Rick O'Shez
Irishman bouncing off walls
I understand that there are no divinities generally in Buddhism, nor are there generally in Taoism, and the gods of Hinduism are merely aspects of Brahman. So in this sense Brahman represents the same as the Tao, or Nirvana.
No, it doesn't. Brahman and Tao are absolutes, Nirvana is not.
There is an important line in the Heart Sutra, "Attainment too is emptiness."
"Attainment" here refers to Nirvana/Nibbana, so enlightenment is also emptiness. It's emptiness all the way down, no absolutes.
This is what Runewolfs earlier quote about "emptiness of emptiness" was referring to of course. Look it up if you're interested.
On past experience there is really very little point in discussing this you. Like your tiresome new-age chum, you are clearly not in the least bit interested in what others have to say, all you want to do is proseyltize your snycretic views. Views to which you have obviously becoming very attached.
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