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If I Could Prove God, I Couldn't Call It "Faith".


Premium Member
People are always saying "You can't prove God" and they are right. But then, if you really think about it, if you could prove God, then you couldn't call what you have "faith".

And I think I have more of a faith than a religion- Religion is full of rituals and things.

I am not sure this discussion can go on very long, but it was just a thought. And I always appreciate any replies I get from threads I start.


Treasure Hunter
That's true. But would you be happier if you could prove God, so that you could show everyone that you're right and so that you'd know 100% sure that he/she/it is really there? Or do you like having faith instead of 100% certainty?


Premium Member
That's true. But would you be happier if you could prove God, so that you could show everyone that you're right and so that you'd know 100% sure that he/she/it is really there? Or do you like having faith instead of 100% certainty?

That is an excellent question! I just don't know how I would feel if someone was able to prove God exists or not. They could prove God exists and God could turn out to be not at all what I expected- which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. I suppose maybe if God was proven, then maybe I would feel better about the whole thing, and at least no one would call me irrational anymore ;)


New Member
"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Luke 11:9-10


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I am not a huge fan of 'faith'. Faith is not truth, it is simply trusting. You could have faith in anything, it doesn't make it true. I'd rather know God than make a decision to believe in God's existence without good reason. Fortunately, the Yoga system allows one to come to know God.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Faith is something that I find both pragmatically useful and religiously valuable. But it is not meant to be used as proof of anything. That would be just silly.

On the contrary, faith implies that acceptance that one may be wrong and is ready to accept such a risk. It is the conscious choice to accept a bet that we may well lose, out of love or out of dedication instead of out blind certainty.

Why someone would seek faith in God, that I don't really know. That is a weird thing to have faith in, for we can't vouch for God, nor is there a point in taking risks in his behalf.


New Member
You can undeniably know God in Christianity also. You step out in faith and then God reveals himself to you.


Admiral Obvious
People are always saying "You can't prove God" and they are right. But then, if you really think about it, if you could prove God, then you couldn't call what you have "faith".

And I think I have more of a faith than a religion- Religion is full of rituals and things.

I am not sure this discussion can go on very long, but it was just a thought. And I always appreciate any replies I get from threads I start.
You gotta point.
But I have to wonder why faith is so much better than proof.


everything i am
You can undeniably know God in Christianity also. You step out in faith and then God reveals himself to you.

Obviously you can't see him, because then there would be undeniable evidence of his existance. Mentally, I can see what you mean. But you are what you believe. You step out in faith and you reveal yourself.
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Well-Known Member
People are always saying "You can't prove God" and they are right. But then, if you really think about it, if you could prove God, then you couldn't call what you have "faith".

And I think I have more of a faith than a religion- Religion is full of rituals and things.

I am not sure this discussion can go on very long, but it was just a thought. And I always appreciate any replies I get from threads I start.

Which god are you talking about, there are many.:sleep:


Left Hand Path
People are always saying "You can't prove God" and they are right. But then, if you really think about it, if you could prove God, then you couldn't call what you have "faith".

And I think I have more of a faith than a religion- Religion is full of rituals and things.

I am not sure this discussion can go on very long, but it was just a thought. And I always appreciate any replies I get from threads I start.

Well why should anyone else need prove if you believe? What does your believe matter to others, as long as your perception is not forced down upon others.

But sure, God exists, within your mind.

But isn't faith of religion?

And if God was proven to exist, then the faith he demands would be obsolete, since faith is believing in something without evidence of it's existence. And faith is what God demands...right?

But you know there is so many Gods out there...I find it hard to hold a faith for something that is just a creation of the mind.


Left Hand Path
For me, trust isn't a part of my faith, hope is. Hopefully, more truth will come to me in one way or another, and to you too - and to everyone.

Hope, faith, same thing. Ohhh I'll give a guy my credit card and hope he doesn't ruin my life! How useless...what truth? You really think life is enigmatic?


Well really any practice lets you get to know 'God' as 'God' is a being that only dwells within the minds that believe in 'God'. Hence you get closer to him...simple. Anyone can get closer with 'God' as long as you acknowledge your conscience and speak with yourself.


People are always saying "You can't prove God" and they are right. But then, if you really think about it, if you could prove God, then you couldn't call what you have "faith".

And I think I have more of a faith than a religion- Religion is full of rituals and things.

I am not sure this discussion can go on very long, but it was just a thought. And I always appreciate any replies I get from threads I start.
You can prove medical science exists.

When my son was born 3 months pre-mature I put all my "faith" in medical science for his survival. He's doing great now.

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
You can prove medical science exists.

When my son was born 3 months pre-mature I put all my "faith" in medical science for his survival. He's doing great now.

Yeah, I tend to agree with averageJOE . . . or, at least, I think I do.

Simply having certain knowledge of something's existence doesn't mean you aren't acting on faith when you place your trust in it.

In other words, to get back around to the OP, just because I am certain of God's existence, that doesn't mean I have faith in God.

I believe the U.S. Congress exists, but I will tell you right now, I no longer have any faith whatsoever in our Congressional Leaders. I don't believe they are looking out for the country's best interest. I believe them all, each and every single one, to be self-serving above everything else. And if there is one or two in Congress who aren't totally self-serving, then I believe they are delusional and misguided to take part in a system that is completely dysfunctional. I know for certain that Congress exists. Yet, I have absolutely no faith in it at all.

Just because a person is certain God exists, doesn't mean that person will place their faith in God, will adhere to God's instructions, will rely on God, will place no other deities before God, will love and respect God, etc.

As a matter of fact, I will tell you right now something else, if it were proven to me beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever that the God of Jerry Falwell, Pat Baker and George W. Bush really does exists--you know, the God who told the former president to invade the Middle East and to implement tax law that overwhelmingly benefits the wealthy to the detriment of the poor--if that God really does exists, not only would I place no faith in him, I would actively campaign to have him stripped of his divinity.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
You can prove medical science exists.

When my son was born 3 months pre-mature I put all my "faith" in medical science for his survival. He's doing great now.

This illustrates the two types/levels of faith well, and also why there seems to be so much confusion regarding the word faith.

You put your faith (trust) in medical science, but don't require faith (unsubstantiated belief) that it exists.

Gods and other supernatural phenomenon require the first type of faith (unsubstantiated belief) in order to be able to place the second type of faith (trust) in it.
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Left Hand Path
This illustrates the two types/levels of faith well, and also why there seems to be so much confusion regarding the word faith.

You put in your faith (trust) in medical science, but don't require faith (unsubstantiated belief) that it exists.

Gods and other supernatural phenomenon require the first type of faith (unsubstantiated belief) in order to be able to place the second type of faith (trust) in it.

Point well made.


Well-Known Member
Well really any practice lets you get to know 'God' as 'God' is a being that only dwells within the minds that believe in 'God'. Hence you get closer to him...simple. Anyone can get closer with 'God' as long as you acknowledge your conscience and speak with yourself.

It's impossible to prove that a god-like being doesn't exist.

what truth? You really think life is enigmatic?

Mystery will always be a part of life. All kinds of truth. For instance, reality is eternal. Many people don't know or understand this, and yet this truth can open many doors for them.