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I love sex....But I blame it on Satan

Me Myself

Back to my username
No its not a what if. I personally like sex with multiple women all hours of the day. Of course I work but sexual addiction is a reality why talk around this fact?

unless this fact is destroying your life somehow, it does not qualify as an addiction.

For it to be an addiction, you need to experience withdrawal symptoms when not having sex with multiple women all hours of the day (for example :p )

You need to somehow routinely destroy your and other peoplpe´s lifes by your adiction. For example, selling all your stuff so to have money for prostitutes, steal to have more money for prostitutes, lose your job because you dont go because you are too bussy having lots of sex, etc.

If you do not fulfill this conditions you are simply not addicted to sex :p


Sugar and Spice
True. I am referring to my inner urges. I am human. I love sex. As far as Satanist philosophy is concerned the human should not deny what is natural. The problem is what if I am a sex addict? That is, at least that is socially defined as an abnormal act in which I have an enormous drive to have sex and also exhibit voyuerist, and exhibitionist behavior which is exposed to the public. The additional problem is what I find natural is or can be illegal. I find the Satanist argument of "going with what is naturally human" flawed because if I show sexual restraint then I naturally am going against my nature.

"What ifs" don't define the complete function of what is being discussed here.

I am a strong advocate of embracing nature, not just our own but everything.

There is a way around everything, and if you are a sex addict what type of advice are you asking for here?

No its not a what if. I personally like sex with multiple women all hours of the day. Of course I work but sexual addiction is a reality why talk around this fact?

You said "what if I am a sex addict"?

Other than that, I'm not sure at what your really trying to get at.
Well I apologise if you are just being ironic and if your irony is too sophisticated for me to see... :rolleyes: But your last few posts seem to indicate that you consider yourself a sex addict and the title of this thread seems to indicate you would like to blame Satan for that fact. Then you get a bit mixed up, on the one hand finding solace in the fact that Satanists generally don't deny their inner nature, but on the other hand rejecting any sense of personal responsibility that goes along with that idea.

As MeMyself said, your addiction is only really a problem if it is harming yourself or others. You have suggested (through a thinly veiled what if) that some of your natural urges may be seen as unnatural or even illegal by other members of society.

But what do you actually want? Absolution? Understanding? Excuses?

I'll say what I said earlier. Take responsibility for your situation. If you want lots of sex and you are able to have it, so what? If you break the law, be prepared to take the consequences. If you hurt yourself or anybody else, deal with the results and don't try to put the blame anywhere else. If you want to change, change. If you need help, get help.

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
Wait, addiction is about harming the self and a discontinuation of normal activity. I was merely showing the dis connect in Satanist philosophy

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Wait, addiction is about harming the self and a discontinuation of normal activity. I was merely showing the dis connect in Satanist philosophy
Addiction may not necessarily be harmful to the self (such as people who are addicted to endorphins released during vigorous exercise), but clinically there is a disruption of daily activities. With sex addiction there is quite often other variables, such as drug addiction, that plays a role. Giving into and enjoying your sexual urges, even frequently, is one thing, but when the brain needs it like a heroin addict needs a fix, it is not a disconnect in Satanic philosophy but a situation in which there is a very high probability there are other negative environmental influences that are driving the destructive behavior.


Left Hand Path
Mr. Skittles I guess the whole dilemma here is a matter of your rejecting or being oppositional towards this sex drive of yours, which I guess you can blame Satan for but he's not one to argue against challenging your desires.

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
Addiction may not necessarily be harmful to the self (such as people who are addicted to endorphins released during vigorous exercise), but clinically there is a disruption of daily activities. With sex addiction there is quite often other variables, such as drug addiction, that plays a role. Giving into and enjoying your sexual urges, even frequently, is one thing, but when the brain needs it like a heroin addict needs a fix, it is not a disconnect in Satanic philosophy but a situation in which there is a very high probability there are other negative environmental influences that are driving the destructive behavior.

I agree partially. The Diagnostic Statistical Manual is clear that abnormalities which includes sexual addiction is indeed harmful. Satanist believe in the normal human behavior...(Stand by for proof)

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
Mr. Skittles I guess the whole dilemma here is a matter of your rejecting or being oppositional towards this sex drive of yours, which I guess you can blame Satan for but he's not one to argue against challenging your desires.

No. Just proving that Satanist philosophy is flawed...so far nobody has proven with a sound argument. This is supposed to be a religious debate right?

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
I blame it on the little guy downstairs :D ya gotta feed him

If you're implying that I'm a troll then your, well, let me reserve my honest opinion of you since I was secretly warned before. This is a carebear site so I have to be cautious. What I do want to say is I do not troll. But if this is a debate which I have made this thread as it is, then I expect philosophical argument and counter-argument. Calling me a troll simply because I do not accept flawed arguments is silly. I argue points on purpose, not to be annoying. All of my points have been correct.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I agree partially. The Diagnostic Statistical Manual is clear that abnormalities which includes sexual addiction is indeed harmful. Satanist believe in the normal human behavior...(Stand by for proof)
But there is a difference between doing something for the sake of pleasure and enjoyment, and doing it because the urges are consuming and have a detrimental effect on daily life. Actually the DSM quite often lists discomfort, distress, and/or disruption of normal daily functioning as a prerequisite for a disorder. If something is not causing a patient stress or disrupting their lives, even if the behavior is listed as a disorder then labeling the patient as having a disorder is inappropriate. It's not when you do something too frequently, but when it begins to consume your life is when the label addiction begins to be considered. A person can use cocaine on a daily basis, this in and of itself is not enough to qualify for addiction. However when the cocaine usage begins to obstruct and interfere with daily living, and the user feels s/he cannot function without, is when the term addiction can be applied.
Sex addiction is not really any different. Plenty of people have and enjoy sex on a regular and frequent basis, but it does not consume their lives. However to actually review case studies of real sex addicts is to be shown the psyche of a person who is suffering from a very real addiction, and very often other addictions that go along with it.
And of course disorders are highly relative to the individual and situation. Some rock stars boast having sex with women that range in the tens of thousands, even some boasting hundreds of thousands of women. However that does not qualify for addiction, as it is a normal part of the rock star life. It's not consuming them, it's not controlling them, it's just that they are famous, travel the world, and potential sex partners are easy to come by. It's when the brain needs that sexual gratification to the point of putting life on hold for that fix is when the label of addiction becomes appropriate.
It's like the difference between a fetish a paraphilia. A fetish is an indulgence that most people have and enjoy partaking in, when it becomes a paraphilia is when the object of the fetish is needed to achieve sexual arousal and/or gratification.

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
But there is a difference between doing something for the sake of pleasure and enjoyment, and doing it because the urges are consuming and have a detrimental effect on daily life. Actually the DSM quite often lists discomfort, distress, and/or disruption of normal daily functioning as a prerequisite for a disorder. If something is not causing a patient stress or disrupting their lives, even if the behavior is listed as a disorder then labeling the patient as having a disorder is inappropriate. It's not when you do something too frequently, but when it begins to consume your life is when the label addiction begins to be considered. A person can use cocaine on a daily basis, this in and of itself is not enough to qualify for addiction. However when the cocaine usage begins to obstruct and interfere with daily living, and the user feels s/he cannot function without, is when the term addiction can be applied.
Sex addiction is not really any different. Plenty of people have and enjoy sex on a regular and frequent basis, but it does not consume their lives. However to actually review case studies of real sex addicts is to be shown the psyche of a person who is suffering from a very real addiction, and very often other addictions that go along with it.
And of course disorders are highly relative to the individual and situation. Some rock stars boast having sex with women that range in the tens of thousands, even some boasting hundreds of thousands of women. However that does not qualify for addiction, as it is a normal part of the rock star life. It's not consuming them, it's not controlling them, it's just that they are famous, travel the world, and potential sex partners are easy to come by. It's when the brain needs that sexual gratification to the point of putting life on hold for that fix is when the label of addiction becomes appropriate.
It's like the difference between a fetish a paraphilia. A fetish is an indulgence that most people have and enjoy partaking in, when it becomes a paraphilia is when the object of the fetish is needed to achieve sexual arousal and/or gratification.

See abstract

Differential Diagnosis of Addictive Sexual Disorders Using the DSM-IV

I dont have to experience pain to have a disorder. If I am depressed and/or discontinue normal activity due to me having sex I have a problem.

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
And wherein this argument have you tried doing that?

I have already proven my point in that a Satanist cannot argue caution in sex because it means I have to show sexual restraint in some cases whereas the Satanist philosophy is about the innate human.

If I were a Satanist I would argue about going for the gusto have risky sex and if you contract something you contract something. Showing sexual restraint even logically is denying at least partially your human nature. If Satanist are about human nature why be responsible? Responsibility leads to sexual restraint.


Well-Known Member
Actually Satanists.......

I am under the impression that a part of the philosophy of satanist, indulging in the pleasures of sex is natural and should be embraced (but if I am wrong please correct me). If I am correct, then I must ask: if indulging in the pleasures of sex is right then is indulging in the pleasures of risky sex (risk could be sleeping with strangers or multiple strangers or having sex without using a contraceptive).

Perhaps some would argue that indulging in the pleasures of the flesh is normal and risk attributed to that is perhaps societies way of "demonizing" (no pun intended) it....At least I could see a satanist argue that point. However, with the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS and bacterial STD's and herpes is indulging in the flesh the right thing?

I guess in other words by embracing my sexual desires as apart of my human nature am I doing more harm than good?

Indulgence is different than mindless compulsion. To indulge one takes a certain amount of moderation and just enjoys life in general. Since a Satanist values their life greatly, a short-lived moment of sex would be rather minor compared to the consequences of contracting something that would either shorten their life or make their life less enjoyable.

A Satanist, if having multiple partners, much more so if they are strangers, should keep in mind that s/he and s/he alone are responsible for their own actions, and should they not practice safe-sex such as condomns or whatever, that they only have their selves to blame. Indulgence in the flesh is NOT mindless compulsion and idiotic behavior. While I disagree with much of the atheistic Church of Satan's stance, they do have some good points such as with the Seven Satanic sins and 11 Rules of the Earth which covers stupidity, which engaging in unsafe sex with many strangers would fall under.

Really....So a Satanist would be against porn?

Porn =/= sex. Also there isn't any danger in porn and can it can be a very safe sexual outlet. I have nothing against porn and I think most Satanists are perfectly fine with it.

So Satanist are against porn?

I have never met one against it.

But wouldn't a Satanist argue that "what is risk when the urge is there?" Life is a risk right?

There's risk in jumping into a freeway, but a Satanist isn't going to do it because of how highly they value their life. Life, or rather their own life and the lives of their loved ones, is extremely sacred to Satanists in general. Enemies are another matter.

I would just like to say that it is very rude for Satan to make me commit evil acts against my will. I wouldn't even like sex but Satan forces me too.:cover:

Hail Satan! Or Lilith, I'm not sure which one is directing my sexual energy so I pay homage to both!

But wait....I love sex. I love being with different women and not being attached emotionally to one I think that is complete evidence of knowing what I want.

Great, just take precautions and if you get something, do the responsible thing. However so long as you do things like use condoms and other practices feel free to have sex with as many consenting adults as you wish, as often as you wish. Just don't let it turn into mindless compulsion.

Sure. But what about the Muslim? Or Jew? Or any of those who beliefs subscribes to sexual restraint? Satanist believe (just going by what I know) that mankind should indulge in natural emotions, people of other faiths believe that those urges are best for marriage.

What is your point? Satanists don't care about what they believe for the most part. Satanists feel in general that stopping someone from being either monogamous or polygamous, which ever their natural inclination, is against their rights. Same with their sexual frequency. Some people are asexual, some are more sexual than others. It's up to the Satanist to determine what is sexual needs are and make sure he fulfills them. If they are fulfilled properly, he won't be consumed by them. If he is consumed by his desire none-the-less, than there is probably a bigger psyhcological issue at hand that he or she needs help with...

The point is if indulging in sex whether risky or safe is good?

Safe? sure. Risky? Never. Don't toy with your life, and a Satanist wouldn't either as Satanists value their lives.

I take you guys on this forum don't get satire much. The title of this thread is to poke fun at the term "the devil made me do it."

As far as whether my question was answered perhaps yes.....and no.

Let me play devils advocate (no pun intended) in that I believe I can blame Satanist or Satan for my urges.

Perhaps this is Poe's Law at work, but I find this whole premise offensive. You are targeting a specific religion. I wouldn't find this nearly, if at all, as offensive if you blamed Satan, but to blame others for your actions, even if in "satire", is offensive.

I have already proven my point in that a Satanist cannot argue caution in sex because it means I have to show sexual restraint in some cases whereas the Satanist philosophy is about the innate human.

If I were a Satanist I would argue about going for the gusto have risky sex and if you contract something you contract something. Showing sexual restraint even logically is denying at least partially your human nature. If Satanist are about human nature why be responsible? Responsibility leads to sexual restraint.

OK now I just think your a troll. Also you have not proven anything as you clearly don't get that it's indulgence and not compulsion, and that a Satanist's desire to live is greater than one moment of sex.

Also being responsible doesn't lead to sexual restraint, it leads to a longer life. Stop using strawman arguments. One can easily satisfy their sexual needs without being a mindless animal. And if they can't, they have some serious mental issues to work out before they destroy themselves.

Also fyi most Satanists are against drugs too as it's counterproductive to the material goals of Satanism. I would think that the same thing would apply for any addiction, including a sex addiction.


Sugar and Spice
If I were a Satanist I would argue about going for the gusto have risky sex and if you contract something you contract something. Showing sexual restraint even logically is denying at least partially your human nature. If Satanist are about human nature why be responsible? Responsibility leads to sexual restraint.
I fully embrace my human nature. My human nature has evolved over millennia to give me a brain that is capable of reason. Reason tells me it is unhealthy to take stupid risks. If I ignore my ability to reason I am ignoring and insulting millions of years of evolution.
Even less intelligent animals show restraint when necessary. Satanists aren't dumb.