The point is that if you're omnipotent and omniscient (and if you're omnipotent it follows you can be omniscient any time you choose) then EVERYTHING that happens in the universe only happens because YOU want it to. No one else has a say.Oh yeah .. "It's not my fault sir, G-d shouldn't have made me".
I wouldn't accept that excuse, so why should G-d or anybody else?
It's usual for this God to have created the universe. In that case God created the universe already knowing everything that would ever happen in it, and bringing it into existence with every single consequence of that kind in mind, down to the finest detail, so that everything that ever happens, happens exactly and only as God always intended.
Therefore no one can deviate in thought, word or deed ─ not even by the width of a quark ─ from what God perfectly foresaw before [he] created the universe.
The situation is otherwise if God is NOT omnipotent, but that's not the end of the story ─
─ because no one can make any decision to think, speak, or act, or to refrain from thinking, speaking or acting, independently of his or her evolved decision-making brain processes, which he or she possesses as a result of his or her particular genes.