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If Evolution Were True

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
In saying that there wasn't enough time for evolution I was looking at long timelines for species change , mass extinctions in which some are believed to have wiped out 95% of existing species and an exremely slow beginning 3.5 bya. But unfortunately (at least for my theory) this doesn't seem to hold up. There seems to be fossil evidence of significantly shorter time frames, thousands intead of millions, which pretty much washes out my otherwise brilliant theory.
Species changes have been observed to happen over less than hundreds of years... major changes between populations in less than twenty years. (changes in organ structure for example)
Some species can arrive very quickly, due to extreme isolation, genetic bottlenecks, high reproductive rates and quick sexual maturity.

All of these factors played a major role in the great Permian extinction event. (the roughly 95% you mentioned) Indeed we actually see an eventual boost in overall diversity afterwards.
It took several million years to recover to that point... but when we reach the Late Triassic we get two of the most important modern groups from it.
Dinosaurs and thus birds... and the first mammals.

Modern amphibian and reptile groups start showing up at this time too, as well as a host of other groups that would be major players until the K/T extinction. (pterosaurs, icthyosaurs and so on)

After the K/T extinction it took mammals tens of millions of years to start to recover and develop the diversity we see today. Indeed modern mammal groups like Carnivora (dog/cats) don't show up until almost halfway through the "age of mammals".

It's hard to tell this sort of thing with bacteria... they all sort of look alike. A billion years of species we can't identify because they look to much alike. Who knows, they too could have gone through major extinction events, but we could never really tell because we can't see it easily.
They could have been going gang-busters... all their diversity is genetic rather than in shapes.
And we don't have a way of getting their genetics. Bummer really.



Intentionally Blank
Doesn't that link evolutionary theory and computer science? For example, here's an interdisciplinary biology/computer science course.
and you must be too,
not particularly.
then tell me how the algorithms that life evolves by was created.
Don't know, but am willing to learn if you want me to.

algorithm is a sequence of finite instructions?

Someone or something with intelligence had to come up with the algorithm for life.
Why do you say that?

Remember, the map is not the territory. An analogy is not a thing. The fact that we can understand, for example, DNA as a set of instructions does not mean that someone wrote the instructions, just that they function that way.

It's like trying to say a computer made itself.
No, it's not. Computers don't reproduce. It's more like software that spawns variations of itself, which does exist.

Lets just engage the Improbability Drive and see where we end up next.
Only if you're very good at math and probability statistics. I'm not--are you?

God I hope it's 42! :D
But it is.
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Well-Known Member
Someone or something with intelligence had to come up with the algorithm for life.

Funny on a few levels but notably the argument that the someone or something is in fact immune to the very point your attempting to argue will make many people smack their knees or post an appropiate face palm or two.



Well-Known Member
No, I think you'd be a monkeys nephew.

Since we teach evolution in school and do not debate it there I would think you already know that humans are not decended from monkies.

I can only assume this is an attempt at humor. Haha, the earth is young and god created all species just as they are and evolution is a lie. Haha... :confused:


Resident Liberal Hippie
Sorry for the repost, but this is for Sandy, and all others who want to debate, but reject science.

If you reject the discoveries already made, no one here is going to be able to prove anything to you. You want absolute proof, there is none. Evolution is the accepted theory at this time. It would be up to you to disprove evolution using new discoveries that can be widely accepted by the scientific community.


Submit these discoveries to journals for review, get published, win the Nobel Prize for biology, then bring something new to the table.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Sorry for the repost, but this is for Sandy, and all others who want to debate, but reject science.

If you reject the discoveries already made, no one here is going to be able to prove anything to you. You want absolute proof, there is none. Evolution is the accepted theory at this time. It would be up to you to disprove evolution using new discoveries that can be widely accepted by the scientific community.


Submit these discoveries to journals for review, get published, win the Nobel Prize for biology, then bring something new to the table.

I agree. Simply stating that it isn't true or it's a sham means nothing unless one can show why it's false and so far NO ONE has been able to.


Seeking More Truth
Funny on a few levels but notably the argument that the someone or something is in fact immune to the very point your attempting to argue will make many people smack their knees or post an appropiate face palm or two.


I believe in...


Intentionally Blank
Obviously species. Apparently not the new species.
So God speaks a single species into existence, and it can give rise to new species. Can the new species give rise to further new species? And so on?

And I haven’t talked a lot about anything yet. This was to be about teaching me evolution not about Biblical perspectives. I don’t know why you’re trying to confuse the two (I have an evil surmising though). Yet you asked questions about what I believe and my being “courteous” enough to answer led to a bunny trail.
sandy said:
I believe the Bible says He spoke them into existance.
sandy said:
I think the best evidence is just to understand what the Bible says happens.
sandy said:
You say that science uses evidence to postulate possibilities. We who believe the Bible use the same methods.
I'm just responding to your posts, sandy. It's not me who keeps bringing up Biblical perspectives.

Well what would that look like? God says, "tiger," and a tiger magically appears, fully formed, right?

The third, fifth and sixth days…
Based on the Bible you don't want me to talk about?

And approximately when were these days?
Yes. I was saying it then too, you just weren’t aware of it.
Yes, contradictory statements can be confusing.

O.K., so for example God created the genus Panthera, and lions, tigers and leopards evolved from it? Is that what you're saying? God didn't create lions and tigers separately? But, for another example, thousands of different genera of beetles?

Evolution doesn’t “know” anything.
Exactly. So how or why does change stop at the genus level. If a species gives rise to a new species, and that one gives rise to a new species, and so on, why don't we get new genera, and how do you know?

We have empirical proof of species change.
Ding! And remember, that's what it's all about.

I have to say that I haven’t thought that out but I would hazard an answer that the complexity of the change is the limit.
So basically you have no idea about your central assertion?

I’m not surprised that science and Biblists have different modes. Would you seriously expect them to have the same ones?
That's not my point. My point is that you define a "kind" as a genus, while prominent creationists explicity deny that a "kind" is equivalent to a genus. I was wondering whether you were aware of that. I believe you are alone in asserting that God created the separate genera, and wondered how you came to that conclusion.

Is this an example of your mockery of those who disagree with your standard belief and the courtesy that you extend them? “…creationist pseudo-scientists…baraminology (lol)” Or does your “courtesy” stop at just answering questions and not the tenor of your dialogue?
I'm sorry, I'll be more accurate here. The charlatans and liars at AIG have come up with some incomprehensible babble which they cite as the definition for "kind." Would you like to hear it?

I will be happy to defend this characterization, if you like. AIG, like all creationist websites, is full of lies, distortion and misinformation. Calling them "psuedo-scientists" is too kind. They are not any kind of scientists, for the most part they are dentists, engineers and teachers, some of them with fake credentials. For example Ken Ham, the founder, has a "diploma in education" from the University of Queensland.

We have empirical evidence of only species change. Well, I suppose there have been instances where certain species were reclassified into another genus. Probably not the genus change we’re speaking of though.
You are mistaken. Would you like to review the evidence that supports the entire ToE theory that all life descended from a single one-celled ancestor?

In any case, that's not what I asked. I asked what empirical evidence supports your position that God "spoke" the various genera into existence, and species have evolved from them. Are you saying there isn't any?

btw, re: your earlier math questions, I found this interesting math at the famous Theobold page:

In 1983, Phillip Gingerich published a famous study analyzing 512 different observed rates of evolution (Gingerich 1983). The study centered on rates observed from three classes of data: (1) lab experiments, (2) historical colonization events, and (3) the fossil record. A useful measure of evolutionary rate is the darwin, which is defined as a change in an organism's character by a factor of e per million years (where e is the base of natural log). The average rate observed in the fossil record was 0.6 darwins; the fastest rate was 32 darwins. The latter is the most important number for comparison; rates of evolution observed in modern populations should be equal to or greater than this rate.
The average rate of evolution observed in historical colonization events in the wild was 370 darwins—over 10 times the required minimum rate. In fact, the fastest rate found in colonization events was 80,000 darwins, or 2500 times the required rate. Observed rates of evolution in lab experiments are even more impressive, averaging 60,000 darwins and as high as 200,000 darwins (or over 6000 times the required rate).
A more recent paper evaluating the evolutionary rate in guppies in the wild found rates ranging from 4000 to 45,000 darwins (Reznick 1997). Note that a sustained rate of "only" 400 darwins is sufficient to transform a mouse into an elephant in a mere 10,000 years (Gingerich 1983).

Does what include Homo? Are you asking if the genus Homo has or can evolve? I actually suppose that’s Biblical in a sense. But we’re talking evolution (?) I suppose, in which case, the species included in Homo obviously evolve, according to my plan.
So God created the genus Homo, and the various species of hominids, including Homo sapiens sapiens, evolved from that? That God did not create Man as a separate kind?

to be continued...

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
You presume to much.

All I'm trying to say is I trust science, religion, and politics all about the same.

No one on this site has ever claimed that mankind has all the answers. Quite the contrary - science is the never ending search for a description of our natural world. It is YOU that presumes to much - far to much.

Your last statement says it all - you are (effectively) unable to differentiate between science, religion, and politics, in terms of validity. I'm not sure that I've ever seen a more gleeful, open admission of self imposed ignorance.


Seeking More Truth
No one on this site has ever claimed that mankind has all the answers. Quite the contrary - science is the never ending search for a description of our natural world. It is YOU that presumes to much - far to much.

Your last statement says it all - you are (effectively) unable to differentiate between science, religion, and politics, in terms of validity. I'm not sure that I've ever seen a more gleeful, open admission of self imposed ignorance.

Fallibilism, Logical Holism, and Underdetermination.

These don't make me ignorant, they make me accept only that witch can be proven 100%.
At lease in the end I can say I think for myself and I am not the tool of another mans ideals.

I found truth in life, because I am, and I was, but I don't know if I will be.



Intentionally Blank
Fallibilism, Logical Holism, and Underdetermination.

These don't make me ignorant, they make me accept only that witch can be proven 100%.
So basically you reject all of science, all religion, all history...what do you accept?
At lease in the end I can say I think for myself and I am not the tool of another mans ideals.

I found truth in life, because I am, and I was, but I don't know if I will be.
So you're an agnostic then?


Active Member
God, is this still pushing on? There is no question (no reasonable one at least, I mean, we could all be living in the Matrix, couldn't we? or we could all be dreaming this in a more advanced dream than we dream in this current dream-world) about the validity of evolution. Evolution is a fact, not a theory - it is solely the undermining by its opposers (a bunch of religious people) that keeps it in the closet. Read up on it, it's all there on Wikipedia, and in every University library. Evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (If you have some time, the Wikipedia line of articles is a really interesting read, go explore it!)