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I like Trump now


That is not was reflected in my blue collar paycheck when Trump was in charge. My FICA actually went down and I had more money to take home with me to buy food, pay the mortgage, and some left aside for a couple of simple luxuries once I saved up enough.
You shouldn't want your FICA going down. Fed and state, maybe. But FICA covers Medicare and Social Security. You'll need those and SS monthly is based on what you've paid in over your working years. That is your old age living insurance. All the stocks and bonds, and savings, and all the rest is fantastic if you've got it, but Blue-collar folks need to truly appreciate FICA because it could be all one has.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You shouldn't want your FICA going down. Fed and state, maybe. But FICA covers Medicare and Social Security. You'll need those and SS monthly is based on what you've paid in over your working years. That is your old age living insurance. All the stocks and bonds, and savings, and all the rest is fantastic if you've got it, but Blue-collar folks need to truly appreciate FICA because it could be all one has.
That's why I enrolled in a pension plan with SS supplementing that. I do see the point your trying to make however.

Let's see if Trump will go in the proper direction and put bloated over-sized government back in its proper order.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
What do you propose to solve thr global issues effecting inflation?
Redress the NAFTA Trade Agreement As Trump was doing to make sure that everybody paid their fair share and have nobody taking advantage of one another.

Also reduce government bloat and redundancy and streamline the system so it operates far cheaper along with reduction of redundant and overloaded regulation that is clearly driving everything up and out of control.

That should be everyone's goal and it's common sense that if you budget well with proper foresight, you will be well.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Redress the NAFTA Trade Agreement As Trump was doing to make sure that everybody paid their fair share and have nobody taking advantage of one another.

Also reduce government bloat and redundancy and streamline the system so it operates far cheaper along with reduction of redundant and overloaded regulation that is clearly driving everything up and out of control.

That should be everyone's goal and it's common sense that if you budget well with proper foresight, you will be well.
Pirates? Russia? China?

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Pirates? Russia? China?
Any trade partner. Of course notwithstanding the ethical and moral implications of trading with those who are let's apt at following the ideals of a free Nation with a free people.

I find it peculiar however that you would include pirates with recognized nations.


Well-Known Member
The economic recovery after Bush was very slow. Obama focused on the ACA his first two years but after that congress was majority republican and they did what they could to prevent his agenda to invest in economic growth. The slow growth may have been why the economy has been so good since 2010, with no recession.

Looking at Trump’s promises in 2016 he aimed for a permanent 4% GPD. He got the tsx cuts in 2017 but it did not fire up the economy like republicans wanted. Looking at the chart of growth it has been quite stable from 2009 to 2020 when it tanks due to the pandemic. So Trump tried some things but none fired up the economy.

The economy under Biden has been stronger, but it’s been offset by post pandemic global inflation. The US economy is so strong it’s bolstering much of the world.

So what does Trump offer that’s better? He wants to keep his tax cuts which will help the rich and limit revenue, which is an ongoing problem. His tariffs are seen as a foolish idea that will push inflation higher. And his social and global policies will cause instability and be a national security issue which tends to slow the economy and growth. If he deports millions of migrants it will devastate farmers and construction. So Biden is by far the safest bet for global economic stability.
One way to help understand Trump's position on taxes is if you give the tax money to the Government, because of the deficit and Big Government inefficiency, the tax payers get about a (minus) -22.7% rate of return on their tax investment. This gets worse each year. For every dollar we give them, they throw away almost a quarter, fall behind, and then need to borrow more to make up for it, making the interest payment worse, next year.

Note: The USA Government collected $4.4Trillion in tax revenue in 2023, and will now throw away $ 1 trillion for - 22.7% rate of return to pay the interest on the debt.

The interest of the USA national debt has reached $1trillion per year. That is the interest per year and not the debt. This was made worse by the Biden economy, since the Fed had to raise interest rates to stem off inflation. This made the interest rate on the debt go up. This down the toilet amount is more than we spend on the military.

If we give the taxpayer back their money, even if they put it under the mattress, they make the nation money, since even a zero rate of return is better than -22.7%. If you give taxes back to corporations, the growth in the GNP is a positive rate of return. If there was not government mismanagement, Social Security would still be solvent and many other needed programs would have funding.

The boneheads need help and accountability; balanced budgets, and tax refunds until they can show more responsibility. The extra tax rebates to consumers and business, multiply the GNP for a positive rate of return for the whole country.

One work around may be a tax return that each tax payer, can use to buy up national debt and get interest revenue. Even that is a positive rate of return but will be misused by the bonehead leaders, to add to the debt and higher interest payments. The bonehead need to be taken out of the equation until they trim the fat. Trimming the fat can be their revenue stream.

robocop (actually)

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I agree with your second sentence, but it looks to me like the kind of unchecked capitalism that Trump proposes benefits lazy corporate owners who own corporations rolling in money while they play on the golf course, not the hard-working intelligent people who work for them in my view.

It's also interesting to see you declaring taxes that take a tiny proportion of the wealth of the rich to literally stop ordinary people becoming starving and homeless as "war against the rich". I would suggest if letting the rich have great lives living in mansions having attendents etc is declaring war on them then their deprivation of the poor of housing and other basic necessities could fairly be called "war against the poor", and it is a war that the greedy amongst the rich have initiated, so I find it laughable that having initiated a war they are whining about finding themselves in one in my view.
Business is business.

I want to protect all life of the poor.

robocop (actually)

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
But the rich are not working hard, it's the workers who create their wealth.
The rich merely provide the tools. The workers use them to generate wealth for the owners, who pay them just enough to keep them working and prevent them from accumulating enough to seek new jobs or education.
Should they be rewarded for this "clever" exploitation?
Then if the rich work "well" the same thing.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
You know what I think? I think I'd start by demanding that every single government entity cut their budget by a measly 5 percent. FIVE PERCENT. Hell, I don't even live high on the hog but I could do that. Think about it.


Not of this world
Because he was limited to 4 years. If he gets in this time he knows his time is limited unless he makes drastic moves. That's scary! Let's not forget he's a business man, and not a very good one. He's daughter and son in law are keeping the family and business afloat.
Uh huh. So what you're saying is that serving 4 years as president and proving them wrong wasn't good enough, so he has to serve another 4 years as president to finally prove you guys wrong. Sounds good to me!
Vote him in!


Not of this world
He doesn't need to be. As he said at his Friday rally, which he nailed, BTW, (and I'm paraphrasing greatly) he doesn't walk as well as he once did, and he doesn't talk as smooth as he once did, but he still knows what he's doing and how Washington works, and he cares about this country.
His actions over the past 3.5 years shows otherwise.
I guess he doesn't lie as convincingly as he once did either.


Not of this world
A properly placed tariff to keep the costs of American products down so Americans will by them is a good thing. Tariffs placed to line the pockets of the importers, distributors, etc. is not a good thing.
IOW, if biden does something it's good and righteous, but if Trump does the same thing, you'll invent an ulterior motive to label it with.


Not of this world
But the rich are not working hard, it's the workers who create their wealth.
The rich merely provide the tools. The workers use them to generate wealth for the owners, who pay them just enough to keep them working and prevent them from accumulating enough to seek new jobs or education.
Should they be rewarded for this "clever" exploitation?
If they feel exploited, they're free to work somewhere else where they feel they're getting paid enough.
Or don't you think those workers are intelligent enough to realize that, and need government to do their thinking for them?