Guy Threepwood
Mighty Pirate
A model of a communist family is one where division of labor is equal rather than gender-based, husbands do not get the majority power by default (nor do wives), and, obviously, China's one-kid policy has nothing to do with communism but the fact that they have a very large population. If Western families experience a reverse in trends, and the number of kids per family increases, such measures may become necessary here if the population gets too large.
That doesn't disprove global warming because the median Earth temperature is still increasing, and global warming does not predict that everywhere will warm, but rather that some will warm, some will cool, but the overall median for the whole planet will be going up, and it has been.
it disproves the whole melting ice caps - human caused sea level rise prediction- and in large any significant warming- which was largely dependent on the albedo effect of increasingly less ice and snow cover-
are there any other simulated catastrophes you were afraid of becoming real?