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If Christ comes today, how do you know it is really Him?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The self, life and mesage of the chosen Messengers, are the ultimate proof God gives.

God says to us, take it or leave it, it is our choice.

"He hath but to deliver this clear message. Whosoever desireth, let him turn aside from this counsel and whosoever desireth let him choose the path to his Lord..."

Stay safe and happy CG, it appears great change may appear within years now.

Regards Tony
In the late 60's and early 70's lots of us expected great change... and there was. Young were marching for peace and equality for the different races and for woman.

That's when I first heard of the Baha'i Faith, and it seemed like it was the answer. Although, it ended up just being a "pilgrim note " or something, the "lesser" peace did seem like it would happen by the year 2000.

But there were several spiritual/religious movements back then. A new age sure seemed like it was on its way. Then things started to fizzle out.

With all the political turmoil in the U.S., something very big, as in being bad, could happen this next year. And environmental disasters are always going to be a concern. Yes, big changes could be on their way.

But I still have to wonder, do the disasters and the other "tribulations" of the end-times happen before the "Promised One" comes... or after he's been here and gone for over 100 years?

Other than the Baha'i Faith, is there any other religion that predicts the tribulations and bad times after the "Promised One" comes?


In the late 60's and early 70's lots of us expected great change... and there was. Young were marching for peace and equality for the different races and for woman.

That's when I first heard of the Baha'i Faith, and it seemed like it was the answer. Although, it ended up just being a "pilgrim note " or something, the "lesser" peace did seem like it would happen by the year 2000.

But there were several spiritual/religious movements back then. A new age sure seemed like it was on its way. Then things started to fizzle out.

With all the political turmoil in the U.S., something very big, as in being bad, could happen this next year. And environmental disasters are always going to be a concern. Yes, big changes could be on their way.

But I still have to wonder, do the disasters and the other "tribulations" of the end-times happen before the "Promised One" comes... or after he's been here and gone for over 100 years?

Other than the Baha'i Faith, is there any other religion that predicts the tribulations and bad times after the "Promised One" comes?
I've thought the same as I've learned more about the tenets of the Baha'i Faith. Being the 4th voice of the Abrahamic Religions, I assume that it follows the general expectations of Judaism and Christianity, and forgive me for not knowing Islam better, which call for the Messiah to ignite the Messianic Age. With Jesus's death, a return was made necessary. So now what? How does the original Abrahamic expectation of the World to Come get altered to hold true? Or does it?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I've thought the same as I've learned more about the tenets of the Baha'i Faith. Being the 4th voice of the Abrahamic Religions, I assume that it follows the general expectations of Judaism and Christianity, and forgive me for not knowing Islam better, which call for the Messiah to ignite the Messianic Age. With Jesus's death, a return was made necessary. So now what? How does the original Abrahamic expectation of the World to Come get altered to hold true? Or does it?
The little I know about it sounds like the idea of a coming "Messiah" came into Judaism at some point. Who knows what they believed before that.

With the Baha'i Faith, although Baha'u'llah doesn't talk about Hinduism and Buddhism very much if at all, those religions got added into the mix. They both had sects that had a promised return of a prophet that would come and make the world better.

I think Christianity is just concerned with their guy, Jesus, coming back. They don't want or need any other religion. And pretty much make all of them false religions except for Judaism, which they kind of replaced as God's "true" religion.

Then I the same as you about Islam. They have Jesus and a Mahdi coming back at the end-times. And it is out of Islam that the Baha'i Faith evolved.

Too many details to worry about, and a lot of Baha'is don't worry much about them. They believe their prophet is the "Promised One" and his teachings and religion has replaced, or updated, all the other ones.

What's important for Baha'is is to put into practice those teachings and create a "New World Order" where all people can live in peace and unity.

For me, those details are important. They claim all the prophecies of all the other religions have been fulfilled. I don't see it. They believe their teachings can bring peace and unity. And I ask them about those details also. How is it going to happen?

They expect all nations of the world to disarm. The say to elect a World Tribunal and have all nations abide by the decisions made by that Tribunal.

Little details like how they will enforce their laws. If they ever become the majority, will they outlaw drugs and alcohol? What will they do about all their moral laws? Will they outlaw prostitution, online porn, prosecute adulterers and fornicators? And what will they do about homosexuals?

Some religions had laws supposedly from God that had people killed for doing some of those things. It still didn't stop the behavior. So, do "God's" laws even work? And if they don't work, are they really "God's" laws, or just religious people's laws that they claim came from some God?

Anyway, I ask Baha'is about these kinds of things. And what can they do? They don't know. And that's the problem.


The little I know about it sounds like the idea of a coming "Messiah" came into Judaism at some point. Who knows what they believed before that.

With the Baha'i Faith, although Baha'u'llah doesn't talk about Hinduism and Buddhism very much if at all, those religions got added into the mix. They both had sects that had a promised return of a prophet that would come and make the world better.

I think Christianity is just concerned with their guy, Jesus, coming back. They don't want or need any other religion. And pretty much make all of them false religions except for Judaism, which they kind of replaced as God's "true" religion.

Then I the same as you about Islam. They have Jesus and a Mahdi coming back at the end-times. And it is out of Islam that the Baha'i Faith evolved.

Too many details to worry about, and a lot of Baha'is don't worry much about them. They believe their prophet is the "Promised One" and his teachings and religion has replaced, or updated, all the other ones.

What's important for Baha'is is to put into practice those teachings and create a "New World Order" where all people can live in peace and unity.

For me, those details are important. They claim all the prophecies of all the other religions have been fulfilled. I don't see it. They believe their teachings can bring peace and unity. And I ask them about those details also. How is it going to happen?

They expect all nations of the world to disarm. The say to elect a World Tribunal and have all nations abide by the decisions made by that Tribunal.

Little details like how they will enforce their laws. If they ever become the majority, will they outlaw drugs and alcohol? What will they do about all their moral laws? Will they outlaw prostitution, online porn, prosecute adulterers and fornicators? And what will they do about homosexuals?

Some religions had laws supposedly from God that had people killed for doing some of those things. It still didn't stop the behavior. So, do "God's" laws even work? And if they don't work, are they really "God's" laws, or just religious people's laws that they claim came from some God?

Anyway, I ask Baha'is about these kinds of things. And what can they do? They don't know. And that's the problem.
So basicly, if we use Abraham's religion as a foundation, the Messiah mystery continues with every 1500 years, or so, a new voice/prophet comes on the scene and reignites "the promise," but not the actually Age of transition. Is that how you see it as well. The "promise" has details added, but no action, yes?

Per the Baha'i Faith, now is the time to build the "new ark," yes?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
So basicly, if we use Abraham's religion as a foundation, the Messiah mystery continues with every 1500 years, or so, a new voice/prophet comes on the scene and reignites "the promise," but not the actually Age of transition. Is that how you see it as well. The "promise" has details added, but no action, yes?

Per the Baha'i Faith, now is the time to build the "new ark," yes?
I know the Baha'is believed that a new "manifestation" is sent approximately every 1000 years. I don't know if Abraham is their foundation, though.


Veteran Member
I've thought the same as I've learned more about the tenets of the Baha'i Faith. Being the 4th voice of the Abrahamic Religions, I assume that it follows the general expectations of Judaism and Christianity, and forgive me for not knowing Islam better, which call for the Messiah to ignite the Messianic Age. With Jesus's death, a return was made necessary. So now what? How does the original Abrahamic expectation of the World to Come get altered to hold true? Or does it?
Very interesting post ^ above ^
I can agree about Messiah (aka Jesus - Gen. 3:15) to ignite the Messianic Age (as described at 35th chapter of Isaiah )
Yes, a return was made necessary ( But Not a physical returning - John 14:19 )
Before Earth becomes a beautiful paradisical Earth as Eden was a sample, Jesus, as King of God's Kingdom, will take the needed action as found at Isaiah 11:3-4; Revelation 19:14-15 to bring an end to the wicked on Earth.

Abrahamic expectation of the World to Come (Genesis 22:18; 17:16; 21:12) is that all nations of Earth will be blessed
Blessed with coming Messianic Age ' healing ' for earth's nations - Rev. 22:2
'Healing for the nations' is a reason why we are all invited to ask God for Jesus to come ! - Rev. 22:20
Healing as described in the 35th chapter of Isaiah. No one will say, " I am sick......" - Isaiah 33:24
Even enemy death will cease to exist on Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26; Isaiah 25:8


Jesus in me
Of coure the great deciever is going to say many things right .. Propaganda is no good if the people listening know it is a lie .. and so a good propaganda network will tell mostly the Truth...

I always chuckle at the idea that some folks seem to have that Ha Satan is going to show up with Horns - Red Cape - and a Tail ... how silly right ? .. talk about underestimating one's enemy !
I recently had an encounter with the devil. He was flashing images before my open eyes. He didn't make a personal appearance though. He was very sneaky about it. That is the difference between demons and the devil. The devil is much more subtle while demons just attack head on.


Jesus in me
It is OK if it is your belief. It is not so for me and many others.
I believe you don't have to be a rocket scientist to recognize the truth in many cases. For instance Jesus says birds eat seeds. Anyone with a birdfeeder knows birds love to eat seeds.


Jesus in me
Mahdi or Christ in Bahai interpretation is one and the same "Spiritually".

The Bab was the Mahdi. Once He was martyred, then He was resurrected as Baha'u'llah, albeit Spiritually. Then, Baha'u'llah was that same Mahdi that the Bab was.
Likewise, there is only one Christ. When Jesus, the Christ was Martyred, He was resurrected as the Bab later. Then once the Bab was Martyred, He was resurrected as Baha'u'llah. I hope Bahai interpretation and understanding is now clear to you.
I believe that is quite confused and highly unlikely from what I read of the history of it.


Well-Known Member
I recently had an encounter with the devil. He was flashing images before my open eyes. He didn't make a personal appearance though. He was very sneaky about it. That is the difference between demons and the devil. The devil is much more subtle while demons just attack head on.

Not how Sataniel works friend .. :) good you understand the idea of that a God and deceiver par excellance .. is gonna be smarter than you.. and if you are on the target list for deception .. you would be deceived .. no ifs .. ands .. or buts .. absolutely Zero you would be able to do to prevent it .. a contest similar Eve in the Garden put in the ring against the Great Goddess of Wisdom .. that primordial Dragon herself and expected to come out with a win..

This you need not worry about .. "being targeted directly" as that is simply not how the Devil operates .. doesn't operate in a paradigm of "Good vs Evil" so much as one of chaos vs order .. separate ideas .. a separate reality from the simple "Bad guy vs Good Guy" illusion - delusion.

I had an encounter with God way back when I was Young .. and had a bout of the German Measles .. fever so high the skin was peeling off my John Thomas like a snake . could not get away from the heat .. went to sleep .. was in a cave .. a cool cave .. water dripping from the ceiling .. what a blessed thing to get away from the heat that had been kiling me .. went up to the light .. just as you are supposed to .. and eneded up in this surreal Salvador Dali world .. with an escort taking me to this spot -- call it God's Presence -- cause you didn't see any face lol .. just knew you had arrived .. was a voice in my head .. asked the question --- "You want to stay .. or go back" at which point you should be hearing the Clash song on that topic .. I chose to go back .. woke up fever was gone .. life resumed .. didn't really think about it much until years later .. but realized the experienced had changed me .. such that I did not have the same fear of what will happen after death that other folks normally have.


This you need not worry about .. "being targeted directly" as that is simply not how the Devil operates .. doesn't operate in a paradigm of "Good vs Evil" so much as one of chaos vs order .. separate ideas .. a separate reality from the simple "Bad guy vs Good Guy" illusion - delusion.
I get that. Excellent description by using chaos vs. order. Calm and patience is like a shield, IMO.


Be your own guru
I believe you don't have to be a rocket scientist to recognize the truth in many cases. For instance Jesus says birds eat seeds. Anyone with a birdfeeder knows birds love to eat seeds.
Yeah, the same with six commandments. One does not need to be a rocket scientists to know what is good and what is bad, God or no God. These are rules of all societies.


Jesus in me
Not how Sataniel works friend .. :) good you understand the idea of that a God and deceiver par excellance .. is gonna be smarter than you.. and if you are on the target list for deception .. you would be deceived .. no ifs .. ands .. or buts .. absolutely Zero you would be able to do to prevent it .. a contest similar Eve in the Garden put in the ring against the Great Goddess of Wisdom .. that primordial Dragon herself and expected to come out with a win..

This you need not worry about .. "being targeted directly" as that is simply not how the Devil operates .. doesn't operate in a paradigm of "Good vs Evil" so much as one of chaos vs order .. separate ideas .. a separate reality from the simple "Bad guy vs Good Guy" illusion - delusion.

I had an encounter with God way back when I was Young .. and had a bout of the German Measles .. fever so high the skin was peeling off my John Thomas like a snake . could not get away from the heat .. went to sleep .. was in a cave .. a cool cave .. water dripping from the ceiling .. what a blessed thing to get away from the heat that had been kiling me .. went up to the light .. just as you are supposed to .. and eneded up in this surreal Salvador Dali world .. with an escort taking me to this spot -- call it God's Presence -- cause you didn't see any face lol .. just knew you had arrived .. was a voice in my head .. asked the question --- "You want to stay .. or go back" at which point you should be hearing the Clash song on that topic .. I chose to go back .. woke up fever was gone .. life resumed .. didn't really think about it much until years later .. but realized the experienced had changed me .. such that I did not have the same fear of what will happen after death that other folks normally have.
I believe you have contradicted yourelf by saying the devil doesn't do it but He did it with Eve.


Jesus in me
Yeah, the same with six commandments. One does not need to be a rocket scientists to know what is good and what is bad, God or no God. These are rules of all societies.
I believe some are; some are not. Why does it seem right to murder a wife because the husband has died? BTW Christians don't do that. Then again why is it right to murder a child in its womb? True Christians wouldn't do that.


Well-Known Member
I believe you have contradicted yourelf by saying the devil doesn't do it but He did it with Eve.

The Wise Primordial Dragon-"Serpent" in the Garden is not the Devil .. nor is it Ha Satan. That much is clear -- that identity of the Wise Old Dragon in the Garden who gives Wisdom to humans .. somewhat less clear .. but is related to Sophia -- Goddess of Wisdom .. let us not ignore the divine female.. cause our Israelite friends sure didn't .. The books of Wisdom in Bible emanations of Sophia ... .. and lest we not forget the Queen of Heaven -- YHWH's consort .. worshiped alongside Lord YHWH .. along with daughter Anat who is quite a Character in This Holy Trinity.


Be your own guru
I believe some are; some are not. Why does it seem right to murder a wife because the husband has died? BTW Christians don't do that. Then again why is it right to murder a child in its womb? True Christians wouldn't do that.
Does Hinduism advocate that? As for sati, it was either to save oneself from marauders or grief because of loss of a partner. RigVeda advises just the opposite.

"Rise, come unto the world of life, O woman: come, he is lifeless by whose side thou liest.
Wifehood with this thy husband was thy portion, who took thy hand and wooed thee as a lover."
Rig Veda: Rig-Veda, Book 10: HYMN XVIII. Various Deities. (verse 8)