There really is no "x-pounds of carbons = y-increase in temperature." However, we do know that carbons do reflect reflected solar radiation (the greenhouse effect), and we do see the same general trend that has been since the Industrial Revolution, which is that the Earth has been warming since we have been pumping a ton of carbon into the environment, deforesting like crazy, and raising livestock on a scale never seen before. It's more of a "we see this happening at the same time we see this happening."
And, really, it's not just the climate but our general attitude towards the environment. We'll clear entire forests for shopping malls and resources to make things that won't last, we-humans-are responsible for the ongoing extinction (from over-hunting, exploding population, deforestation, and other reasons), we are changing entire ecosystems very rapidly and much quicker than what nature can keep up with, and we rape the land to extract resources and leave devastation in our wake. Really global warming/climate change is smaller part of our much larger problem (which is that we don't give a damn about the environment, the Earth, each other, or other living organisms).