there is proof. but we have to do the work. If you want to prove, beyond a doubt, that a surgical procedure is effective, you can take the time, study in college and medical school and become a surgeon. And then, when you engage that surgical procedure, you will have direct proof.
The religious analogy, according to the monastic community, is to engage prayer and religious disciplines at the level of a monastic...all day long, for years and years.
And that process, over time, allows one to understand the truth and proof.
But why would God necessarily allow proof of his existence, merely through some academic debate that could take only 5 minutes? Is it His responsibility, somehow, to make it that easy?
as far as proof goes?
The Vatican science council literally has hundreds of members who are Nobel Prize Winners in science.
A number of the greatest scientific minds in history believe in God.
That would include Ben Franklin, Isaac Newton, Nikolai Tesla and Albert Einstein.
And a book came out about 15 years ago, which studied belief in the scientific community. That book concluded that belief in God in the scientific community is about the same as the general public.
So. If science itself, as a discipline, easily dismissed belief in God and religion, you would only have a few fringe scientists who believed in God.
And, you have to remember, those folks are like us. They have gone through the same thoughts we have. How can you reconcile God’s existence with all the endless suffering.
They went through all the doubts and criticisms and their conclusions are that God exists.
Then, you have professional scientific studies that have confirmed the medical benefits of acupuncture, Hatha Yoga, and hypnotism. All those disciplines were created through spiritual experience and intuition, not through science. Yet science holds them as valid. So, that goes to some credence to the spiritual practices being able to produce proveable results.
And there have also been extensive scientific studies proving ESP.
And, whether they will admit it publicly or not, law enforcement has been using psychics in investigations for decades. And, for thousands of years, royal courts used psychics.
So, that is some evidence that science and faith are not in conflict.