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If Evolution Were True


Intentionally Blank
Interesting, I don't remember any of Darwin's theory of evolution in my 6 years of College for Computer Science.
I'm confused. I thought you thought that science was a sham. But you spent six years studying it? Why would you spend six years studying a sham?
Not familiar with evolutionary algorithms then?

The point I was trying to make. :rolleyes: :D
Is what?


Seeking More Truth
I'm confused. I thought you thought that science was a sham. But you spent six years studying it? Why would you spend six years studying a sham?
Not familiar with evolutionary algorithms then?

I am, and you must be too, then tell me how the algorithms that life evolves by was created.

algorithm is a sequence of finite instructions?

Someone or something with intelligence had to come up with the algorithm for life.

It's like trying to say a computer made itself.

Lets just engage the Improbability Drive and see where we end up next.

God I hope it's 42! :D


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Propaganda of the most nauseating kind. Creationism is new? Since when? Controversial? To whom? Darwin directly challenged biblical creation "for the first time"? Battle lines??? Darwin's 'dangerous' idea??? The morbid, worrying music when creationists 'lose their battle', followed by the perky fiddle music when the creationists keep fighting???

This disgusts me. The pretense of journalistic objectivity in a video that positively reeks of every tactic of subconscious manipulation in the book.... Blech. You can keep those to yourself, thanks.

The journalist slant is irrelevant.

The findings of the courts and the evidence is what is relevant.


sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
So, if I understand you correctly, your position is that new species do arise, but...what? You talked a lot about what the Bible says, and that God magically poofed something into existence--apparently not species.
Obviously species. Apparently not the new species.

And I haven’t talked a lot about anything yet. This was to be about teaching me evolution not about Biblical perspectives. I don’t know why you’re trying to confuse the two (I have an evil surmising though). Yet you asked questions about what I believe and my being “courteous” enough to answer led to a bunny trail.
What then? God magically poofed…
…each genus into existence at some point (when?)..
The third, fifth and sixth days…
…and evolution takes place only within a genus, but then, for some reason stops at the genus line? Is that what you're saying? We get new species, but no new genera? Every genera has been here since its creation and every new species that has ever appeared is in one of those genera that has always been here? Is that what you're saying now?
Yes. I was saying it then too, you just weren’t aware of it.
O.K., some questions:
How does evolution know to stop at the genus line?
Evolution doesn’t “know” anything.
How did you decide on genus as the level/limit on change?
We have empirical proof of species change.
Why does evolution stop at that point?
I have to say that I haven’t thought that out but I would hazard an answer that the complexity of the change is the limit.
Did you know that most creationist psuedo-scientists do not define "kind" as genus, species, family, or any other recognized biological category?
I’m not surprised that science and Biblists have different modes. Would you seriously expect them to have the same ones?
The actual definition given by the "baraminology" (lol) group at AIG is virtually incomprehensible, but it's not genera. (I can find it if you're interested.)
Is this an example of your mockery of those who disagree with your standard belief and the courtesy that you extend them? “…creationist pseudo-scientists…baraminology (lol)” Or does your “courtesy” stop at just answering questions and not the tenor of your dialogue?
What is the evidence in favor of your hypothesis?
We have empirical evidence of only species change. Well, I suppose there have been instances where certain species were reclassified into another genus. Probably not the genus change we’re speaking of though.

Let’s say for a moment that genus change happens. It should be testable according to scientific method. We know that there are certain organisms that mutate quite readily and reproduce often. Take the Strepp virus as an example. There may be a better one, but, “dammit Jim I’m a sign painter not a biologist.” It should not be that difficult to induce circumstances that would cause a variation in Strepp’s basic make-up. With Strepp, it has already shown its ability to mutate by resisting penicillin. Next, isolate those few examples and repeat the process until a new species and eventually a new genus arise. It would seem to me that this would be both a possible and desirable experiment to “prove” macroevolution with empirical evidence. Has it been attempted?

Does this include the genus Homo?
Does what include Homo? Are you asking if the genus Homo has or can evolve? I actually suppose that’s Biblical in a sense. But we’re talking evolution (?) I suppose, in which case, the species included in Homo obviously evolve, according to my plan.
As for your question about relatedness among genera…
Did I ask a question about that?
…the strongest evidence is DNA. Do you see why that is?
Through DNA, we can actually calculate how closely related any two species are.
You say related, I say similar.
But it's important to remember that it's never just one piece of evidence. If something is truly scientifically supported, it's always by the totality of all the evidence. So it's the DNA, and the fossils, and the homological similarity, the geographical distribution, the pattern of vestigial structures--all of these are consistent and point in the same direction. That's what makes us confident that the conclusion is correct.
My rub here is that there are a mountain of options involved in verifying the ToE and when there are competing possibilities the one which points to the existing view is chosen because of the other “evidence” used to support it; evidence which is concluded in the same manner. It is the obvious sneer (which you previously exhibited) by the followers of the established norm that stifles alternate explanations or a unifying concept between atheistic thought and Biblical perspectives.

With that in mind let me put your statement in a different light. “So it's the DNA and what we assume about it, and/or the fossils and what we assume about them, and/or the homological similarity and what we assume about it, and/or the geographical distribution and what we assume about it, and/or the pattern of vestigial structures and what we assume about them -- all of these then seem to be consistent and appear to point in the same direction. That's what leads us to our conclusion.”

Now, since you like evidence, I’ll give you some. This comes from the field of abiogenesis but is indicative of the problem. It’s the Miller-Urey experiment that produced a couple of amino acids in a beaker. This was heralded as “proof” that amino acids could be generated upwardly from their precursors. What it failed to further correlate to this discovery was that the two greatest byproducts of this process were carbolic acid and tar. In large quantities. There is no geographical evidence of the amount of tar or carbolic acid that would have been produced by that process if it generated usable quantities of amino acids. Nor does it account for the other large majority of amino acids that are required. Nevertheless this is used to “prove” a necessary step in abiogenesis.

More evidence of science bias comes from physics. For a long time physicists wanted to believe in a static universe because an expanding universe pointed to a beginning. A beginning smacks of a creator and that was unacceptable. Incorrect models of the universe resulted. Einstein went so far as to conceive a “cosmological constant” out of thin air to satisfy his model.

The “Punctuated Equilibrium” theory scared Darwinists crapless for a while because it would have tossed the mechanism for evolution out the window.

I firmly believe there is a “common ancestry” of thought in the ToE community and a “gradual evolution” of original thought that is guided by the “natural selection pressures” of “artificial selection” that leads to their favored conclusions. I say that much of these types of conclusions are based on an amount of faith that science will never admit.

But you think I eat too much baloney.

If you're really interested, we could pick two closely related genera and see how all the evidence all adds up to demonstrate their relatedness.
Now we are getting back on topic. You pick your best example. I’ve asked for this a number of times. Hopefully it’s not rats. If you need help, perhaps elephants might be a good example.
For example, take the genus Mus, typical mice, and Rattus, typical rats. Would you agree that a house mouse is more like a brown rat than it is like a redwood tree? O.K., ToE says the reason for that is that they are both descended from a common rodent ancestor--that they are more closely related, and that explains their skeletal similarity, the similar appearance, similar internal organs, modes of reproduction and, most importantly, their extremely similar DNA. The DNA of redwood trees and house mice will have some similarity, but much less than that of a mouse and a rat. ToE explains and predicts all of this. Do you have any problem with any of that?
Only this, genetics says they are similar. The ToE says they are kissing cousins.

Say I wanted to create an hairy beast of my own. We can call it a VLR (very large rodent). I want it to have beady eyes, hair, a backbone, a skinny tail, etc (and look less like my Aunt Margaret and more like Angellous). The evidence, from genetic study, says that these structures must have certain genetics. For a simple analogy take the word “red.” It has three certain letters. I can change one and get “bed.” To get that specific word (structure or trait) I must use the correct letters (genetics). Now I could say I want a “maroon” rodent. Technically it’s red but I’ve used wholly different letters. Genetics allows for this. The wing of a bat is different than a wing for a sparrow. Therefore a red wood and a red mouse do not need the same genetics in order to be red. In creating my own mouse it would follow existing genetic machinations and therefore genetically resemble other existing mice and rats and not a tree (or Aunt Margaret). Unless of course I wanted my VLR to have leaves.

Perhaps it would satisfy science that God existed if every divisible part of my VLR just showed more uniquely VLR parts. Yet, it makes perfect sense that similar organisms have similar genetics (even though God spoke them into existence).

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
3.5 billion years is a very long time. Most species can reproduce in massive numbers every year, or even several times a year.

The slower reproducing, longer lived species tend to evolve rather slowly, and you will notice we don't have a great number of them.
1 out of every 4 mammals is a rodent for example. They breed quick (twice or more a year) with large litters and they grow up quickly to reproduce.
Elephants on the other hand, only have three species. They reproduce and grow slowly.

Naturally life has more species like rodents than elephants.

In saying that there wasn't enough time for evolution I was looking at long timelines for species change , mass extinctions in which some are believed to have wiped out 95% of existing species and an exremely slow beginning 3.5 bya. But unfortunately (at least for my theory) this doesn't seem to hold up. There seems to be fossil evidence of significantly shorter time frames, thousands intead of millions, which pretty much washes out my otherwise brilliant theory.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Not faith Sandy, observational hypotheses. Such as, we observe the movements of the planets and the earth, at one time these observations led us to the belief in a Geocentric Universe. Further study, contrary to biblical belief, led us to the discovery of a Solar centered system. The basis of evolution is discovery, no discovery yet has disproved evolution, only changed our understanding of it. We can no more "reproduce" evolution in a lab than we can "reproduce" the solar system. We can only observe and deduce the truth as information becomes available to us.
Of course your Faith can explain away any discoveries, or reject them altogether. Science is mutable, science changes as new discoveries are made.
If you reject the discoveries already made, no one here is going to be able to prove anything to you. You want absolute proof, there is none. Evolution is the accepted theory at this time. It would be up to you to disprove evolution using new discoveries that can be widely accepted by the scientific community.
You say tomato I say tomahto.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
fantôme profane;1463769 said:
Finding Darwin’s God. It is an excellent book. I think you will enjoy it.
I picked it up the other day. Amusingly I found a salvation trac inside that one of my Fundamentalist brothers must have put in it.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
When you were 5 years old, were you reading 300-page novels? I'm guessing not. I'm guessing you were reading books with big pictures that were about 20 pages long. Then all of a sudden in the next 7-8 years, you move on to reading 300-page novels with no pictures at all.

Once you have the basic building blocks, a process can go very quickly. The first step always takes a while, but once it's taken, things can really fly.
Actually it's probably more a product of environmental change.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
You are missing the obvious point. Who created God? Don`t embarass yourself by saying that "God transcends time" or "He has always existed". Step up to the plate and discuss the hard issues. Who cares how life evolved on Earth? Better to ask "what was the mechanism to allow life to evolve on earth?" WHO MADE god?
Bunny trail but why does He have to have a beginning?

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I picked it up the other day. Amusingly I found a salvation trac inside that one of my Fundamentalist brothers must have put in it.
That is funny. What are you going to do with that track? Are you going to put it back in the book when you return it?

I wonder if I should start slipping “evolutionary tracks” in creationist books.:biglaugh:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I wonder if we could rekindle the thirty years war by sneaking round to various churches and slipping Catholic tracts into the Protestant hymnals and vice versa? :sarcastic