I think your mistaken. I Didn't say what God needs to be to make me a believer..
As far as I'm concerned God can be a Red horned Horse with two lumps on his back.
That means nothing.
What i did say probably, is that in order for me to believe that there is a God that affects our reality.. That can manipulate and alter things in our universe, I will have to see a prove of things acting outside the normality or explainable scope (Like for example if I'll see my grandmother knocking on my door saying afterlife was a kick-*** which not necessarily proved God BTW))
So for me to believe that the Biblical God is real for example (another ):
I will have to witness seas tear to two.
I will have to witness talking snakes (or actually i would actually accept a scene like Harry potter, so the snake can also be telepathic) .
I Will have to see people wake to life after being dead for a long time.
I Will probably be afraid of kissing or touching any girl because they just might get pregnant out of the blue.
I Will see angels smacking me on my head when I look at a beautiful girl and imagine the things we could do together in bed.
I Will expect to hear God at least once.
I Will expect a lot of things that should happen if Abraham's God is real.
All this stems from how I think you conceptualize God and what I quoted earlier. Other than the last 2 items you mention, none of that would apply to my gnostic understandings, nor would I call it reasonable to believe that is God (of Abrahamic faith). And given that the 2nd to last one I would argue is occurring all the time, but granted you may not "hear" it as God, then that's where further exploration of understanding comes into play. As I am making a claim that I reckon most in the Abrahamic faith don't even accept/believe - which is that God has not (ever) stopped speaking to humanity. Thus you and other Abrahamic believers are in the same boat when it comes to such a claim. And the last item is just vague enough that it doesn't really help understand what is your expectation.
I Would expect to have at least one time that I've been "touched" by God or at least have some unexplained feeling of divinity (I Come from a very very spiritual family and I led a very spiritual life until I woke up )
So yes, I DO NOT BELIEVE there is a God, Gods, Entity, Spirits, Souls or any notion of that sort.
...because of your expectations for such an entity. I think if all but the last two did occur and you witnessed it, you'd still claim (in all caps) "I do not believe."
Well, Anyone can have hes own God.. That's fine by me..
But if your God meddles with my business, You'll have to prove me that your money really is a God.
But that begs the question of what really is God for you? Thus leads to idea that you definitely have conception of what god(s) are and are not.
To me, money Is nothing but trouble. All troubles (almost) I have ever had in life was caused by money.
a Hugh amount hunger, abuse, violence and so much more is cause over money.. But Money was invented by HUMANS.
It is not something outside our existence.
I Can treat my Dog as my God (Notice the letters game ).. this doesn't make it an actual God!!!
BTW, I really hope that Money isn't really your God.. because I would probably find you a very hard person to trust!
In all of this, the parts that matter are your idea (conception) that God is outside of our existence and where you say "actual God." Again, both of these beg the question of "what is it that you accept/believe about god(s)?"
On the contrary.. That just enforces my claim that God is a Personal invention that people use as an excuse to rationalize things they don't know!
And yet, you are doing this in the items above. You are using it in that same fashion. As a Gnostic Christian, it would not be accurate for how I use God, for I do know!
The sad thing here is that it is anything BUT rational.
I Don't have a God!
I Don't know how to describe what is a God as I don't have one!
I Can say I Value money!
I Can say my Life's Goal is earning a lot of money!
I Can say Money to me is the most important thing in Life..
If that is what you define as your God... Bless you I Can point many many people who share the same belief as you.
And yes, You were right... I Do find in a very very wrong thing!
If you can find many people who share the same belief, in something that clearly does exist, and for them it exists as god conceptualization, then there's your proof/evidence of god. Again, via atheism, you may reject it because that (in reality) is all (strong) atheism is, but you'd not be able to then claim there is no evidence. It may be that there is not sufficient evidence, or more like reason, for you to accept it as god. And that would carry considerable/more weight for you than all other considerations. But could also amount to you being closed minded.
Similarly if I reject that global warming is man made, that will carry more weight for me than all the blind faith type assertions that argue for it being man made. I will likely filter all assertions of "here is further evidence of man made global warming" through filter of, "I inherently reject your premise that this is man made."
You can present evidence of the affect money have on people just the same as you can prove the affect Peanut butter and Jam have on people.
If your definition of God is something that affects my life and is more important than anything else.. Enjoy
It that sense, I Can say my kids Are my Gods!
I Would sacrifice my life for them without a fraction of a thought!
I Will Kill, Steal, Abuse and tear to pieces anyone who will dare harming them!
I Will dedicate my life for their well being and for them to lead the best life they can!
ANYTHING AND EVERYONE is nothing of importance in comparison to them.
You might call it a God.. I Don't...
I Call it Nature
Which gets to synonyms for gods, and how they plausibly relate to this topic. If everything that is currently accurate about "science" is something I call "God's work" and in literally every instance where you say "science is" I say "nope, God's work is" and the exact same words follow for both of us, then wouldn't you filter that as I actually believe in same things you do, but am refusing to call it science? You could ask me (umpteen times) why? And I could say because I have no concept of science. Which if what I'm saying above is true (that everything in science, all of it, is attributed to "God's work") may be hard for you accept that I actually have "no concept" of science. But also thinking, you'd know I surely do, and am just being stubborn based on THE CONCEPT THAT I CLEARLY DO HAVE about science (or in your case, God).
Okay.. Let me show you an example..
If I would have to define you the color Blue..
Its not something I can explain to someone who is blind.. true..
But I could describe it as a color that expresses what cold expresses to touch.
I Can say that Blue is a wave in a specific frequency that is being refracted from an object causing it to appear in a way that represents what we call Blue (Although you know this really isn't the object's color its actually the only color the object is not :0 )
From this point on.. (Although I assume there are some more ways to technically explain the color Blue).. Anything I say is subjective and has got nothing to do what Blue really is:
Nor does it explain the color in what you've already said above.
I Can say its a color that represents vast horizons and makes me feel happy.
I Can say its a color people connect Sadness with.
I Can sat Blue is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen..
none of this is something that will have any thing to do with what Blue really is.
So, because you don't have sufficient explanation, can we then say you have no concept of blue? That no one does?
Far from it.. I am not "Seeing" with my eyes.. my eyes are nothing but a lens and collection of complex NATURAL organs and mechanisms.
What you are really seeing with is your brain...
That's why your dreams might "Look" real but (I hope) you know you are not really seeing those things you dream of (Although I might add that at times I was sure glad if it was so )
I identify that I am seeing things in dreams the same way I "see" things in physical universe.
Fun fact: We actually ALWAYS see the PAST! the sun you are seeing in the sky is actually 8~ min younger than the actual sun because we are bound to the PHYSICAL realm where light takes time to travel from the object to our eyes and takes even longer for our brain to process what it is it is seeing.
If you claim that we don't really see with our physical eyes, How would you explain that we don't see ALL THING as they are right now in the exact moment they exist?
And why are people blind? Was a blind child taught to see only with his physical eye? Sounds to me you got that backwards...
I would note that physical eyes are not seeing and if there is desire for further discussion, I'd go from there.