Hey again, thanks for the discussion.
The Christian bible is a collection of religious texts. As I'm sure you know. As such they should be read from a religious perspective. That is, like Revelations. Some verses give these Revelations a historical perspective, some are allegorical and some like the book of Revelations are Revelatory/prophetic books which must be interpreted in the context of the other books.
Though many of the events depicted may lend themselves to actual scientific validation, as in archeological finds, paleography, philology etc. Many of the verses are Revelations. That is they don't lend themselves well to scientific analysis. That is where faith comes in. That isn't to say that Revelatory statements cannot be invalidated scientifically. Scripture says your faith must be a rational faith. It must be internally coherent and not create contradiction and its analysis must take into consideration, context, syntaxes of the language used, cultural considerations, the literary devices being used to present it and the various texts should be cohesive with each other.
The Christian bible is a device of perpetual religious study. It is not a once and done and I know it all since it is about the unfolding of history itself. Past, present, and future.
My post was not an interpretation. It is a statement of how Christianity views the way Jesus communicated. I was presenting an explanatory statement to your post.
Geeze....you address what some people say and specifically those people who got it wrong and are in the minority of Christian understanding. Those people are not simply thought to be implicitly wrong, they are shown to be explicitly wrong from scripture. That's not interpretation. That's even scientifically provable. Would you condemn all of science because some scientists are proven wrong?
They are to the religious, dependent on why you say they are important and what you say they prove true biblically.
If the majority of the people that you interact with advocating for the bible are telling you that we can predict the time of the end and return of Christ then I would say to you to get out of that cherry tree and expand your views and studies of Christianity a bit further because they are wrong.
Fair enough. All of those points have plausible solutions. The scriptures can be quite confusing to those who merely glance its way. However only a stupid person would think they know without making the effort to find out. I will assume you're not stupid so must have reasoned your way to a solid conclusion.
Like I said, the scriptures are books to be studied and contemplated with a sincerity for evolving understanding and the seeking of truth. As any endeavor should be.
I think it would be more productive for me to ask you why you believe those points above are irreconcilable with truth?
What makes you think Jesus couldn't have a genealogy traced to David through Joseph? There is more than one plausible answer to the apparent genealogical discrepancies given in the bible concerning Jesus. As far as I'm concerned plausibility renders impossibility a non sequitur.
Who do you think Jesus was talking to in Mark 16:14-18? I think you've jumped way too fast to your conclusions here.
Where in scripture did Jesus say anger is a sin? Where in the bible?
What makes you think the Easter stories are irreconcilable between the Gospels? They are conceptual reenactments not literal to every detail.
Really? This sticks out as bothersome to you about the bible? Isaac's time of death was nearing. He was old, frail, and blind. I've worked as a maintenance man in a nursing home and can attest to the fact that elderly people nearing death often have a change in sensory impressions. Including their interpretation of touch. You seem to be getting hung up on the details of the text and missed the meaning's couched in the story itself. The book needs to be read by the light of its religious connotations.
Yeah smack full of contradictions.
Now this is just my personal impression but its been my experience that those who point out these so called contradictions simply refuse to acknowledge the plausibility of the solutions given to such apparent contradictions. Whatever suits you. Again you must keep in mind, the bible is primarily and foremost a religious text. If you don't believe the Christian God exists then you certainly won't understand much of what the bible has to say because of lack of empirical evidence - the revelation part.
This quote might be familiar to you - it is apt here I think...
“For I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand. For this also I believe-that unless I believe I shall not understand.” St. Anselm
Faith and hope in the Christian religious revelations start there. It is a world view that begins
in ones nature and seeks to be sated in reality not contradict reality. As scripture says, we should supplement our faith with reason. It is this need in many people that has kept these kinds of discussions going strong for thousands of years. Why is it stronger in some? I can only offer - In a none believers language. - what science can...theoretical suppositions. Or I can offer what scripture offers as revelation - some were born for the day of destruction. The light has faded in them to the point of their own damnation.
I'm happy to discuss what can be rationalized to a plausible solution about the bible but don't expect absolute proof where none can be given due to a lack of evidential detail. As I shouldn't expect absolute disproof from you because you won't accept a plausible explanation.
If you would take the time to study the bible, you would see that scripture says we should expect to see false prophets, wolves among the sheep, and those that are led astray? Your listing people, not the essential Christian tenets.
Of course this begs the question...How do we know we're not being led astray? Short answer, we often don't. One can only study scripture, contemplate Gods revelations, and above all else be sincere in seeking the truth. Sincerity is more important than understanding but when/if you come to an understanding one shouldn't let ones fidelity to a belief trump ones sincerity for seeking truth.
Have as nice a day as you can.