Oldest Heretic
I know I'm going to be massively unpopular for saying this, but what's the problem with this? You wouldn't leave your valuables on show and the door unlocked for a burglar to come in your house. Many women dress in a way that is sexually appealing, and then wonder why they are harassed by men who believe the woman is sexually available/willing. Simple solution is that if you don't want attention, don't draw it to yourself!
British law only places the guilt on the perpetrator of Rape. There are no valid excuses for breaking that law. We all understand that, and understand the consequences.
A burglar is also guilty of burglary when he enters an unlocked house. (In many parts of the country housed are rarely locked.)
In neither case can the criminal claim he has had an invitation.
If you feel attracted to a single woman our social customs allow many ways of approaching her that are neither oppressive nor harassment. None are based on how she is dressed.
In the UK most women dress much the same as each other. It is those that cover up that stand out, and draw attention.
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