute the current knowledge.


Veteran Member
Sorry, what is your point? Do you disagree with the Christian creeds or are you giving more information?
I disagee with the creeds of 'Christendom' (so-called Christian but mostly in name only - Matthew 7:21-23)
I disagree with the fake 'weed/tares' as Jesus taught about.

To me Psalms 90:2 is clear that God had No beginning. God was 'before' the beginning of anything.
John 1 is clear to me that pre-human Jesus was "IN" the beginning. Not 'before' the beginning.
So, only God was before the beginning and Jesus was never before the beginning as his God was - Revelation 3:14
Even the resurrected ascended-to-heaven Jesus still thinks he has a God over him - Revelation 3:12