Well, whether it is regarded as speculation or not has no bearing on my dealings with Humanistheart. In any case, there isn't anything to defend against Humanistheart. He isn't making any valid arguments. The issue is trying to get him to understand what I am saying. It has come to the point where the most reasonable conclusion seems to be his troll status.
I don't think he'll ever understand, I'm afraid.
The thing is, there are no holes in the analogies if their intended uses are understood. I can't force Humanistheart to understand. However, I don't think he truly lacks the capacity to understand.
I really don't know if he does or not. He's clearly intelligent. ^_^
Obviously, you and I have different perspectives on Sastra. And my approach doesn't rely on Sastra. I just mentioned Sastra to try and explain how this isn't necessarily me speculating on the matter. I assumed that since your title has "Vaisnava" in it that that meant you put value in Sastra beyond considering it as speculation.
Vaisnava-Saivite. I only put that as a demonstration that I believe Visnu and Siva are One, and as a brief way of stating my beliefs that all gods and goddesses are One Supreme God in different aspects. I actually don't follow the philosophy of Sri Caitanya.
My take on the Sastras is that they are guidelines written by the Sages: many for specific times and cultures (such as many hymns of the Rig, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva Vedas), others which are more universal(such as the Upanishads). The speculations really only arise with regards to trying to define the metaphysical/supernatural.
Thanks for the advice, but I am discussing God in a thread topic that presumes God. I think this is reasonable.
Very well.
If you think you have a better way to explain the soul's dependence on God, then please contribute. I may or may not agree with your explanation. I have explained it so many times in so many ways and Humanistheart just insists that the only possible dependence can come from being caused or created by something else. He thinks I need some extraneous reason for the soul's dependence on God as if God being the highest perfection and reservoir of all ability, bliss, knowledge, etc. isn't enough. In fact, the proof of Humanistheart's trollhood is found in the fact that when I mention this about God, he goes off on a tangent to try and argue that God isn't the reservoir of bliss since God-believing countries have more problems.
Yeah, that is a fairly weak argument, considering the actual state of "religion" in many countries these days.
He seems to be asking why a soul is dependent on God. To which I was thinking: why are our bodies dependent on, say, food? Why are infants dependent on the mother? (Or other external caregiver?)
Dependency does exist in the real world.
I don't know if I can offer you a better way to explain the soul's dependency on God, as I don't follow the same philosophy on God and souls as you do, nor have I studied that philosophy in depth.