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I was afraid before, but I am scared stiff now.

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I don't know if I am allowed to say this in this section of the forum,
but I suppose it will be moved if I'm not.
After reading more and more of the postings on this site, I have come to a conclusion,
most of the postings were written by nutters,
the way you write about things that can only be described as myths and stories, beggars belief,
who feeds you all this rubbish? and how did you all get into a state of mind that makes others fear
you so? it scares the life out of me to think you are all walking about amongst us.
I think freedom of expression is being taken too far, organised religions are being used against people,
not for people, they are being allowed to poison the minds of children, giving them no choice at all,
but to follow the teachings pushed into them. (And please don't give me the rubbish about how
'they all choose their own directions') religion needs a young supple mind to work with, if it is to have
any effect, the younger the better.
It is my opinion that all organised religion should be banned for the good of humanity, it will be it's
downfall if it's not, it attacks the most vulnerable part of the human psych, and takes it over,
to the detriment of all.


The cake is a lie
I do agree that organized religion isn't exactly good, but banning it would be the worst thing to do. Can you imagine the nuts that would arise from it, now convinced that they are oppressed (and with reason this time!), and ready to kill anyone for their right to practice their religion? I shudder to think about it.


Well-Known Member
There is some truth to what you say I suppose, but religion does have it's good points. For instance, the majority of charitable organiztions and things like that are run by or connected to religious affiliations.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I am a long time and, I believe, consistent atheist deeply saddened by what I feel is the muddle of superstition and dualism. It is a serious mistake, however, to demonize the religious or their institutions. Every institution is capable of abuse, as was made clear by the formally atheistic Stalinist regimes.

For every evil done in the name of God there are, I am convinced, endless acts of charity and kindness. Reactionary fundamentalism is no grounds for the reactionary oppression of religion.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Here be people comfortable with discussing ideas at odds with their own without feeling threatened.

The fearsome people are out playing footie or having a pint with you on a Saturday night. They think religion and politics are unfit dinner-table conversation. They can talk about people or things but not about ideas. Ideas make them uncomfortable. Discomfort makes them defensive, and we all know the best defense is a good offense.

Be afraid! Hold your tongue! The danger is all around you!

Here is the only safe place to propose or question a new idea.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
It is my opinion that all organised religion should be banned for the good of humanity,
I get it... you want to invoke your will and standards on all of society. Isn't that the very thing you accuse the "nutters" of?

Power corrupts. Niether religious nor anti-religious people should be allowed to make all the rules. Candidates who run on a "Pro-God" or "Anti-God" platform are only seeking power. Like you, they only want to control the world and make everyone agree with them. I don't think they really give a rat's patootie about God... only their power base.

Meglomaniacs come in all philosphies.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"The only ones for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'"

..... Jack Kerouac


Candidates who run on a "Pro-God" or "Anti-God" platform are only seeking power.

Does this mean,anyone who comments 'for' or 'against' god, are not just commenting, they are seeking power?
I am not seeking power, I am seeking protection for my family, not me, but my grand children, they are the ones
who will be around when the 'nuts' get there hands on some serious weaponry, and go laughing into oblivion,
taking everyone with them, all because it is there right to worship which ever loony religion promises them most,
what about the rest of us? what are our rights?

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
*confused* As a matter of fact, I think the majority of the people here are well-informed, kind individuals with a great sense of humor. That includes those that are members of a specific religion, those that are atheists, and those that don't quite know what they are. And if you say that "religion needs a young supple mind to work with" how does one explain those who choose a drastically different religion from the one they were raised with?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Does this mean,anyone who comments 'for' or 'against' god, are not just commenting, they are seeking power?
I guess if I meant that, I would have said that.

This past election was the most devisive I have ever seen. I saw MANY candidates run as "Pro-God" though I can't recall any running as "Anti-God". God did not intend for his people to get entangled in politics. There is better work to be done. I would suggest that those running either for or against any religion should be suspect. There is no way I would want them in power.


Apart from religion, we allow people to have the craziest rights,
A man bred rottweilers in a fenced off area in his back yard,
he was filmed throwing dolls to these dogs,for the dogs to rip apart, he was reported to the police, but they could do nothing, because he hadn't broken any laws, two dogs eventually got out and killed an old woman on the doorstep of her house, the two dogs were put to sleep, and he was fined £60 for not having the dogs on a leash,
he kept the other dogs for another two years, untill he sold them.
The old lady paid with her life, for his right to do keep those dogs.
The mind boggles.


New Member
So what does that have to do with religion?

And don't generalize religion. If you're talking about specific religions, mention those religions. Not all religions have sacrifices, jihad, etc.


The cake is a lie
Can you name one? I'm not well-versed in religions and don't know of any that DON'T have something violent in them.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
ok, shytot so your advocating banning religion and limiting 'crazy' rights?
And your supposed to be scared of us? :bonk:

seriously, I think that you have some good points about the misuse of organized religion, but you paint with too broad of a brush. Not all religions preach what you dislike so much.
As for the nutters on this forum, I think that most do a commendable job talking about such a delicate topic for most people. Only by learning to have such discussions in reasonable ways can we hope to mend the rifts caused by the extremists in our particualr groups. (and yes all groups have them)



Virus of the Mind
shytot said:
Apart from religion, we allow people to have the craziest rights,
A man bred rottweilers in a fenced off area in his back yard,
he was filmed throwing dolls to these dogs,for the dogs to rip apart, he was reported to the police, but they could do nothing, because he hadn't broken any laws,

I am assuming that these were small plastic dolls , not life size , or sented ??? So , what did he do wrong here ? They sell " chew toys " made from plastic . Just because the doll is somewhat human shaped makes it wrong ? I think that there is more to this that is surfacing here . Most dogs are smart enough to be able to tell the difference between a dol and a human you know ?

two dogs eventually got out and killed an old woman on the doorstep of her house, the two dogs were put to sleep, and he was fined £60 for not having the dogs on a leash,
he kept the other dogs for another two years, untill he sold them.
The old lady paid with her life, for his right to do keep those dogs.
The mind boggles.
As for " stories " , just what is a story ? Our mind , our memeries are little more then stories . Our Realities are nothing more then the Story that our minds tell us . Facts have little to do with it really . Think about something that happened to you several years ago . Do you recall the facts , or do you recall the " story " that your mind has been telling you over the years ? I'm willing to bet that it is more story then fact , but of course , the story has become fact for you . For excample , someone did something . Doesn't matter what . You recall what was done . You most thinking think that you know why it was done , even though you have no way of knowing why it was done . Our minds will retell the story untill there is no question about the " facts " . :) It is how we work .

So , my story is a little different then ours ? I should hope so . :) So come on , be a nut and share your story . :)


The Gunslinger
Hmmm...shytot....if we nutters scare you so bad, then why are you even on this forum? Nothing against the rest of the atheists on the board (who I think are all great) but why are you even on a "Religious Forum?"
crazy...i was crazy once...they locked me in a rubber room...i died in there....


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I cannot argue that I'm not a bit...off, but I'm quite harmless. As I said before, I think the people on this forum -- odd though we may be -- are more pacific than the general population.

Besides - we couldn't reach through your monitor to throttle you even if we felt so inclined!:162:
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