Well-Known Member
So the Jews are evil. You heard it here first, folks!
From islamic religious point of view if someone rejects a prophet based on racism and arrogance than that is called evil.
Let say an arab rejects Moses and Jesus because they were Israelites, then he is evil.
In islam we dont reject prophets based on their ancestry. We dont say: some prophets we follow, others we dont.
The whole reason satan became evil is thanks to arrogance and racism.
Unfortunately(it is unfortunate for the rejectors of truth) we have a story where a famous jewish(may Allah be pleased with him) rabbi became muslim during life of prophet PBUH. He was famous amongst his people, beloved until he started following the "Arab Prophet" then he became disowned and rejected.
Also it is well documented that Jewish tribes in Madinah threatened Arab tribes that soon a prophet will arrive, they( jews) will follow him and then eventually get the upperhand. Until it turned out the prophet was arab, ofcourse plans were changed last minute.... Ofcourse such prophet wont be followed because he was arab....
Iam not saying there is racism amongst our jewish friends. But then again Ethiopians and Sudanese in Israel will say something different. They are not really treated humane as to speak.
Amigo scotsman, maybe u can enlighten me why Arabs, Ethiopians and Sudanese complain of racism in Israel?
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